31 December, 2006

*272 - hiphopblingbling

30th Dec - watched a free movie with Desmond (thank you!). Charlotte's Web! We were in a cinema full of little kids and their accompanying parents, haha. But we both studied the book in primary school (except he doesn't seem to recall much of it) and therefore we agreed on watching it. Well, it was ridiculous and childish at times but it's one of those uncomplicated feel good fuzzy wuzzy shows. Anyway, who can resist cute talking pigs and assorted farm animals? (: Radiant, humble Wilbur - he's SOME PIG! Hahaha. Cute lah.

Desmond dropped me off at Jon's busstop after that, and I put on my cap and bling as I walked to Jon's place ... for our hiphop & blingbling class party! Haha. A lot of people came looking pretty normal, but I guess in this era everyone naturally dresses somewhat hiphoppishly, so not much of a change. Matheus and I were pronounced 'best dressed' hahaha so funny!

Door bitchez, yoz. Me Tubby Jon.

Muaahh. Kissy flamingos, kissy Ethel, kissy Evelyn. <3

Bared teeth, ooh. Are you scared of my trusty bodyguard? (:
(Tubby you owe me $$$ and you promised to tell me about The Incident boohoo.)

Shirin (! :D), Matheus, and I - Ms Fabulous Baker, Mr Fabulous Hiphop Outfit, and no comment.

Exchanging hats - Huiwen's cute little beret! Ms Oxford, haha! (:

"You must do this hand sign thingy because that's what you do to look hiphoppy."
(Liru hesitantly copies me)

Why Charlotte so cute? Haha!

Mingchuan, who lost 8kg after two weeks of army! Wahhh the wonders of NS. Now MC has become very strong he carried my humongous bag for me all the way from Jon's house to Adam Road after the party hahaha :D

3Q! With special guest (now curly haired) Siyuan (:

Many thanks to the organisers (Jeslyn, Huiwen, Jon) for planning everything (: Really appreciate the effort! Nearly everyone in class made an appearance including 3 botak army boys and Shirin and Siyuan, so that was pretty nice (: And this is pretty irrelevant but I think Matheus and Shirin are sooo perrrrfeccttt together heeheehee (: Sweet!

Everyone started leaving, and soon only the 'stayover' people were left - maybe 10 of us? Tubby Lizhan and I went on a long dark walk around the entire estate, and had heart to heart talks. Well, not really. And silly Lizhan had filled up an empty vodka bottle with water in case we were to become thirsty, and most coincidentally, a police car drove past us and slowed down to a crawl, because three people ambling along deserted dark roads with a bottle of vodka look quite suspicious indeed. But nothing exciting happened in the end.

Went back to watch Moulin Rouge which has become Siyuan's favourite movie because of a certain actress haha! Played some card games after that, which wasn't too exciting because it was 4 am and we were pretty zoned out.

And then I learnt how to play Battle Field, with Lizhan teaching me in a very humji manner (we crept around a lot and shot people sneakily from afar), and I actually shot down some tanks and people! Only that half the time when my lousy aiming and panicked screams were threatening to kill us, the only reason why I managed to kill those people was because a worried Lizhan would grab the mouse and click my fingers for me to prevent us from dying. Hahaha. But very exciting wheee.

I can't remember what else we did, talk a lot I guess, and perhaps at umm 5? 6? we started going off to sleep. I trotted into the basement, and saw the very long Joel and Siyuan stretched out and occupying the entire lengths of 2 sofas (which could fit nearly the entire class earlier). I think I woke Joel up accidentally and being a gentleman, he moved to the floor, but he moved back again cos I felt really bad, and anyway there was more than enough space for the 2 of us if we curled up slightly. Tubby settled on the floor next to me soon after and proceeded to snore like a machine gun, and so after waking up about 5 times I finally got up at 7.30. Had a bath, brushed my teeth, felt clean at last (:

Mich and I the next morning. This is what we looked like on minimal sleep haha!

A lot of dilly dallying and cups of hot chocolate later, everyone finally arose and we left for a prata breakfast, and ended up eating a hawker center lunch instead. Forgot that a lot of shops are closed on New Year's Eve!

Went to Island Creamery for dessert and shared a nutella + brandied cherries icecream with Lizhan. We realised that at 18, the both of us are so jaded that every 'special' occasion is pretty much a non-event to us. I don't care much for my birthday, I'm probably going to slob around at home and completely ignore about the New Year's countdown tonight, etc. Tomorrow is the 1st of January, but it's just tomorrow, it's just another day, it's not as if one entire year passed by in a day, but you know. The symbolism. And it would be fun to celebrate I guess. Just that I'm feeling slothlike and severely sleep deprived at the moment so please pardon my apathy.

Anyway. All of us with happy icecream-filled tummies! :D Only 5 of us remaining - Jon Lizhan me Ethel Liru. Thanks for the company (:


I think I write too much. I obsessively have the need to document events with photos or words.

I think you can tell.

Also, but this is completely out of point, I think my swimming costume tan lines are supremely ugly, but I don't know what to do about it. Going tanning would just make me have different tan lines, and all the tan lines will pile up on each other and I'll be all the more tan-line-ful. Advice, anyone? (No, nude tanning is not an option.)


Tonight's the last day of 2006. It seems like the right time to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the next.

Yes perhaps, but not here. So tata (:

Have a blessed 2007, everybody :D

29 December, 2006

*271 - we are piggy

And so do I! Today was ultimate piggy day (: Together, Jingwen and I must have consumed enough calories today to feed Africa. But I must say I'm awfully pleased with how the food turned out! It was seriously, fabulous. You know the unspoken rule: "Thou shalt always praise the food that was cooked by yourself whether it was yummy or lou-ya-pok", but this time I'm being perfectly truthful. It was yummy yummy yummy.


Our meat sauce which turned out great considering that we butchered the recipe and dolloped random things in random amounts into the sauce.

The beginning stages of our bechamel sauce! As you can see it was most dreadful and lumpy and looking completely inedible, and we were beginning to lose hope, when ...

... one final drop of milk suddenly transformed it into a lovely smooth creamy paste! It reminded me of titration during Chemistry pracs when one last drop of reagent turns the manganate solution from colourless to pink or whatever it was. (Evidently all things academia-related have been chucked from my brain.)

Layering the lasagna. Meat, pasta, bechamel, mozzarella, meat, cheddar (something like that lah), repeat a million times, and top with a thick layer of cheddar and mozzarella.


The final product was so fabulously good that I ate and ate until I was bursting at the seams and then ate some more anyway. Well worth the 3 plus hours that we toiled over this for! And, I have been crowned the "Lasagna Queen" of the family so I shall be making a hugeass lasagna for the family soon.

Chocolate Cream Cheese Marble Brownies

A peek into the food processor - blended cream cheese and other ingredients.

The chocolate brownie mixture. Drip drip! (Strangely watery for brownies I think.)

Marbled! So delightfully prettyyyy (:

We had leftovers, so we made them into little brownie cupcakes. Jingwen has marvellous decorating skills. Haha!

They rose and rose and burst through their skins in the oven, and we puzzled long and hard over what was making them rise. (No self-raising flour, no yeast ... )

And once they came out of the oven, they sank! Pity ):

Peering at our handiwork (:

Cute crackly brownie cupcakes.

JE: Jingwen & Evelyn! (:

The brownie chunks (: These troublesome brownies actually took us about SIX hours to perfect, hahaha, but that's a long story. I cannot bring myself to taste any more (so jerlat already!) but chocolate + cream cheese is an awesome combination, and everyone in the family seems to adore them, so yay.

And to Jingwen: My tummy loves you and so do I! :D

28 December, 2006

*270 - sparkly bra

Oyster omelette, carrot cake (why is it called carrot cake when there aren't any carrots?), Hokkien mee, chicken wings.

Yup, all that food for just 2 people. Justin's been eating like a cow (4 stomachs) lately, and I'm delighted about that.

Also noteworthy: it was my first time trying oyster omelette! Very oily and superduper unhealthy, but yummy nonetheless.

The silliest piece of clothing I saw at F21 today. It wasn't in the underwear section, hahaha. Who's going to buy that??

We haven't seen your application yet!

A humongous (it's actually nearly A4 sized) postcard from Michigan, with the reassuring words behind: "Don't worry - it's not too late to apply!"

Sent off another application today (not to Michigan though), so that means 2 down, 2 to go. Yay?

27 December, 2006

*269 - awards

Hoorah! A $350 ang pow from Edusave thanks to the EAGLES award and the Good Progress Award. I must confess that I am slightly miffed by the latter, because I didn't think my studies were that horrendous to begin with, to warrant a good progress award. Hahaha guess I thought wrong. But money's money, more funds for my CPF account I suspect, so no complains, yay. (:

*268 - the KL trip

Our Kuala Lumpur trip, in pictures. I took close to 300 photos originally, but being neurotic as I am, I generally take 2, or 3, or 4 shots of everything, so in the end after clearing out the photos, I am left with about 170. Haha! Here's a selection of my favourites (:

Rather rustic and, well, dirty. One thing I'm proud of about Singapore is that everything is so well maintained - if anything goes wrong, you can always complain. Heh heh.

Nasi GORFNG, anyone?

Sweet little wet towelettes. They looked so much like candy that I nearly ate them.

Century egg! I like (: Funny how they feature on Fear Factor.

Hairy pig!! Now isn't that just gross. Ugh ugh ugh.

Taking a coffee break, after too much shopping.

Now this has got to be The Ultimate funny photo of myself! The family was in uproar over this photo. HAHA. Now, the reason behind the face was that I was trying to show that my seat was too low and the straw was too tall, but I think I exaggerated my difficulties just a tad. HAHAHA.

Shopping mall! There were more floors, but my lou pok camera couldn't capture them.

Cute matching sparkly Little Red Riding Hoods.

There wasn't enough space, so our table got pushed to the edge of the curb, with cars whizzing past and people walking right next to us.

Spot the odd one out!

Hokkien mee. If you haven't tried the Malaysian variety, you really should. Awesome.

Chicken wings, and a pair of diving wooden chopsticks.

Satay. YUM.

There's a little mechanism that makes him dip the plastic thing into the bubble liquid and then it moves back upwards, and he farts bubbles. Great, isn't he? :D

Down the loooong escalator to catch the LRT! I look Jappy.

View from the LRT.

We went to visit Po Po, who is looking much stronger and healthier now (: The two grandmothers reunited! I think it's been years and years since they've seen each other.

Family photo! (: A lot of teary touching moments, and Po Po is awfully sweet and cute and huggable. <3

Why don't they have A&W in Singapore anymore? The root beer floats are to die for, and who doesn't like curly fries!


Dunkin' Donuts!

Greedy face. Because this is my favourite veggie! Baby kalian (:

Spot the 8th dwarf! (Actually, one's hidden behind the tree but you know what I mean.) We, I mean, the dwarfs, are looking at Santa emerging from the ceiling, but you can't see it in the photo.

The 2nd tallest building in the world - the twin towers! Massive.

The best yong tau foo I've ever eaten. Seriously. I could drool thinking about that brinjal.

Merry Christmas to me! My Christmas breakfast - a cheesecake bun and hot tea. I'm all alone because the hotel's breakfast buffet was free for only 4 people, so I volunteered to stay in the room.

Dreamy emo shot.

Yum! I liked my Christmas breakfast very much (:

I know this is a ghastly photo to end it all off with, but it was the last photo we took so it deserves mention. Road kill! If you haven't already realised, it's a dead monkey with yellow innards. Weird. Bananas, maybe? :P

The journey back was painfully slow because of all the potholes in the road, but we made it back in about 5 hours. Phew. I'm glad to be home, really (: I like my country. Yay for Singapore!

Oh yes, and thank you all for the Christmas wishes and cards (: I'm touched!