31 October, 2007

*477 - apple of my eye

You are the sunshine of my life
Thats why I'll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you'll stay in my heart

Relevance: Apple picking a few weeks back :D

Apple of my eye!

So nice to be able to pluck apples off the trees and eat them on the spot.

Is it just me,
or does this apple look strangely vulgar

Smallest apple ever

Soooo many apples, for something like $2.

*476 - go

I'm totally insecure about myself in a number of ways, and that pisses me off. Confidence is sexy; I wish I had more of that.

I don't know if I hide my insecurities pretty well, but I try to. If you know me well enough, you should know what (a few of them) they are.

The one thing I don't like is when people make use of them and bring out the worst in me.

And I'm sad because the top I was about to buy online just got sold out in my size.

Hahaha I'm so moody nowadays it's kind of ridiculous. That only happens when I'm alone in my room. When there aren't any people around to distract me from me, my thoughts overflow and make an emo mess out of me.

30 October, 2007

*475 - missing home

I suddenly remembered the day Smaddyo and I danced beside the swimming pool in our swim suits in the rain, just so that we could legitimately say that we have "danced in the rain".

Randomly missing all my friends now. I know I haven't been here for even 3 months and I need to give it time, but it's still kind of depressing sometimes when I need to talk or need to do something bizarre or need a shoulder to cry on and don't quite know who to turn to. I love my friends who keep me sane (or otherwise :D ) here - the Hotelies, the Singaporeans, the randoms - but it's friendship on a different level.

I shouldn't think so much.

Anyway, yesterday's "yawn, maybe after dinner" statement proved true. I flipped through my notes for an hour or so at night. Went for classes this morning, crawled back to my dorm to sleep, went back to the Statler at about 4, studied intermittently between then and 7 while being distracted by (mostly) Earl and my turkey panini. Panicked in the midst of the prelim at the one question that I just could NOT solve for the longest time ever, only to have Dr. C march in to tell us that the values were wrong, panicked even more when I still couldn't solve anything, only to have Dr. C march in again to tell us to just cross out the entire question.

I'm happy, and sad, and this is unrelated to the above paragraph.

29 October, 2007

*474 - bodily functions

Hmm, I haven't been feeling in tip top condition lately. I think I haven't acclimatized to the weather. And I'm perpetually tired.

Plus, my highly irregular menstrual cycle seems to have flipped to the opposite side of the scale: it's still highly irregular, but it's switched from once every couple of months to a few times a month. Only that now I seem to be randomly bleeding once in a while, instead of having a good, healthy flow. Hahaha. So, no one wanted to know that.

Prelim tomorrow; I should start studying. Yawn. Maybe after dinner.

*473 - freezing

I just woke up and checked the weather report. Current temperature: NEGATIVE 3 degrees C.

How am I going to walk to school! Maybe I should take the bus to school for the first time ever. Rather than freeze for 15 minutes.

(I'm Singaporean and I live on the equator, I'm allowed to whine a little.)

28 October, 2007

*472 - lethargy

Doesn't it make sense for Halloween to be in the summer, rather than now? Froze my ass off yesterday with the 2 degree wind blowing up my bare legs and through my dress.

I dropped my brand new compact powder face down on the floor. Now there's a little mound of stuff on my carpet and I have no foundation.

I don't like being manipulated. I'm opinionated, and I don't like to be forced into things I disagree with.

It's 8 pm on a Sunday night and perhaps time to begin on my 2 assignments due tomorrow and prelim on Tuesday.

It is just a symbolism; take a step back and just look at it as it is - nothing extraordinary.

I have a million bruises on my legs from dancing. This makes me happy because it reminds me of the RJ dance/gym days.

I slept 2 hours last night, have been chillin' ever since, my brain's sluggish, and I'm too tired to continue typing.

So much to do, more than enough time, but too much lethargy.

Stupid photobucket.

25 October, 2007

*471 - 3 am ramblings

What if I say way up there, at the ceiling? Well. How about you? Oh, pretty high; that's always a good answer.

I'm usually good at seeing right through people. It's a mystery this time.


On a completely unrelated note,

I thought I had left all those childish squabbles behind me. I'm 19; you're 22. There's no need to be melodramatic.

I hate awkward situations and I absolutely cannot deal with confrontations. I'm sorry if I was rude, but I had to get away from it all.

I'm not angry, and I wasn't in any way. It's my fault. I deal with problems in the worst way possible - by running away.


On another completely unrelated note,

I walked back to my dorm at 1 am. It's 3 am now. I've been thinking too much for my own good. I need to fill my head with perfectly harmless stuff like perfect competition and monopolies. Having a life is great, but, really, sometimes I wish that life could be limited to something simple and emotionless, something like studying economics.

Oh ignore me, it's 3 am.

22 October, 2007

*470 - cloud on my tongue

Just a week ago I was wearing 3 layers and a scarf every day and looking at thick wool coats online. These few days, though, I've been happily walking around in shorts and tanks in the blazing sun. I don't understand, but I'm not complaining (:

Yesterday was my asdfjk;lOMGPANICalf;kdj day - because (like I previously mentioned) I hadn't done any substantial work for 3 weeks, I was suddenly smothered by an avalanche of work, which was totally my fault. (Internal locus of control, heh.)

So I completed a horrendous business computing assignment (pivot tables and gross stuff like that) and a 5 page essay yesterday, plus random readings and extra credit assignments, and spontaneously ordered shrimp online from a random Chinese restaurant with Pebbly. It was quite funny because the fire alarm in Balch went off (4th time since I've been here) and so I grabbed my laptop and ran over to Pebbly/Darren/Zhiwei's room, and the moment I set up my laptop and plopped myself down to do my work, the fire alarm at Dickson went off and we had to evacuate again. Omg.

Anyway. I started studying for today's reading assessment at midnight, took half an hour to plough through the first question, lost my mind when I realized that I had 17 more essay questions to go over, eventually called up Serge in a state of panic and went through the questions, except that at about 3 am we started giving up and writing in answers like "An example of a maintenance function is supporting others in the work team. For instance, when a group member stands up, we can support him by holding on to his legs." Felt totally shortchanged this morning because the standard of the quiz didn't warrant even one eighth of the amount of work we put in, but, of course, better easy than hard!

More about my awesome Saturday (Makanmania!!) and Friday (ice-skating!!) and the days before and before and before, when I actually bother to upload the pictures from my camera.

My inertia scares me.

2 prelims and 1 quiz in the next 2 weeks: not quite enough to induce me to get started on work yet. Someone needs to tell me to WAKE UP and stuff my face into my textbooks.

PS: I pretend not to know, because I'm nice, but it's clear as hell to me. I'm more intuitive and sharper than you may think.


19 October, 2007

*469 - new york city

The weekend's here, again! It's hard to believe how quickly time's flying by. I've been totally slacking off since the Tuesday before fall break (ie. the day of my last prelim), and I seem to have spectacularly extended my 4-day fall break into a 3-week break.

Awesome. I'm not quite sure what I've been doing, actually, but it's been great and totally relaxing.

Getting back prelim results was fun (sometimes in a masochistic way);

As is dancing 3 times a week for Pandora, once a week for a salsa class, twice a week for a Christian dance group (that makes 6 times a week), and a couple of times over the past 2 weeks for our little performance for Makanmania tomorrow;

And talking to my academic advisor about purchasing silk underwear together online after we were done with the mandatory "How's HA141" "Good" "Ok, how about HA115" "Good" "Ok, HA165?" "Good" etc conversation;

Eating three toasted sandwiches and two cupcakes in a row (amongst many other things) at the Hotelie tailgate party;

Going apple picking after church (I learned that I had been drawing apple trees wrong my whole life - they're more like bushes than trees, really);

And doing various other random things like watching movies on Sergio's plasma TV with an amazing surround sound system, shopping online like crazy heehee, randomly popping by the Dairy Bar and eating the creamiest icecream in the world (produced by Cornell cows) on the coldest day ever, just chillin' with friends, etc etc etc.

The only time I remember studying in the midst of all that was yesterday, when Ryen called me up to study for Snow's 2nd prelim for about an hour (after which I went to sleep and woke up just in time for the prelim at 7.30 pm). And maybe one problem set, some group work, and a couple of readings for Snow's classes.

Unrelatedly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR. (: I was incredibly shocked that I actually managed to get through to you on the phone yesterday! Hope you're having a blast, and everyone in Singapore please give Justin a hug for me, ok? Hehe!

So, I don't even know what I'm writing about anymore, and this is where Professor Snow would write "Coherence? See Coursepack p 181-184" (or something like that). Extremely poor document design as well. This blog entry is clearly a communication failure.

To compensate for my incredibly poor writing skills, here are some of the NYC photos! Gotta love my "siblings", they make the best travel buddies ever (:

In Nicholas' room having a pre-departure snack

After a torturous 5 hour bus ride,
Miserably waiting for a cab when we realized we got off at the wrong stop omg.

In our hotel room!
Funny story: we nearly didn't have a room because they just couldn't find any records of "Evelyn Chan" or even "Chan" on their system. I made a million phonecalls trying to solve that problem and was extremely edgy and ready to punch somebody.
In the end, I found out that the problem was that someone misspelled my name as ...
No kidding. Hahahaha.

We shopped till we dropped.
For the entire first day. Hahaha.
(I love how there are cute boxers in the background of this photo.)

The next day!
Our "let's dress up" day!
(Spot who's trying to intrude in this photograph)

Nicholas, Katie, Inchy, Evelyn <3

Me on the phone, going "er, hi, we can't find the bus stop"

Finally on the bus

Subway station

This encapsulates our main problem in NYC:
Getting pathetically lost.

The city!

Metropolitan Art Museum
(Spot the Evelyn)

Having a nice dinner together (:

No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane!!
Does anyone know where that comes from?
MARY POPPINS!!! (: (: (:

The Broadway show was the most amazing thing ever.
Plus, I've been in love with Mary Poppins ever since I was 4.

A dismal attempt at taking a photograph with Mary Poppins.
I LOVE MARY POPPINS SO MUCH squealll. Broadway is awesome.

Times Square by night
(Full of lights, crowded, polluted)

It seems that I regularly ruin otherwise perfectly nice photographs

I think it's funny how Inshita's so happy
while I'm all GET ME OUTTA HERE ...

Dancing in the sub, because we can


The har gow I've been dreaming about

I looooove dim sum :D

Me: primitive fan ):
Nicholas: battery-operated automatic fan (:

Battery park

Our hilarious view of the statue of liberty
(Too lazy to queue for the boat!)

Empire state building

To end off the deluge of photographs:
This one is supposed to exemplify my main activity in NYC -
Way too much shopping

And then there was a very funny incident the night before we came back, and we've sworn each other to secrecy so I can't say what happened. But it was completely hilarious, and at one point everyone started acting kind of intoxicated (on donuts, I believe) and loony and I felt myself slowly going insane and ohh it just cracks me up thinking about it.


Love you guys :D

16 October, 2007

*468 - reality

Sometimes you look back and laugh and think to yourself that ohh you were once young and foolish and all that was nothing much really, all that was just superficial and on the surface, all that didn't end up making much of a difference to your life anyway. But it's real, and it's real, and it's real, it might not seem like much when you look back at it, but now, when you're in the moment, it's very, very real.

13 October, 2007

*467 - almost up and running

Business Computing has definitely proven to be pretty useful - I was creating a simple Excel sheet to calculate cost and profit etc of my latest business venture (heh heh) and found myself adding nifty little things like fixed referencing from a cell containing the exchange rate to convert from USD to SGD automatically. Awesome.

Because many many people have been asking, and because many many people have been googling "Elisa and Evelyn" to find out what is up (or down) with our site, here's the latest news:

We've almost got Elisa and Evelyn up and running again. We've got new earring designs, some old ones, and a completely new section: dresses! You should be excited about the dresses if you're looking to buy US brand dresses at cheaper rates, without the whole hassle of ordering online with huge international shipping prices. Sounds good?

Stay tuned :D


Because I haven't done this in a while:

Xiuwen Yes!! I asked her about you!! She was in Chinese dance with you right? Hehe so cute :D
Sandhya Hahaha yes the weather tag ... today was the coldest day yet, averaged about 8 degrees throughout the day. Shiver.
Justin Ooooo I'm so sorrrrry about that morning/night!! Why are you not online now!
Sharon Hello dear customer! (: Hehe. We'll send an email out when we're up and running again!
Vivian OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU LAH. Hehehe. Our site's gonna be up soooon! Do you want anything in particular though? How are you!
Gerry Cheesyweasyorangefizzy! Hello Gerry I don't dare to try hahaha and yes it'll be so fun when I get back and I can walk over to your house! (Well, sort of.)
Weicheng How are your exams! Are you going back to dance soon? I miss you I miss you I miss youuuuu also, and Sam too hehe :D
Jon Aww yeah I'm having a pretty good time :D What unit shirt??
Freddy I'm in the US.
Venetia Well it's not really Harry Potter per se, it just reminds us of Harry Potter! Great ambience, studying by (fake) candlelight hehehe.
Hui Wen Hahaha yesss like our DDR showdown :D Who got the better B!!

09 October, 2007

*466 - an insane amount of photos

Backlog of photographs! Taken over the last month or so. I don't think I've ever tried to upload so many photographs at one go haha!


Making my first waffle at Okenshields :D

At Marvin's place, with bubble tea from Collegetown!

Grocery shopping with Henry!

The awesome dude who grilled salmon for Kenneth and I

At Risley dining hall
(You select your ingredients and she cooks Chinese noodles for you)

Sushi day with Raina at the dining hall
(I was supposed to be at HD lecture heh heh heh)

Sunday brunch with Ju at the other dining hall

Design your own pancake!
(Mine was blueberry with Reese's pieces)

The remains.

Lunch with Margit and Raina at the other other dining hall

Mooncake day with Nicholas and Jane!

Sharing some funny edible bowl thing with Henry

Dinner with Gary

Thai dinner with Ju and Ketat down at the Commons

Ok that's a lot of food. So.

THE OTHER PHOTOS, for the lack of a better title.

Catching the beautiful sunset (:

Joined the Taiwan peeps at Buttermilk Park!

Playing Guitar Hero at Marvin's place!!
(You can see how good I am from my obvious hysteria.
Not very.)

Playing Settlers the next week at Marvin's place again. I WON.

What we spotted on the way back.
(I never knew insects mated backwards.)

At a random park for the BBQ with the Singaporeans
(So gorgeousssss!!)

Sharing subs on my floor after the BBQ because we were still hungry!

Care package from home <3
(Which included textbooks at a quarter of their US price!)

Japan Night! This was after I went to Mr Adie's house.
I folded the most complicated origami ever.

It was a rose!! (Mine is much nicer than Gary's.)

On the way to Elmira, Henry and I noticed cornfields and stopped to frolic in them. Hahaha.

And we found the cutest bedroom slippers ever!!

At church. Cute kids, cute doggie!

At the bead shop with Kenneth after church!
I bought US$30 worth of beads, oh no.

Harry Potter library (:

On the way to Woodbury with Hongwan and Justine and Desmond!

Hongwan's birthday (:

Sitting under a tree with Inchy :D


Justine why you don't want to be scarecrow with meee ):

All the cute old people dancing!

Slurp. Apple cider (:

Curly cheese fries!

Some funky swirly cake thing.
(The dude thought I was interested in him, not his cakes.)

Fried oreos!!

Kids on stilts

The mini Ferris wheel!

Kenneth and I SCRRREEEEAMED so loudly throughout the entire ride (it was a long ride) just to scare all the kids waiting in line below hehehe. I bet people could hear us from a mile away.

It wasn't a great Ferris wheel, but we made it really, really, really fun. AHHHHHH!!!

Ok picture overload! I'm so sleepy because we just arrived back from NYC this morning at 5 am. Yawn. Really drowsy. Gotta rush out some assignments and boohoo, fall break will be over tonight. ):

More about NYC another time!