30 January, 2011

*956 - if only

This is what I would do if I were home right now.

(After I have fulfilled my duties as long-lost friend, daughter, and sibling, of course.)

I would stuff a handful of moneys in my bikini and kayak my ass to a little hammock under a tree looking out into natural gorgeousness on a little Indonesian island, sustain myself with fresh caught fish and stingray that I spear with a sharpened wooden stick a la Bear Grylls, use my moneys to purchase a large bottle of water (hydration is key in these parts of the world) and a larger bottle of Gewurztraminer, and get a nice, reasonable tan while shutting myself away from the rest of the world and thinking lovely thoughts of love joy peace and bunnies and cupcakes and steamed broccoli (mmm) and contemporary art and yellow primroses and purple irises and breeeeeeaaaaathe my very best ujjayi (ocean) breath and then let go of all the uglies in my mind, in my heart, in my life.

And then I might take the ferry back home.

*955 - an assortment

What Blackberries are good for: spur of the moment photos, when G12 feels too unwieldy. In other words, the only form of photographic evidence of my life as of late.

The one thing that has been consuming my life in the past few weeks: snow, and a lot of it. Snow and I are no longer friends, because of the damage it is done to my car, my wallet, and my inner peace. Snow storms mean two-laned streets that become 1.5-laned, unparkable snowed in parking spots, getting stuck for hours on ice with wheels whirring and tires burning, a lot of shoveling, getting towed and having to pay $150 to get my car back, getting the front of my poor little bug broken by the towing company, slippery roads and swerving cars, frostbite within 3 minutes of being in the open, soggy toes and salty boots, running ankle deep in icy slush and sliding uncontrollably down icy slopes, the need to scrape off the car in the mornings and shiver for the next 10 minutes while driving, an inclination to be a hermit and not have to face the cold, a general grossness and discomfort all around.

Ok, that turned into quite the rant. Well. I do admit. Snow can be pretty. Sometimes. It was a lot more enjoyable when I didn't have a car.


These are the best burgers in the world: handmade by Evelyn. Thick, juicy, a hint of thyme to surprise your palate, crispy bacon, melted cheese, lots of fresh veggies. Mmm.

Kid's night involved wheel-shaped pasta in cheesy goodness next to a bevy of t-rex's and stegosauruses fighting it out, chicken nugget style, on Spongebob plates. Also on the menu were s'mores goldfish, chocolate pudding, caramel pudding, fudgesicles, mini swiss cake rolls, chocolate chip waffles, juice boxes, Disney movies, and a couple of stiff drinks. Obviously, my diet needs some working on.

Last but not least, this is possibly the third cat I have endeared myself to in my life. I have not quite learned the nuances of winning over his love, but I do know that he is more affectionate by day than by night, and he does like a good eyeball rub together with the customary chin scratch. Purrrr.

23 January, 2011

*954 - give thanks

So, let’s do this: give thanks for as many things as you can type in ninety seconds. Who knows what my brain will come up with? Here we go.

Love, God, sunshine on icy days, cute boots and scarves and winter coats, good hair days, rose-scented hand soap, smiles and dimples, pasta and prosciutto, asparagus and squash and eggplant, pretty red nails and ridiculous pink toenails, smiley family photo on my coffee table, wonderful work buddies, long emails and happy texts, hot chai tea, lots of wine, ...

It kind of ended on an anticlimactic note (I guess I should have tried to end with a bang as I saw the seconds ticking to a zero), but there you go. This is what I am thankful for, at this precise moment, in ninety seconds.


17 January, 2011

*953 - cultural difference

You can look at it from two angles.

One, intrigue. Poo versus pew and baNAHnas and toMAHtoes, tales of an exotic land and places never seen, confirmation and disconfirmation of stereotypes, discovery of the bizarre little things that seem shocking to one but are just another very ordinary fact of life to the other.

Two, contradiction. Different upbringing, different values, different interactions, different taste buds, different habits, different experiences, different outlooks. The question is, are those differences reconcilable or even worth reconciling?

Stereotypical as it is, that is perhaps why birds of a feather tend to flock together. Embrace what is comfortable and tried-and-tested, or venture out into what could be more exciting and eye-opening? I say a bit of both.

What I would give to re-live my college life with the knowledge that I have now.

16 January, 2011

*952 - just wonderin'

If I were a man and grew out my beard, would I have a magnificent, full-bodied crop, or would I have sparse, scraggly hairs on my chin?

I am guessing the latter, seeing how the hair on my head is fine (as in, thin) and far from voluminous.

Just a passing thought.

15 January, 2011

*951 - post-Christmas fancy dinner

Perhaps the most involved fancy-schmancy dinner I have cooked from scratch. Everything turned out to be more delicious than expected. Mmm!


Soup in the making

First course: Spiced Thai peanut soup

Second course: Kaddo (Butternut squash baked in cinnamon and brown sugar, served with a tomato meat sauce and garlic yogurt)

Third course: Salmon lemon risotto with asparagus

Fourth course: Fresh berry trifle

09 January, 2011

*950 - heritage

Ultimately, the ones who were raised with you in the same culture and churned through the same machine called "Singaporean Education" tend to end up being the ones with the deepest connections. 'Twas a lovely week with a visiting friend, and am sad to face the reality of Real Life Away From Home again.

03 January, 2011

*949 - i like them runny

I've thought about this many a time, and I think this is how it goes, vaguely at least (favourite first): poached (preferably Benedict), soft-boiled (Asian style), and then omelette (though this comes in so many variations, it could rank first or last, depending) or scrambled or sunny side up or even tamago. Hard-boiled rarely features.

Whatever it is, I pick runny yolks.

A terrific Christmas present: a cheery yellow egg poacher!

Which produces the most ridiculously perfectly circular poached eggs that smile at you.

Bacon and eggs--classic, oh so good, oh so bad.

To continue with the egg theme: innocuous-looking French toast ...

... but do not be deceived! They are actually the teeniest little cheese-stuffed pumpernickel French toasts, even smaller than your palm! Or mine, at least.


Goodbyes are the most painful.
When and how and why?
If or maybe or never?
It hurts.

*948 - 2011

A new year, a fresh start.