21 December, 2014

*1322 - siesta

In the past month and a half, I have:
- Traveled to Hawaii for a week
- Hosted a lovely guest in SF
- Traveled to Japan for two weeks
- Hosted another lovely guest in SF
- Traveled to Boston for almost a week

While I wholeheartedly enjoyed all of the above, I'm exhausted.

And hyper-stressed at work, unfortunately.  The straw that broke me on Thursday night was discovering a data error in an already-delivered report, which saw me sobbing at my computer with a pit in my stomach and then calling up my manager's personal cell at 9 PM to freak out.  No, my reaction was not warranted, one typically does not call up a VP of a company at 9 PM on their personal cell, but I was on edge.

And sick.

But so glad to be back in SF.

Today was, perhaps oddly to the outsider, the perfect day that the introvert in me was craving badly.  Thanks to being germy, therefore unfit for human interaction, today was the first day I recall spending in solitude in ... months.  It involved an intense amount of nose-blowing, a great deal of ginger/lemon/honey/tea-making, some porridge-creation, waking and napping cuddles with Poka, online shopping, looking at pretty girls in pretty clothes, a bit of laundry, and watching of a documentary and a movie.  I don't believe I've curled up and watched anything by myself in my apartment in ... more than just months.  I've certainly never done it in this apartment, since I moved in March.  It's just not something I ever have the time to do.

I realize the above sounds pretty miserable, but to me, that was the perfect day of emotional recovery that I needed.  Off to bed now, coughing and unable to breathe normally, but feeling much more at peace.