24 July, 2006

*137 - one of those days

You know how some days start off pleasantly (or as pleasantly as waking up to the alarm can get) and everything seems fine and dandy, and then one little itty bitty thing happens and makes you slightly upset but it's gone in a second, but then another itty bitty thing happens, and another, and another and another and another, until every itty bitty thing that wouldn't normally affect you seems like a MASSIVE catastrophe, until you completely lose it and feel as though the entire world is against you and KABOOM you overreact and slump out of school by yourself just so you can spend some alone time away from anything and everything that could potentially hurt you, when actually the only thing that's harming you is yourself, yes, your own stubborn selfish silly self.

Yeah. Today seemed like one of those days.

But at least it's all okay now. (: And everything shall be a-okay.

The one thing that has scared me into studying was my sister who mentioned, in passing, "Are you studying? It's about time you went into Panic Mode, you know." And since the sister knows best,
