25 July, 2009

*739 - the bob

So, I did the unthinkable: I cut my hair into a bob. Think short SHORT hair that doesn't even touch my (figurative) collar.

I love it :)

Last time I had short hair was when I was ... what ... 8?

I figured it was about time for a change.

In my hairstyle, in my life.


21 July, 2009

*738 - onetwothreefourfivesix

Vanilla yanyan. Perhaps the next best thing after strawberry hello panda/yanyan/pocky.

("Snail. Snail mail?" my yanyan asks.)

One: Thank God for friends. I just need a few close ones, the ones I call up or cry to when I'm upset, the ones I let my hair down with. You know who you are. :)

("Fox. Beware of lies," Yanyan warns.)

Two: I'm jaded and spoiled. Things were pure when we were young. An "I love you" meant "I love you and I will do anything for you because all I need is to know you are happy". An "I love you" now might mean something like "I love you and I want you to be happy but there are some things I cannot sacrifice and there are some things that I am unwilling to give up and there are some things you will have to change before I can accept you fully". Maybe I'm a little more aloof now, a little more independent, a little more concerned about my life, a little more strong-willed, a little more stubborn, a little more practical, a little less open, a little less tolerant, a little less starry-eyed. But I still trust that God has the perfect person in mind for me, and when I meet him, it'll work.

("Owl. Active at night." ;) Mmm yeah.)

Three: Salsa. Yum.

Four: I don't want to go back to school. Summer break seems like life on hold. Going back means the inevitable - having to think seriously about the future instead of just living in the moment. Honestly, I'm terrified.

("Rhinoceros. Think big." ;) Mmm yeah.)

Five: If there's one thing I've learned from my internship, it is that there's a specific percentage of supposedly intelligent and high-flying people in the workplace who are idiots. It's statistically proven. Another learning point - what might be strengths in America may well be frowned upon in Asia.

Six: Too many late nights in a row. But I'm still young and I figure if there's a right time to be partying it up, it's about now ;)

20 July, 2009

19 July, 2009

*736 - splash

Note to self: Always remember to take things slow. It never pays to take the plunge before you are ready to swim. Glug glug glug. Why do I never learn?

12 July, 2009

*735 - currypok

Not the typically-shaped, deep-fried sort but a fluffier, healthier (baked) variety. Yums.

08 July, 2009

*734 - bud

Part of me crumbles a little at the thought of, yet again, wrenching my roots out from the comforts and delights of home; home is where the family is, home is where the love is, home is where you are. That same part crumbles at the thought of forcing my roots back into the rocky insecurities of my life abroad, where one wilts easily and become sallow with frustration and loneliness and doubt and hurt.

Yet each time I leave home, a part of me unfurls to meet the rays in the eyes, knowing that that's where I may do a hoppity skippity bounce step whenever I so choose, where I may coat my sallow leaves with emerald paint, where the field is bigger and brighter and high, high above the sand and the birds and the rain and the clouds.

07 July, 2009

*733 - not even a significant day but.

"You are awesome!"
"So are you!"

Here's to eleven years of friendship and counting :D

*732 - i'll save the last dance for you

You can dance every dance with the guy
Who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight
You can smile every smile for the man
Who held your hand 'neath the pale moon light
But don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darling save the last dance for me

05 July, 2009

*731 - nine at the table ...

... and seven in the car.

(The granny looks so unperturbed!)


Last night, I slept 11.5 hours, woke up for lunch, went back to sleep for 4 more hours, headed out for dinner, and now I'm back and ready to sleep again. I hope I have repaid all my sleep debt from the last week ...

But all the zombie-ness experienced during the week is more than worth it, and I wouldn't trade a minute of the late nights and 2 am phone calls for anything.
