27 April, 2015

*1330 - a year in review

It has been about a year since the last big milestone in my life. Has it really been a year? This last 12 months has been a constant flow of adventure, of balance, of rediscovering self-love, of establishing myself, of allowing myself, of being myself. I'm so far from being the person I aspire to be, but I am so me, and being me with the goal of being a constant improvement of me, is a fantastic place to be. I feel unbridled, free, excitement, adventure, sparkles, yes, I feel sparkles.

Is indulging in yourself, looking your insecurities square in the eyes, working on some flaws and embracing others, striving, pushing, fighting for you, your peace, your confidence, is all that selfish? In some senses, yes, it is an indulgent me-focused activity, but fix yourself and that strength and energy and love will flow, and then it's no longer about you, it's about everyone else that matters.

I'm thankful, blessed, happy, and I hope you are too.