07 January, 2015

*1325 - wish upon a star

My first ever shooting star, and I forgot to make a wish.  

This picture is grainy but it's representative of our view of the first meteor shower of 2015: minimal.  Cloud cover + bright moon + alluring SF city lights (when you are at the top of a hill overlooking the city at night, it's hard to resist the urge to take a peek at the expense of blinding yourself for the next ten minutes) + various intoxications + did I mention the clouds?  But what devastating conditions that made for such a brilliant time under the barely-stars!


Sunday, Jan 4, after a weird 7 hour nap post 7 am bedtime: a milestone, a first, a surprisingly comfortable and therefore terrifying reveal of some things I keep so close to my heart.  But with clarity comes confusion.  With confidence comes doubt. With openness comes shielding.  With joy comes restraint.  But that's ok, that's human, we're human.  We are all on a spectrum of opposites.

06 January, 2015

*1324 - 2015

I don't usually make resolutions but this year shall be a year of glitz and glitter and starbursts and sunbeams and rainbows and roses and moonlight and magic and I resolve to be a unicorn in ALL senses of the word.  Yes, because there are SO many senses of the word, clearly!

*1323 - what gets you really upset?

Many things, but a big one is a sweeping generalization.  People say stereotypes exist for a reason but that doesn't give you the right to assert your assumptions.  Even the well-intentioned sometimes rile me up: an earnest attempt to prove your acceptance of homosexuality to me, for instance, by bragging about your token "gay friend" only goes to annoy me because a friend is a friend is a friend so keep your friend's sexuality and your embarrassing shallow-mindedness to yourself.  It's not that I actively reject knowing about your friends' sexuality; the point is that you don't need to wave a label over their heads when it's irrelevant to the situation.