30 October, 2006

*222 - answer!

Bingo! It's a freshly bathed Winfrey! (Remember Winfrey? She came over to stay again for a while.)

She put up such a fight in the bathtub, and leapt out of it halfway in panic. Heroic me caught her in mid-air and sustained numerous deep welts on my arms.

Her nose is still dirty though ):

Love it when rabbits stand on their hind legs and scrub at their faces with their paws (: Winfrey's drying off. SO CUTE MANZZ.


Oh yes, thank you for all the encouragement & advice regarding the interview, it was really sweet to get all the little SMSes in my inbox! And xY of course (: (FYI, I really did go with black and white hehe) It's nice to know people care!

The interview was fun, the interviewer was a very very nice friendly man, the view was great (45th floor leh!) and it's a big load off my chest, except now I need to write a thank you letter, Tubby help? Haha!

Like Daddy SMSed from New York after I told him about the interview: "Brilliant! What's left is to ace your A levels." HAHA. Sounds so simple.


What happened to my hiatus?!

28 October, 2006

*221 - guessing game

Now, what could this frightful spiky lump be? :D

26 October, 2006

*220 - Birthday Boy again

Justin's birthday dinner last night with the ruggers at Seoul Garden (: 'Twas quite pleasant being back there, because 2 years ago at the same place on the same occasion but at a different time (after O levels) was when I met many of the ruggers for the very first time! My most vivid memory happens to be of Arjun fishing out his Geography paper and beginning a discussion, whereupon I joined in. (Two years later, and he fishes out his Bio notes during the dinner. Arjun has not changed much :D)

Quote of the night by Arjun: "Justin, stop pelting me with your sperm!"

Justin's "sperm" was actually little round colourful jelly things with skinny tails, that looked like giant sperm. And Justin, being Justin, was shooting them out of his straw at Arjun.

(Arjun holding a pink sperm.)

We ended up with 2 cakes that night (well, one was a brownie) thanks to Just (: and because Sheryl Jessica and I snuck out to buy one on the pretext of going to the loo. The funny waiter was secretly hiding behind the drinks helping us light the candles, and he occasionally peeked out to grin or to give us thumbs up. Haha!

(See the waiter emerging from behind the drinks? Justin still blissfully unaware.)

Birthday song! Birthday Boy looks a little embarrassed teehee.

And the customary making a wish and blowing out candles in one breath - except not all the candles went out which elicited a rather vulgar exclamation from Birthday Boy heh heh which kinda ruined the happy little video that Just was taking.

All in all, dinner was surprisingly civilised, with nothing damaged, no one harmed, and no cake in Justin's face. (:

Oh and in case anyone was speculating (but of course they were haha!) Justin and I were walking through that dark little pathway because we were heading for the bus stop and not for some other reason, and Ilman can bear witness to us being there waiting for the bus because he appeared soon after (: We took the short cut I think, that's why we got there first.


In other news, my interview is on Monday. I know this should be the least of my worries but WHAT THE HECK DO I WEAR. I hope I don't do anything terribly embarrassing like get hiccups or break the chair or fart or something omg. Senior vice president AHH I think I'm going to pass out.


In other other news, I feel like going on a partial hiatus, so I probably won't be blogging too much until December, and just so you won't forget what I look at, here's a particularly flattering (and toothy) shot of Justin's mouth and I:


25 October, 2006

*219 - WSM

I feel sorry for the poor girl. I can't remember but she might have been in my class in Sec 1 or 2. (HAHA so lou pok right, but we all mingled within the four classes to the point that with regards to certain people I can't really remember who was in which class.)

Sure, her comments were abrasive but it's really quite sad seeing that they were, as her daddy put, "the rantings of an 18 year old among friends" posted on a "private blog". I don't think it's wrong to disagree with a blogger's views and voice your opinions on their blog, but I do think it's extremely nasty to attack her on a very personal level instead of attacking merely her comments.

I want to say more but I shall reserve my comments to myself. Think before blogging, I guess, it's a dangerous world out here on the Internet.

Suffice to say, I think it's okay to start a heated (and relevant) debate, but not if it veers off into the uncivilised.

24 October, 2006

*218 - interview

Assigned interviewers:
1 - Not in Singapore
2 - Not contactable (Assistant Director of STB!!)
3 - Not contactable
4 - In the midst of contacting (Senior V President of GIC!!)

Seems like the hotel school alumnus often turn out to be big shots, huh? Not the waitresses or bellboys someone less informed may imagine them to be, looking at the name of the course. Haha but yeah I'm kidding (:

I don't think they can possibly get it wrong four times right, so Tubby, this means I need the book soon! (Btw Tubby, want me to change your tagboard for you? :P)

23 October, 2006

*217 - sedentary no more!

In the car on the way home from Joel's work place, after being picked up from school (poor chauffeur Daddy!), I was lamenting about how I'm fat and lazy and haven't jogged in ages.

That led to the 3 of us agreeing that the best thing to do was for me to quickly rip off my skirt (got shorts underneath lah!) and I was then unceremoniously plonked out of the car along a random stretch of road, with instructions to "follow the main road and you'll soon realise where you are" and "bring your handphone in case you get lost".

Followed the main road, and soon realised where I was! Turns out that I was only a 20 minute jog from home (:

Arrived home to chicken with herbs (it's pronounced with a silent "h" by the way) and cheesy fish soup (sounds strange I know but I love it) and a hunk of bread, which seemed like an adequate reward for my being adventurous and, well, not sedentary anymore! Healthy, active lifestyle, hoho! :D

(Although it probably won't last past today, I suspect.)

22 October, 2006

*216 - SUBMITTED!!

My completed application had been sitting pretty much stagnant online for the past week or so. It was becoming quite an obsession - turn on the computer, take a look at my application, tweak a minor word or two.

Realised that it was due in little more than a week.

Decided, tonight, that it was about time to click the little 'submit' button.

Screamed my lungs out (with mum standing nervously beside me) as I submitted the application. Wreaked havoc in the house with my screams, Daddy rushed up asking what the commotion was about, Joel burst in to scold me for making so much noise and quickly paid the US$70 application fee to shut me up.

It's so ... final. This completely freaks me out. I can't believe my application is zooming electronically to Cornell at this moment. WHAT IF THEY READ IT AND CHUCK IT STRAIGHTAWAY.

Ok, breathe. (:

5 minutes later and I'm still trembly and panicky. I think I'm such a drama queen sometimes, haha.

Breathe again. (:


But really, there's nothing left to do but to leave it in His hands. I know my chances are so so so slim, everyone's been telling me not to get my hopes up too high, I know I have many other options, and while I know for a fact that there is a huge possibility that I won't get the place because it's so terribly competitive and prestigious, there's still that teensy little ray of hope I'm clutching on to, and I know very well that I'm going to be so so so crushed if I am rejected. Talking to Jerm some time ago reminded me once again how difficult it is to put everything in His hands and believe that no matter what the outcome, it is His plan, and His plan is to prosper and not to harm me, so what may seem devastating initially will ultimately lead to a more beautiful future for me. It's easy to know all that but when The Time comes and your dreams seem to shatter to pieces around your feet it's not easy to believe that He's going to piece everything back together again perfectly and make it bigger and better and brighter than before.


Whew long paragraph.

Oh, but I must thank all the darlings who have been encouraging me so much so far. THANK YOU FRIENDS <3


And to Shib and Sandhya: Don't say until like that lah so paiseh hahaha not gorges not gorges! But thank you for being sweet :D And Shib, remember GOURMET NETWORK?? Haha! We must revive that after the exams!! (Excessive punctuation means I'm excited!!)

21 October, 2006

*215 - Elisa and Evelyn

In case you hadn't already noticed, Elisa & Evelyn are on a hiatus ): She's got her bar exam, I've got my A levels. Boohoo ):

We decided that a little entertainment for the still-frequent visitors of our site would be good, so we took some photos on the way out for dinner. Planned glamour shoot soon turned into a "let's do quirky faces" shoot instead, and in the end we struggled to find a good, normal photo out of the gazillions we took.

Seems like I ruined every other photo with a face like that, while unaware Elisa posed happily.

And this is my favourite. I can't even put a name to my expression - it's not quite shock, or terror, or joy - I've never seen myself look quite like that before hahaha.

We don't look like sisters, do we?


Randomly put up the photos, with no explanations, under News. Haha!

20 October, 2006

*214 - chocolate lava cake

Small cake only has space for one candle! Not in the middle, because the candle would sink into the gooey centre. One candle stands for one year older and not one year old!

Half eaten.

Sushi buffet after that!

I must have sung the birthday song about 5 times and said Happy Birthday a few hundred times more throughout the day, but here it is again:


And since xY called me a "freak show" I must live up to my name and end off with nice ugly photos (:

Uh, happy early Halloween! Hahaha.

19 October, 2006

*213 - animated evelyn!

Hello watch Evelyn in action!

To explain: Justin's sister has a new funky camera. Justin discovered the multi-shot mode, planted the camera on the kitchen table, and told me to smile. (I was at the microwave tending to his cake.)

And the camera took a series of shots of unsuspecting me, within about 10 seconds. Watch as I discover slowly what the heck was happening:

(May take a while to load!)

My thought process: Uh ... Uhhhh ... What?! ... The camera's still going?! ... Photo! ... Must pose for photo! ... Ok enough ... NOOO.

More about today, some other day. (: Meanwhile - GO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUSTIN! :D :D :D

18 October, 2006

*212 - happy birthday!

You're 18 today, birthday boy (:

17 October, 2006

*211 - pickuptruck

He was a decently nice chap I guess, but his pick-up lines made me laugh secretly to myself.

(In the bus.)

Booming male voice: HEY.
Me: -awoken from my sweet slumber- Uh? -stupid look on face-
Him: Turn around turn around stay there don't move.
Me: -turns around in shock- Uh?
And then suddenly, wild swatting at my hair!
Me: -turns back to him in shock- Wha?
Him: There was a spider on your hair. (earnestly) Could be poisonous, you know.

(A while later.)

Him: Erm, what's the time?
Me: -rummages around for very long to find handphone in bag- Oh it's 3.20 ...
Him: WHAT? -instinctively dives for HIS handphone in his bag but stops himself in time- Oh no, I think I'm late blahblah.
And then I noticed he was wearing a watch.


16 October, 2006

*210 - prom solutions

Ok, no need tailor already, thanks people (:

15 October, 2006

*209 - prom problems


Jon: Boys will be boys! But what on earth do guys wear to prom? I mean, there are so many different types of dresses and shoes, but pants and shirts can't be extremely unique!
Sandhya: MIRACLE. Show me show me!!
xY: Sew for me? (: Buying new dress more fun lah, but -perhaps- ... I rather like my Sec 4 dress anyway, it's different (:
Sheryl: Yup I've been obsessively checking Asos but their dresses seem a little too casual! Their sales are great though! (The burgundy dress is BCBG in case you want! And because I know you can afford hehe!)
mane: Is it very expensive? Any recommendations where to find good tailors? I shall consider! :D (By the way, do I know you?)


[edit again]

Thanks to mane, I'm now considering custom-making! Unfortunately I'm pretty clueless about this, so if anyone has any recommendations of where to find a good and affordable tailor (by my standards, affordable means less than $200 or I might as well not tailor), please please please let me know! Thank you very much (:


It seems to be the trend to discuss prom dresses on blogs nowadays, so I shall hop onto the bandwagon. Realising that if I want to order online I better hurry up, but I don't really know where to begin. (Online is risky but it means I don't have to move an inch, apart from clickety-clicking my mouse :D ) If all else fails, I'll buy one right after A's and risk wearing the same stuff as a handful of other girls.

My conditions for a prom dress are simple.

1. Shorter, girlier and younger works better for me than the classic long, elegant and princessy. (Because I'm neither slim nor tall.)
2. Avoid black.
3. Avoid Daniel Yam. (Sorry if you're getting one, their dresses are elegant but not unique and not quite my type!)
4. Ridiculously cheap, please! Eg. Less than $100 would be terrific.

Disappointingly, I have found many dresses that fulfil my first two requirements but of course not the last. Hahaha check out the prices:

I mean, sure I could use my savings and all, but I personally don't see the point in splurging so much money on something you're probably going to wear once. Or splurging on anything, really. Cheapo talking here! :D (Banana should agree haha.)

Oh prom, prom. Such a hassle. Most unfortunately, the narcissist in me (that I try to suppress in vain) refuses to ignore the triviality of looking decently good during prom. Gah.

14 October, 2006

*208 - mutants


11 October, 2006

*207 - part two

I think Miss Wu really saved me from an untimely death today. (Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating too much.) But looking back, God really blesses me, He put the exact person in the exact place at the exact time for me. One lift later and I wouldn't have met her along the way. Stammering "thank you" was all I could muster at that time but it really isn't adequate. I shall pass a message from Joel to her I think, the next time they have Bible study haha.


So, had a chat with Ms Lim about my crisis today, who hasn't heard any complaints from her about me since day one until now, so she guesses that it's a matter of being swamped with recommendation requests and all. That could be the case, I suppose, and somewhat understandably, except something's bugging me - it's only MY recommendation that she's majorly stressed up about. She made it a point to be extra loud in her praises and good lucks and encouragement to other people while I was waiting for my turn, even though their forms were in huge messes and everything was wrong (no return address, etc), which made my address mistake seem a little minor in comparison. Smiley, good-natured, earnest, gracious, the way a teacher normally acts.

She turns to me, black clouds descend thunder rolls lightning strikes, and heated scolding commences. At least she didn't really shout this time. (Cannot shout in staff room lah.)

I was trying my best to be respectful and humble and said sorry sorry sorry, looked suitably upset, and everything. I mean, I really was.

A bad recommendation would have to be backed up with evidence, and for the life of me I can't think of anything majorly bad she can truthfully write in there. I know for a fact that she had always liked me because I pay attention in class, I do all my work, I get the A's, I have friendly little chats with her whenever I meet her along the corridors, I respect her as a teacher. If I really did something grievously wrong, I must be blind not to have noticed.

Or maybe she will write, like what she was ranting about, "very troublesome and inconsiderate - enjoys bothering me for recommendations". Or "Extremely careless student - gave me the wrong address for this envelope." Haha! No I'm just kidding. Anyone sane would realise that that speaks volumes more about the teacher than the student.

But I still wish I knew what on earth I did to completely transform myself from pet student to most-hated-student-who-must-be-punished-with-extreme-malice.


Really pray that God will remove anything that's bothering her or stressing her out, and give her the generosity and kindness of heart to write a good recommendation for every single student. And that I will be able to let go, not bear grudges, and leave it in His hands.

10 October, 2006

*206 - C*** fan, hoho.


A big thank you to everybody who asked if I was ok, whether through a phone call or SMS or online. Or the tagboard in Syuan's case haha. Really appreciate it (: I'm fine, I'm just puzzled cos I haven't figured out what crime I could possibly have committed unknowingly to incur such wrath. Going to talk to Ms Lim if I can today, and then I'll look for her, and see what happens lah.


Teachers shouldn't be allowed to terrorise their students like that.

So damn upset today.

I don't know why she's so furious at me. I really don't know what I did. It can't be just because I got the address wrong and requested for the envelope to paste the correct address over, right?

Maybe I talked too loudly in class on the last day of school while she was having her consultation sessions. But even that minor little offence doesn't warrant a reaction like that. A complete change of expression from giggly and happy to sullen and pissed off the moment she saw me. Couldn't even face me to talk to me. Which meant I couldn't hear what she was mumbling about towards the opposite direction, which forced me to say "Sorry?", which resulted in her yelling at me, in the canteen.

I was so shocked and upset after that that I had a crisis in the handicap toilet while Justin paced outside for more than half an hour (poor, poor boy). And so we missed Chem revision lecture, whoops.

Subconsciously noticed that when I cry, I am unglam to the max. Everything turns red and swollen, even my lips, which is quite a mystery. I mean, I understand that my eyes and nose get red and swollen. But my lips??

Whoops, out of point. Anyway.

Looked for her "after her lunch" as instructed (or more accurately, as yelled at). Nobody picked up the phone. Sent random teachers in to check if she was there. They came out saying she was busy. Stayed till evening just trying to contact her. At the end, finally got through her phone, and someone else informed me that she had gone home.

Thank you very much.

I'm just worried that she'll write me a bad recommendation. Teacher's evaluations are so damn important in US universities, especially in those where everybody who's applying gets 4A's and 2D's and what sets you apart from the rest is your essays and your teachers' essays. It's so easy for her to tick, tick, tick in the wrong columns and jeopardise any chance I have of getting into any US university.

Suggestions, anyone? Bribe her with earrings? (Actually maybe I really should make for her and Ms Lim! Won't that be nice? :D ) Switch referee?

I guess I just have to leave it in God's hands. Mummy just came in to pray for me after I ranted and raved over dinner. (And brought along the "there can be miracles" song for me to listen to, so cute hehehe <3) I'll try my best to be nice to her despite this, and try my best to believe that under the nasty exterior she still has a generous heart. God works miracles, whether I am to get into any university or not, it is His will, and if I don't get accepted, it just means that there's something better out there waiting for me. I'm in good hands, I know.

I mean, I know it, but it's hard to remember sometimes.


(Everybody, please pray with me that she doesn't blog surf and find this. Hehe! I'm not so much angry, but more perplexed, and upset that I might have a bad recommendation from her. If I don't get into a university, I want to be rejected because they honestly don't need me, not because of a bad reference. I want to be her pet student (haha) again because I don't want to leave a bitter taste in her mouth forever, but right now it is more urgent that I get a good recommendation from her, and that's why I'm harping on it so much.)


In other news, completely dumped one of my essays and rewrote another on a completely different topic. The previous one made me cringe, and that's never a good sign.


Wah so scary. Daddy just said to tell him what happens when I go talk to her tomorrow, and if anything really really bad happens he'll go have a chat with his pal, Winston. Heh heh. But don't worry it won't come to that lah. She's actually pretty nice if you're in her good books! Which means she's fully capable of being kind.

Nice, democratic me.

08 October, 2006

*205 - 26

We ate so much today, it's really kinda gross. First stop: NYDC. Deliberated on the menu for ages before settling on sharing a "Big O Cheesecake". Oooh.

Worked backwards from there and hopped next door to Crystal Jade for our main course! Shared a monstrous bowl of la mian and my favourite xiao long baos. Exceedingly salty, but very yummy anyway (:

(Doesn't he look rather husband-ish in the 1st photo? :D Like how my Daddy scoops food for my Mummy!)

Went for service, ended up sitting on the cushions at the back! Pastor Prince was continuing his series of sermons on divine strength and youthfulness. The story of Sarah is really quite amazing. Imagine kings wanting you for their harem because you're stunningly beautiful, when you're 90 years old! Wow.

Justin was unusually peckish today so after service we had Yami Yoghurt with granola, it's always granola because that's my favourite (: AND chicken cheese sticks from Burger King, gosh. Consoled myself by squishing them between serviettes and watching the oil ooze out.

Oh yes, while checking out some shoes I discovered the ugliest platform slippers ever. On sale at $10 - it's no wonder that they're on sale, who would ever buy these at $40?! In fact, even if you offered them to me free, I wouldn't dream of wearing them.

In case you can't tell, they're hefty chunks of black rubber with pink polkadots and lines and thick black plastic straps. Actually, they look interestingly funky here but in real, they're quite awful.

The second photo came as a surprise - I'm still (a tad) shorter than Justin in those slippers!! Seems like he's taller than I thought. I suspect I have the impression that he's very very VERY short, because of the primary school days when he used to be perhaps a head shorter than me. Hehehe shortie :D But it's okay, it doesn't matter :D And at least he's taller now!

And I shall end here. Hoorah for abrupt endings :D

07 October, 2006

*204 - the **********s are killing us

Air quality index in Singapore reached an all time high of 130 yesterday, apparently. Kept catching whiffs of barbeque, but it always turned out to be the haze. On hindsight, remaining sluggish at home might have been even healthier than exercising - gulping down lungfuls of smoky air didn't feel too great.

Consequences: Pounding headache, itchy eyes, and very possibly, decreased life expectancy. Huff puff cough wheeze.

Anyway, today's a special day, the haze ain't gonna spoil it, and thank you xY for always remembering <3

06 October, 2006

*203 - last day of school

Last official day of school today. I'm going to miss a number of people, but to be honest, I'm happier than anything else. Anyway it's not as though we won't see each other ever again. Tata to 6 am mornings and struggling to stay awake in school!!

Just wrote down a couple of paragraphs but the sensitivity of the issues has made me delete them. Perhaps to sum it up: J1 kinda sucked for me, J2 was better. Definitely more happy moments with the class this year as I found some closer buddies, but the memories of certain events certainly don't thrill me. The immaturity, cruelty, deceit and cunning manipulation I've uncovered here, not referring to 1 person/incident in particular but a few, not just referring to the class but elsewhere as well, have really shocked me. I've met characters I never thought could really exist. One would have thought that 18 year olds were more principled and decent than that.

But I'm feeling pretty cheery today though, so I shan't dwell on that too much for now.

Anyway, last day of school = photo time! I've been carrying my camera around in my bag mainly because I've been forgetting to take it out, but it did come in handy today (:

Class photos with Ms Lim! To think how we all used to shake in our shoes (and long skirts) at the mention of her name. Now I wish I were as sound-minded and experienced as her in dealing with difficult situations, and I think it's great how she shows she really cares for us without turning into the overly-friendly-and-bulliable type.

And with the girls (:

After Mr Koh very kindly let us off more than an hour early, we trooped to the watermelon steps to take photos. Noone was around to help us so we placed the cameras onto the ledge, set them on timer, clicked, and FLEW down the entire flight of stairs and SPRINTED onto the field and stood there screaming and waving for a while.

Well, this was the result.

So, we decided to aim nearer and turned the cameras around to point towards the Sports Hall instead. Flew down the stairs and sprinted again, together with the other girls who joined us. And yay! It worked this time!

Then Matheus turned up and saved our lives. (: Thanks Mr Photographer!

After all the sprinting and jumping in the sun, most of us were sweaty and dishevelled, and that was enough exercise for me for the day. (Haha.)

Don't we all look so happy (:

Ask me for the original photos if you want! (:

05 October, 2006

*202 - bimbo talk

Gabrielle, Huiwen and I have resolved to speak standard English from now on, to prevent sounding like bimbos during interviews. Cultivating good habits, hurhur! So if you hear us use Singlish or superfluous words such as "like" "y'know" and "as in", please tell us.

As in, we can't, like, afford to appear bimbotic during the interviews, which are, y'know, terribly important.

04 October, 2006

*201 - essayysss

Now that I'm half-done with my early decision application, I'm taking a look at the other universities I'm applying to, and to my utmost horror I have three more essays to write. Just when I thought I was done.

Less than a month to complete the Cornell application.


03 October, 2006

*200 - bloopbloop

Making 8 Dreamcatchers in a row tonight, plus 6 a few days ago, has not been easy on my fingers. They do look pretty when put together though (: Too bad I've sold the some away or I would have a lovely mountain of them, in all the available colours! Oh well.

It's pretty cute thinking back with Elisa on our beginning days (not too long ago really!) when Emmie, our very first pair, was a major achievement for us. We would never have conceptualized such complicated twirly wurlies at that time for sure. And now business is booming, so much so that we have to declare a 1 month hiatus soon - A levels for me, bar exams for her. Business offers (some sound enticing but others, hmm; can't really trust anyone with a name in sTiCkY cApS to be very professional) have to be turned down, sadly, and our intended bazaar postponed. Oh well. After November we shall go on a crazy earring making spree to make up for it all (:

Bought the classmates gourmet (haha, or so Candy Empire claims) snowflake chocolates the other day because chocolates make people happy in general. (Sorry Gabrielle.) Unfortunately the bag never got back to me so I didn't get to try one, but I heard they were pretty nice so yay!

Got Justin a fish-shaped chocolate because I thought it was funny. Elisa looks at it and rolls her eyes saying "he has to be special doesn't he?" OF COURSE :D Haha! Anyway I chose the fish because it was so strange and who the heck buys fish-shaped chocolates?! The heart-shaped ones might be more typically romantic but, yo, fish chocolates are cool man.

Fish face! (: And they actually have scales and stuff, ooo.

The boyfriend's birthday coming up soon, everyone be nice to him. Hehehe.

*199 - jitterbugsing at last (:

Silly friends who refuse to tag with your URLs! Hehe but it's okay, I can actually find most of you again. (:

Angel and I just did something evil (does anyone see the irony in that statement?), I'm feeling bad, but slightly only. Hehehe.

So, Prelim results have pretty much been finalized, even if I fight for the couple of marks for Bio tomorrow (the only motivation for going to school) I would never jump a grade (I just want a higher B in case they moderate). And my parents are so cutely pleased with my grades. SMSes because Mummy was in Malaysia and I couldn't resist SMSing Daddy my Physics marks (he loves Physics and he knows I have problems with it).

Daddy: "That's fantastic! Well done."

Mummy: "Wow, u were so worried about physics. Well done. God honours yr hard work. I thank our god 4 his goodness."

Cute right? (: They rarely say anything about my results, so yeah. Pretty happy. (: God's grace, like I always say, because it's always true! I wouldn't have survived the one week of intensive studying where I covered every single topic in record time otherwise. Praise God. (:


Yesterday was a fabulous day, because Maddy and I took 2 consecutive dance classes! Jazz and Lyrical Jazz. Terrific! Except that we had to go through the warm ups twice, which was torturous. Easily did about 200 crunches, with legs in varying positions (bent, straight above, in center splits, etc), and a million painfully slow leg raises. And push ups and blah blah. At the end of it all, our stomach muscles were trembling so badly that we looked as though we were having seizures on the floor more than we were doing crunches. And the choreography was great this time round (:

Felt wonderful to be sweating after weeks of leading a sedentary lifestyle, and of course dancing makes me happy, so happy that I was reduced to a weak giggly babbling mess after that. Thank goodness Maddy tolerates me well. Hehehe.

Shared a cab and reached home by 11 pm. And I conclude it wasn't a good idea to be out late on a school night because today my eyebags have drooped practically to my cheeks and I've been swinging wildly throughout the day between bubbly and irritated/stony. Aching like crazy today, with a bruise along my spine from too many crunches, but I've endured worse.

And if you can't tell, I've really, really missed dancing.


Mummy just came in and suggested that I go to sleep because I look really tired. Wow, when was the last time I napped? Actually, maybe last week. But I don't often. So. Must obey my mother. Must go to sleep now. Yesss.

01 October, 2006

*198 - new computer

OMG I JUST NEARLY DIED but it's okay I'm alive and kicking now.

-heart thumps-

I lost my username to log on to Blogger and was frantic with worry for a while, before I realized I could actually request for it to be sent to my email. PHEW. Anyway the reason why I forgot it is because I got a new computer! (: So all the cookies are lost and blahblah. Obviously haven't manually signed in since, um, I can't remember how many years ago!

Anyway. I'm not in tune with technology and gadgets and stuff, so I don't know if the new computer's good or not, but it certainly is prettier than the old one. Nice big flat screen! (: Although the little silver speakers do seem kind of incongruous.

Transferring files from here to there is quite a hassle, but it brings back a lot of nostalgia.

Looked through all my movies - rediscovered the prom queen competition thingy, the OG fun, the gym concert preparation, etc etc.

Read through all the documents in a mysterious folder labeled "Misc". Rediscovered:
- the Silly Exam I made in Rosyth back then when Janice Heng was my best friend,
- the Cinderella series that Mel Tan, Jingwen and I wrote also in primary school,
- the short story about Itsy-Bitsy land that my sister wrote and I continued when I was 12, and back to my sister and then me when I was 14, and is still unfinished because we were supposed to wait a few years before commencing again,
- MSN convos from a certain period in Sec 4 that brought me back down that ever bumpy and painful road of "What The Hell Was I Thinking" (I wonder if you still read this),
and lots of other stuff.

In fact, I'm so hypersensitive now from a few things that happened today, on top of the trauma from nearly losing my blog, plus the nostalgia, that I could just begin weeping right now.

Anyway, to everyone who tags, and even to people who do not normally tag, can you PLEASEpleasePLEASE leave your URLs behind, because I forgot to save my favourites or history! No need paiseh, I like to read all your blogs. Yup, that would be great, thanks (: