27 November, 2006

*244 - sawatdeekaa

I'm off!! To the land of Buddhas and traffic congestion and shopping! Bangkok, the place that everyone goes to at one point or other in their lives, despite the fact that it's not the best place to go to if you want to get a real taste of Thai culture.

Will be back in two or three days, depending on how you count it. (: A very short stint - we kinda decided to scrap the temple visiting and just dive into the markets, bazaars and shopping centres. Well, that suits me just fine. (:

PS: It's anti-gravity, really! We had to flap through the air to chase bubbles of juice when we were thirsty, just like the spacemen, if you know what I'm talking about. (Not sure if I'm the only one who has watched documentaries on spacemen flapping through the air chasing bubbles of juice.) Hehe ;)

26 November, 2006

*243 - defying gravity

Am I the only strange person who feels that shopping is best done alone? I only shop comfortably with a handful of people - the rest of the time, I'd much rather be shopping alone. Yes. All by myself, in what some might deem a rather loserish manner. -beams-

Photos from the bleeding-toe-day, if you recall. I never quite found the time to post them until now (:

Amazing, huh! Makes you wonder why everything (including the pool balls, whatever they're called) but us stays firmly rooted to the ground.

25 November, 2006

*242 - we're back!


(Edit: Oh noes. 5 Dreamcatchers to make, and counting!)

(Edit: Um, 7. And gazillions of other designs too. Heehee. But I'm not complaining, only a bit.)

24 November, 2006

*241 - sun & snow

Yes, Elisa & Evelyn (or at least, the Evelyn part of Elisa & Evelyn for now) will be up and running soon enough, I'm on an earring making frenzy mmhmm. (:

23 November, 2006

*240 - jerry aurum



Today was fabbydabbydoo, really have to thank Cherlene for the opportunity and of course my dearest Amy for spending it with me (: Are you shocked that I uploaded and edited the photos so fast!!

Long face, round face. See why we call each other Banana and Lychee?

More about today, another day. (I think I've said that on several occasions but never really did it. But I will this time, eventually! Not a day to be forgotten :D)

Lychee <3 Banana! (:

21 November, 2006

*239 - name dropping

Dinnertime drama today. Well, not that anything happened in the family, but Daddy recounted a funny little story to us. Let's try to keep it nice and vague.

- Girl writes to Daddy to complain about something, brings boyfriend into picture, says they are related to such-and-such bigshots.
- Daddy does some investigating, finds contacts of boyfriend's father and bigshots, replies politely and forwards to everyone.
- Girl is furious and sends a series of threatening emails.
- Mentioned bigshots reply to say they are unrelated to girl/boyfriend.
- Girl has been silent since then. And very kindly, so has Daddy.

There are a whole lot more little amusing bits that I shan't mention but the moral is: never name drop to get your way, especially if you made it all up. And don't praypray with my Daddy. Hehehe. Ok don't worry he's nice I like him very much (:

20 November, 2006

*238 - last 3 days

Math S tomorrow. I GIVE UP ALREADY LAH SO DIFFICULT. I let all you F Math people and miscellaneous brilliant people get the distinctions and merits ok? (:

Haha but seriously, I'm struggling through every single question in the TYS, and I think I shall go to sleep and anyhow write a lot of equations and workings tomorrow. Well, that was my tactic for Prelims, which earned me my Ungraded, so maybe that isn't very wise.

I don't like how the A levels are slowly fading away, instead of ending with a KABOOM and a noisy celebration. It has been feeling as though the exams have ended since some time ago, despite today being Biotech day. Math S followed by Chem S - not really aiming for anything above a U though that would be most welcome, Bio MCQ on Thursday - nice light paper. Although I generally do badly at MCQs because I'm easily tricked by all the nice feasible answers.

Mild sobbing panic attack last night when I realised that I've never slacked off so much for a major exam before - heck, I think I studied harder for PSLE than this - but I guess it's pretty much out of my control now, it's all in His hands, and I'll go where He brings me.

18 November, 2006

*237 - gourmet jellybeans

Jellybellies are the only jellybeans we eat. Heehee. They come in a million yummy flavours like toasted marshmallow (the ones that are in focus in the middle of the 2nd photo) and crushed pineapple and buttered popcorn!

But then there are weird ones too. Like jalapeno, which was even kind of spicy. And I tried the garlic ones in Canada, which were potently garlicky.

Hooray for Daddy who brought them back from New York (:


Also, I dropped The Showerhead AGAIN this morning.

Except that this time, I dexterously flung my arms out of the path of The Falling Showerhead, Matrix-style (think: speedy dodging), and actually had a few milliseconds to congratulate myself for avoiding The Showerhead with such style,

and then The Showerhead landed painfully on my foot.

Oh, woe.

17 November, 2006

*236 - no more chem! ... eh still got.

Justin and I paid a visit to the library at my Daddy's place again yesterday. We visited the cafe for lunch - $1.20 for a hotdog, $0.90 for home brewed coffee, $1.80 for a tall cup of hot chocolate ... all very affordable (: Many times better than Cafe Galilee's $3.20 potato wedges, ugh. Oh yes and gourmet Kettle Chips (my Favouritest Chips Ever), we bought FOUR packets and later calculated that it worked out to more than 50% our recommended daily fat intake hahaha!

Daddy couldn't meet us to bring us in so he said to tell the librarian who we were and sign the visitor forms. The librarian was drippingly sweet to us after finding out who I was and even offered to bring us around for a tour of the library. (We declined.) Daddy talked to the head librarian today who told him that yesterday all the librarians were surreptitiously trying to locate me to take a look at this "Mr Chan's daughter". Ohmygoodness I hope they didn't see me when I was unglamorously snoozing in my little cubicle (possibly drooling). Or perhaps they saw me while I was having my very posh hotdog-with-ketchup-and-mustard lunch.

Wahhh very embarrassing. Hahaha. It must be funky being Mr Chan seeing how they treat Mr Chan's daughter with so much respect!


Chem MCQ was difficult, perhaps to make up for the relatively simpler Papers 1 & 2. I was going to say "NO MORE CHEMISTRY EVER" with the delightful images of Jaafer and Tubby ripping the TYS into half playing in my mind (they tore it through the middle, not down the spine, what strong boys), but then I realised there's still Chem S left to go. Teehee.

Today, in the canteen ...
Me: Have you started on the stack of Chem S notes?
Wenjie: Oh I finished studying already.
Me: -gape-
Wenjie: (serenely) ... what?

Chem S organic notes that come with a disclaimer.

A lot of the papers seem to have been pretty sucky for me, but I'm really thank God for bringing me through everything, and I know it would be much much worse without having Him to draw strength and wisdom from.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
Deuteronomy 31:8

Lean on Him! (:


And, I can't believe some people have ended their A levels! Grumble grumble! Haha well my turn will come soon (: Biotech first. Aspergillus niger and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Remember to underline separately, but don't underline if it's somethingsomething spp. because spp. stands for species which makes the phrase English and not Latin. Hoho. (Please correct me if I'm wrong!)

15 November, 2006

*235 - physics again

On the way to Justin's place in the bus, the sky was threateningly dark. Justin bet that it would start raining within 3 minutes, I bet that we would get to his place dry.

He was absolutely precise in his prediction (we set the timer haha) and I was spectacularly wrong. We got out of the bus and calmly crossed the road, in the mild drizzle.

And then the heavens opened and the waters descended. Whipped my pretty purple umbrella out, but the silly thing decided to be useless and flipped inside out HAHA. I hate it when that happens because 1. you tend to get really really wet and 2. you look absolutely silly holding an umbrella that collects rainwater like a giant bowl above your head instead of protecting you from the rain.

Squelch squelch.


(The two little brown dots aren't fang scars lah, they're just 2 of my trillions of moles.)

Yes, The Booboo. In its crowning glory of yellows, browns, purples and reds. Contrary to popular belief, Justin has not been abusing me.

First sustained the bruise a week ago I think, when I dropped the showerhead onto my arm because I missed the hook while putting it back after my bath.

The next day, I did the exact same thing, and it landed on the exact same spot. Laughed at my idiocy because one would think that I would have learnt to be more careful. And also at the fact that it's not exactly easy to miss the hook, and the coincidence of it landing on the exact same area on my arm.

And then on Saturday - no prizes for guessing what happened. Yeah, I dropped it on the bruise again. Hahaha. This time it really swelled and until today (Wednesday already lehh) there's still a lump in the middle (the yellow part in the center).

So that's the story of The Booboo.

After that I decided to be very aware about hooking the showerhead back properly and realised that I always use my right hand to do that, and my left arm is always in the same position turning off the water. So that's why it kept landing on the same spot.


Physics Paper 3 was quite awful, I know I keep saying everything's awful so what I say is losing its credibility but I'm pretty shocked because in comparison to all the past year papers I've practiced, a lot of papers this year seem to be much tougher than previously. But then everyone always says their papers are particularly difficult, so.

Had a discussion about Physics over dinner, where Daddy and Joel poohpooh-ed over the questions that I thought were difficult. Sparked off a nice long discussion between them about centripetal force and gravitation, while Mummy and I listened on in silent horror. I guess there's a reason why they were both Double Math and Physics students, heh.

Joel was talking about how in Cornell, his math class was so competitive that in the entire semester, he got one measly question wrong, and that cost him his A+. And Daddy was talking about how his math class in UK was easy peasy because of his double math background and so he sailed through the first 2 years gathering A's and being very bored in class.

F Math students learn a lot more math than the rest of us, haha.


Guess how this photo was taken, hurhur. Swirly wirly. Curly twirly? Burly girly? (I evidently won't get by as a poet.)


Biotech is looming! Hands up anyone who has begun studying for biotech!


And xY! What a surprise to see you all clad in RJ uniform today! Hehe sneaky sneaky (:

*234 - voyeurism

This is OLD NEWS but about the kissing couple on Stomp? I can't help wondering every time he walks into the canteen with his girlfriend and Tubby booms "LOOK IT'S HIMMM" whether he knows his photos are up on the net? Or imagine if his parents find out! :
Well everything about the couple's actions has been said and discussed and that's all very well, so I'm just looking at the issue from another angle - Don't you think it's a little mean and voyeuristic of the student who sneakily took photos of them? I guess nowadays with all those nifty little cameras and handphone cameras, it's so easy to anyhow take photos of people. I mean, if I found out that someone took a random photo of me slyly eating a burger under the "no food and drinks" sign in the MRT or something and posted it up for public criticism I would feel horribly, horribly embarrassed and ashamed about getting caught of course, but also terribly violated.

I don't think it's nice to take photos of people just to put them up for public criticism. Increase public awareness of social issues, yes, but maybe a little more discretion? Discussion is fine and rude bashing is to be expected but no need to single out one poor soul for humiliation. Use the photo to get your point across (it sure worked, haha! Who didn't get the goosebumps?) but maybe like blur out the facial features or something? I don't know. It's not so bad if it's on a blog I guess, because chances are you won't find out about it, and what you don't know won't hurt you haha, but on somewhere like Stomp which has a huge viewership, it's really quite bad.

Do you think respecting privacy (even if the person's doing something wrong or offensive) and having a little kindness is very much less important than acting appropriately in public? I'm not sure myself. Just a little rant from me. Somehow don't think anyone will agree with me though haha.

14 November, 2006

*233 - chemistry

Most exciting thing that happened today, apart from the Chem paper in the morning (which did not go too well for me, sadly) - settling down to lunch in an almost-empty restaurant opposite my place, and realising that Michelle Chia and Adrian Pang were filming! I almost never watch TV, and if I do, I certainly don't watch Chinese shows, so I'm not sure what show it is, but I suppose it's some foody show where they go around sampling dishes from around Singapore.

The strange thing was that I really didn't enjoy my lunch because I personally thought the food (at least, the food we ordered) sucked. But I guess they ordered the expensive speciality dishes instead of $3 noodles like us. T'was fun watching what went on behind the scenes the lao ban losing his cool and messing up his intro to the restaurant, Adrian Pang scotchtaping his script onto chairs to peek at while filming, Michelle Chia being pretty and thin as ever (quite annoying seeing that she was gobbling down fatty pork and deep fried stuff haha).

But why that restaurant of all places? Hm hm hm. Why not the famous Casuarina Prata just a few doors down? Haha. I think I'm just griping because my Hokkien noodles turned out to be random yellow noodles in brown sauce.


Chemistry wasn't great, Paper 3 seemed to be better, so I better work hard for MCQ on Friday. Meanwhile, it's Physics Paper 3 to conquer for tomorrow, and I better do well to pull up my dismal Paper 2.


Studying really, really bores me. I don't think I'm cut out to be a muggertoad. Although I know that I'm fully capable of studying hard and doing well. I just don't like to.

13 November, 2006

*232 - physics

Strange Physics paper. I'm not the only one who found it more difficult that Prelims, am I? Now that's scary - nothing is supposed to be harder than the Prelims! Well, I'm banking on the hope that the whole of Singapore found it tough ... If you want to make me cry now you can tell me how easy you thought it was. (:

Heard some funny answers to the question asking about why there was so much of the uranium had undergone radioactive decay in the ore found in Africa as compared to the uranium ore elsewhere -

"Africa is the cradle of civilisation. That's why God created it first."

12 November, 2006

*231 - bloodshed #2

So one day after providing gory details of my scratched toe (see previous entry), I get onto my bus, lift a leg to get into the seat, and -whoopsadaisies!- gash my other fourth toe on an innocuous-looking piece of metal.

Hence, I now have perfectly symmetrical cuts on both feet. Neat!


And Sandhya, this is just for you:

We chanced upon Maju Mall!! (Note the itty bitty Justin on the left.) Now we can make everybody jealous because we know Maju Mall, the "coolest place around", and they don't. Hehehe.

Me: Justin!! Look!! Maju Mall!!!
Justin: (does not share my enthusiasm) ...?

Anyway, I'm steadily piling on the layers of blubber, because that is what too many latte's does to you. Studying at coffee places makes me happy because coffee smells good but I do feel bad about taking up their tables ):

Vandalism in the bus.

(My name is !@#$% from Bowen Sec, come outside my school to see me, I have a nice body shape. I am an Indian.)

It actually goes on to talk about !@#$%'s breast size (34B, no big deal, and no pun intended) and some other explicit details but I cut that out for the sake of maintaining a clean wholesome blog (: Somehow, this one amused me more than the usual. Hehehe. I have a nice body shape. Hehehe.

11 November, 2006

*230 - bloodshed

This blog's often fluffy and pink and bimbotic so I thought it was time for some, you know, stuff from the real world.

Where nothing's always rainbows and sunshine.

Where real people feel real pain.

Don't scroll down if you don't like bloodshed and carnage.

Hahaha okay okay, so much for the bloodshed and carnage. A result of vigorously swimming froggie style and accidentally kicking a tile at the side of the pool. But it's okay, after all, it is actually just a teensy cut (:

Anyway, today was a terrific day - the discovery of a beautiful and roomy and exclusive and very study-conducive library! And Justin could even join me on the pretext of being one of "Mr Chan's kids". Hahaha. Shiok, mention my Daddy's name, and instant VIP treatment!

Ate ban mian, played pool (free!), studied in the lounge and swam in the rain after that - more about all that next time. Back to Physics for now, ugh.

Oh yeah, before I go ... let's play a game!

(Oh no!

More of these irritating long blank spaces!

I hate it when people try to be funny and do silly childish things like that on their blogs.

Don't you?)

I bet noone spotted me!! Actually, I bet noone tried hahaha.

So much better than joining the stampede for tables in libraries elsewhere, right? (:

10 November, 2006

*229 - 2 weeks left

Call me a lou pok Singaporean, but I'm not usually one for very spicy food.

But I really really like Katong laksa precisely because it's hardly spicy (: My 2nd time eating it today!

Today felt like a pigtails day! Elisa's comment: "You overgrown little girl, you."

I wish I had more hair to make my pigtails more substantial. I want to perm my hair, yo. Not tight curls, but big waves. I need more volume. Sick and tired of having sparse, straight hair! Well, at least my hair's fairly healthy and smooth, so I shouldn't complain too much.



- Bio 2 (fairly manageable, only that I made the fatal mistake of blindly diving into the mitosis essay without realising that the last part of the question was about cancer which I've never read up about!! It's part of the syllabus, yes, but they didn't even put it in our notes!! Fabricated a page-ful of rubbish about tumour suppressors, mutations, radiation, carcinogens, etc. Could have been worse, I suppose.)

- Math 1 (decent.)

- Chem 3 (lost morale after getting confused over the first part of the first question but thankfully it got better after that.)

- Math 2 (am I the only fool to feel that paper 2 was harder than paper 1??)

God has been merciful, nothing has been totally disastrous. While most people are going "AW YEAHH no more math FOREVER" I'm going "oh bummer no more math forever". My favourite paper is over, now to face up to the challenge of ... -ominous music- ... Physics.

Both Mrs Bala and Mrs Quah (RGS Math & Physics teachers) would have a shock upon hearing that, considering how much I hated Math and how much I adored Physics back then. (People like Maddy can probably attest to my utter hopelessness in Math in RGS.) Weird.

09 November, 2006

*228 - ahma

And they all wonder why I dislike my grandma. (Dad's mum.)

It's not easy to tell of course, because in the presence of anybody else, she's a harmless little smiley thing with white hair and dentures. She particularly likes boys - I mean, she adores my father (naturally), my brother, and she even adores Justin. She used to hate my mummy so bad that mummy never once celebrated her wedding anniversary because the day of her marriage was most terrible and painful. (Can you imagine that? Whose parents don't celebrate their anniversary!?)

She's pretty nice to everyone now though. Even to me, when there are people around.

But you should see how she treats me when noone's in sight. Gosh. Anticipatory scolding (ie scolding me for something that I haven't done yet, like not washing the dishes, which I am going to do in a while), hurling insults at me (it's not translatable from Cantonese), muttering nasty things under her breath when I'm nearby. I mean, it might not sound like much, but having an angry person around me and getting the "I DETEST YOU" vibes early in the morning sure can ruin your mood for the rest of the day.

Treat me like crap, I can handle. Treat me like crap sneakily when you know no one will catch you at it - now that's really detestable.

And they wonder why I've never spoken a WORD to her in my eighteen years of living, except for a couple of mandatory 'xiexie's during CNY angpao-giving. EIGHTEEN years of stony silence from me. It's a vicious circle (I said CIRCLE! Not cycle! Ms Lim will be proud.) - my refusal to speak to her and her ugly behaviour towards me. I agonise over this from time to time, but I don't see myself breaking out of it and being all chummy with her anytime soon.

It's quite sad, I know, I should respect and love my grandma blah blah. Heh heh.

I'm always so jealous of everyone who has grandmas of the cute cuddly variety.

06 November, 2006

*227 - hark! the herald angels sing

Falalalala, it's Christmas come early! For some reason, they look like chubby cherubs (baby angels, some say) to me. I love the pearly sheen (: Elisa and Evelyn may be on a hiatus but the wires and beads were beckoning, really. Anyway, I haven't made new earrings since, I don't know, Dreamcatcher?

(Of course, this won't be up on the site until after my A's, and once Elisa's bar exam is over, we'll be launching our Christmas Collection! That's going to be big and exciting so look out for it! :D)

Taking a break from studying to make earrings doesn't sound like a good idea on hindsight, considering the first of the papers begin tomorrow. (Let's ignore GP.)

On a side note, Mr J Tan is such a nice approachable teacher, I keep bugging him (blame the Bio TYS for not having any answers grr) and he's wonderfully helpful (:

(I should stop it with the parentheses already.)

I plan to sleep at 10 pm tonight, oh yes. (: Take good care of your health, everybody! <3

04 November, 2006

02 November, 2006

*225 - squash

This is a milestone worth noting - Today, I played squash for the first time.


With Joel & Justin & Elisa, in decreasing order of ability. Needless to say, I'm so far behind everyone that I shall put my name ...


here. Evelyn.


Oh yeah, and perhaps worth a mention - AO Levels are over! (: More specifically, GP came and went, I did the question that nearly everybody else from the Science stream did, no prizes for guessing which one.

What I recall most vividly about the exam was the Artic temperatures of the hall. I spent a great deal of time worrying about the cold and tending to my nosebleed (I always seem to nosebleed at times like these). Spent some excruciating minutes at the end of the paper with my legs twisted tightly around each other for warmth and involuntarily shaking like a leaf from head to toe (perhaps more accurately, from shoulder to knee). It was fairly amusing (in a way) looking around at all the people who were also trembling visibly - it's definitely not a common sight here in sunny Singapore.

Came out of the exam hall literally numbed, with purplish-red skin (that's what happens whenever I'm very cold) and greyish bleeding lips (they cracked).

Someone should do something about this. I wonder if they'll let me wear track pants and, I don't know, thermal wear (?) for the subsequent papers. Such unconducive exam conditions.


Hiatus? What hiatus? Who said anything about a hiatus?

01 November, 2006

*224 - physics teacher!

Miss Wu is sitting a few metres away from me in my brother's room together with a bunch of friends having Bible study! This has happened once before but it's pretty bizarre watching an RJ teacher trot around your house. She's really nice, though. (:


Oh my goodness my very first wisdom tooth just poked its tip out of my gum!!


(I always assumed it would hurt - after all, babies seem to have such a terrible time growing teeth. But it doesn't.)

All the best for A's everyone. <3