31 August, 2009

*749 - cheers

If only I could turn back time and relive my college experience! So many wasted months, so many missed opportunities, too much time spent on broken hearts, too little time doing what's important to me. But there will never be a rewind button (and there shouldn't be) so let's bring it on and live it up, aww yeah!

21 August, 2009

15 August, 2009

*747 - boeing

(The post number was a just happy coincidence!)

Whoooosh ... I AM FLYING!!

More accurately, I have flown.

Gotta love this photo because it includes a little YY on the left laughing at me and a little Mum on the right laughing at me.


Leaving is always painful, but acclimatizing is always surprisingly easy. I think this little town has become my second home.

13 August, 2009

*746 - take three

Third time's the charm, so they say. Here goes. I think it is worth a shot.

11 August, 2009

*745 - shisha

Shisha: an Egyptian hookah used for smoking herbal fruit and tobacco. The smoke is considered to be significantly less dangerous than that from cigarettes, but recent studies show that it can be as detrimental to a person's health as smoking cigarettes.

Oh dear.

10 August, 2009

*744 - opposites

It just goes to show that everything has two sides; it's just a matter of perspective. Strong-willed or stubborn? Loving or clingy? Confident or obnoxious? Etc.

Rather perturbed. But it'll be ok, I know.

*743 - happy 44th!

At 8.22 pm, according to SGH time on Tubby's watch, we expectantly put down our BBQ chicken wings and gazed out from where we were on the roof, watching the other parties going on in the neighbourhood, all ready to stand up altogether with fist to left breast and tear in eye and holler the pledge ...

... but I think we missed it.


I really love my little Singapore, though. It's home.


Very cute to see the entire neighbourhood dressed in red and white, INCLUDING Ipah and EXCLUDING Tubby hahaha. Aww Singapore! :)

06 August, 2009

*742 - balls

I think this deserves to be documented:

X: go for lunch tgt K
Me: ohh okay yeahh
X: since ur balls not ard
X: i mean
X: boss

Ultimate typo. That made me laugh out loud in the office. Hahaha ;)

03 August, 2009

*741 - curry pok version 2

Second try at making curry puffs, in a bid to make them look more curry puffy than the first attempt. The deep-fried version, granted, looks a lot more curry puffy, but the baked versions look cute and shiny and are So Much More Healthy!

02 August, 2009

*740 - tatty's back!

(Evelyn's theory:
Dancing with one's arms up makes one feel like one is dancing,
even if one is merely bopping one's head or twitching one's feet.)

Mum saw Tatty reappear on my bed.

(Quizzically) "You've been meeting Justin?"
(Grins) "Yup!"

But I'm pretty sure her suspicions were allayed later in the day when ______. Heh.

I can't believe I'm leaving in less than two weeks. Time flies when you don't want it to. What is the future going to bring? In some cases, I know what I want it to bring, but who knows what may happen? In some cases, I don't even know what I want it to bring, so ... who knows what may happen?