24 December, 2009

*800 - winter wonderland

Christmas eve, and I'm back in Rochester, getting excited for a magical Christmas. I haven't been happier in a long, long time :)

Christmas cookies; and spot Cassie (doggie who does not show up in pictures unless she is against a bright background).

16 December, 2009

*799 - snowstorm

Hopping on the bandwagon since all the FB statuses of fellow Ithacans are some variation of "SNOWSTORM":

Snowstorm = car slips and slides across flat road = car does not make it up even 1/8 of the slope = WHY DO I LIVE AT THE BOTTOM OF A GIANT HILL = car illegally parked and a frigid, slippery, nose-drippy (but exciting!) hike up the slope at 1 am

Today would be a fantastic day to go snowboarding, if I weren't having my (second-last) final in 3 hours!

15 December, 2009

*798 - three to go

Three more finals (and one more extra credit paper) to go!! Then let the no-guilt, full-fledged bumming begin :D

Life has been ridiculous in an awesome way as of late, with midnight Wegmans-in-a-motorized-ADA-compliant-cart(-that-goes-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-in-reverse) runs, Sunday brunches with dimsum and spooky fortune cookies, pomegranates and steak and broccoli, torta de tres leches and birthday boy in nightcap, 4 am runway displays that leave A crying (laughing) on the floor, salsa party, Land Before Time and Mary Poppins and Alice In Wonderland, ...

Looking at what I've been doing over the past week or so, one wonders how study-for-finals time fits in between all that ...

My first Hispanic cake. Verdict: EXCELLENT.

Cross-eyed and gleeful with cake.

Wegman's children's cart.

Wegman's ADA cart. Most inappropriate, but we didn't get scolded until the very end.

RPCC brunch memories!

And those lovely make-your-own-waffle memories.

13 December, 2009

*797 - to snookums

I'm sorry (again)

(You know, in general)

11 December, 2009

*796 - i would like to believe

that I get a little better each time--
I know a little more about
what I want and what I don't,
what I feel and how I react,
how I love and how I hurt.

Sometimes I contemplate pressing "rewind" and tossing out the shameful bits along the way, but then all those awful things are really pieces of what is paving my little meandering way now
