31 March, 2006

*032 - RG gym concert

First things first: Mrs Deb Tan still remembers me! :D She said hi and told me it was lovely of me to come back to support my juniors in their concert, teehee! Principal lehhh, wahhh.

Mrs Yap forgot my name, on the other hand. ): [And I thought I was one of her favourite Geog students.]

Oh well. The RGS rhythmic concert was alright. There were some creative ideas, lots of potential, but I guess they weren’t very well prepared. And boy were they stressed! You could practically see the look of panic and anxiety on some of their faces as they performed. Just relax, smile, enjoy yourself, and the audience will enjoy themselves. (: There were some really good performers amongst them though! Delightful to watch.

Me and my pretty J1s who did a wonderful job!

Many thanks to Justin dearest who accompanied me all the way home after school, throughout the concert, and halfway back home. I’ve missed spending time alone with you and just you, it’s really been quite a while!

“No lah, you’re not my accessory ...”
“I’m your necessary!”

Haha grammar all wrong but. (:

And thanks Gerry for all the laughs tonight! (Like when we were scampering as the taxi nearly knocked us down and giggling at the fat man who toppled over backwards on the sidewalk.) And for helping me realise I’m The Trendsetter, hahaha. Who ask them to copy me.

It was a good night, mostly because going back to RGS and seeing all my little juniors perform brought back such a nice warm sense of nostalgia. Saying hello to all the gymnasts who still recognise me as the long-lost captain after all these years ... Watching all the routines that I used to do (xiao jiti! B div ribbon!) ... Giving advice to a stressed out captain because I sure know how it feels ... Seeing the banner I painted years ago being put up at the booth ... It was just, nice and comfy somehow.

Precious days that I hardly appreciated while I had the opportunity. I feel so world-weary and aged now.

Come to think of it, the entire day was lovely.
- 2 hours of GP but half of it was spent watching an interesting film on art.
- 2 hours of Chem where we were released early after going through the paper.
- Lunch with both boyfriends.
- Gave Just his Chingay stuff in exchange for something much sweeter <3 (thank youuu)!
- Fruitful (sort of) gym practice where everyone had fun (I hope)!
- Nice time catching up with the boyfriend over paper cutters (gym night tickets, shredded by hand) and dinner at my place.
- Stressing out over the lack of cabs (we couldn’t catch one for half an hour) but Justin’s mum rushed to our rescue in the end and got us there only about 15 minutes late, yay.

(The paper cutter!)

And coming home to see a neat stack of the remaining tickets cut by my dad and realising he re-cut about 200 of the ones we had cut previously, simply because he couldn’t stand the fact that some of them were about 3 mm longer than the rest. (Daddy’s a Neat Freak!)

Yup, all in all a good day. Just goes to show that once you try to stop stressing out and enjoy what you are doing and put everything in God’s hands – Everything becomes beautiful in your eyes.

30 March, 2006

*031 - counterstrike

Wah so funky. The boys taught the girls how to play CS during GP in the com lab! There was only one CD though so by the time the game was set up on our computer, Liru & I only had half the lesson left to learn how to play.

We spent most time lurking behind corners and then suddenly getting killed ...

Or lurking behind corners and leaping out into the open and madly shooting and then suddenly getting killed ...

Or lurking behind corners and screaming as we watch all our friends get killed off before our eyes and getting all psyched up to shoot and then they appear and we panic and get killed.

Well, it was an interesting experience but I don’t foresee myself playing it voluntarily any time soon. Thanks guys for the lesson though! :D

Playing Hillsongs on my CD player. It’s been too long.

You are my shield
my strength
my portion deliverer
my shelter, strong tower
my very present help in time of need

Disappointment after disappointment. Some things are just our control. All we can do now is to pray for supernatural healing and trust in a miracle. Melissa, get well soon! ):

Everything’s just one big mess, one big rush. But we always seem to be able to work it out in the end.

Much thanks to Mumsies who has been stressing out over some of the costumes! Hard at work:

Ticket sales beginning soon, and we shall see if the response in RJ is the same as it used to be in RGS, where we never had any problems selling out. Come on people, it’s all for charity (: Let me know if you want tickets!
I spent today’s break completely boyfriendless, because neither Boyfriend #1 nor Boyfriend #2 were around to keep me company! Haha oh well. Really grateful to the both of them though, I know they’ll always be there for me and I think everybody needs constants in their life to remain sane.

Much thanks to Liru for saving me from major embarrassment today. -blush- I can’t believe that happened, it never has!! That’s the problem with not being, uhm, regular. But it means it won’t happen during the concert, I hope! Er, trying to be discreet but not succeeding hahaha. ANYWAY.

Justin Tan (as in the teacher not the boyfriend) was really nice today too ... I was feeling so exhausted in every way possible and I suppose I’ve been looking ugly and haggard these few days due to insomnia (from all the worrying) and a general lack of time to sleep. I was sprawling on the table trying to read my Skill A notes and he came over to ask if I was sick, or sad, or sleepy. And he let me sleep through the entire lesson and made Liru promise to make sure I understood everything after that. Great, isn’t he? (:

Seems like these few days, all I’m doing in school is sleeping and struggling to stay awake and dancing/gymming. But I’ll be fine – it’ll all be over soon (:

29 March, 2006

*030 - Snails

Walking out of the car past the garden just a few minutes ago ...

Me: Ew Daddy so many snails! -pause- Ew they’re squirming over each other!
Daddy: Um, they’re mating.
Daddy: -prods snails into optimal position with twig for me to take a good photo-

I think it’s disgusting and I can hardly look at the photo without squealing and I definitely can’t look at it for too long. HAHA. Here it is for your viewing pleasure :D

Presenting, Mating Snails.

(Now you know how they do it, hahaha.)

26 March, 2006

*029 - gym concert!

Click for full version! (:

Much thanks to Denise for ALL her help!

I slogged for hours over that. Yawn. School tomorrow, I'm so not looking forward to it. 1 am, about time for me to sleep.

25 March, 2006

*028 - costumes

We danced with the clogs today and created quite a racket everywhere we went! I was so so so tired (and filthy) after that, but had to sprint off to J8 to buy $160 worth of tops for the gym concert.

Oh yeah, something hilarious: I was trying on an ‘M’ sized top and I nearly exploded out of it because it was SO TIGHT. So I passed it over to Melissa and to our horror it was tight for her too! [You know the world is ending when anything medium-sized is tight for Melissa.] We were stressing out about the whole issue and wondering what size the rest of us would have to wear, when we realised instead of taking medium, I had accidentally grabbed extra-small. Hahaha whoops.

We gobbled down our lunches in a frenzy after that and galloped back to school (ok, maybe brisk-walked)! But Amy and I still ended up 1 hour late for Xinqin’s dance, Melissa ended up 1 hour late for Zhixu’s, plus a stitch for me and Melissa, and two for Amy ): Boohoo!

I was terribly unenthusiastic during the prac because of a headache and general fatigue ): Bleugh I feel so bad, I think I should sleep more so I can put in 100% into everything I do! After all, I know I can’t stand it when people roll on the ground and refuse to budge when I want them to practise.

Traipsed up and down Arab Street after all thatwith Xinqin and Beatrice (sort of, because we split up). Bought sequins galore, tassels, rhinestones, cloth, cloth and more cloth. Oh oh oh I bargained for the cloth!! Even Mummy the Bargain Queen admitted that I was very pro. I paid about three quarters the price I should have. Teehee! It must have been my big doe eyes. On second thoughts, it was probably my incessant whining that pissed him off and forced him to relent. Well, whatever works :D

And while walking to my busstop from there, I saw the strangest fountain outside a restaurant – it had naked Barbies sitting in it. Hmm.

Thank goodness I didn’t buy any food from Arab Street, because when I got home I discovered a plateful of curry and naan awaiting me :D So I’m happily full but sadly fat, and I better go take a bath because I stink powerfully.

24 March, 2006

*027 - nightmare

You know you’re worrying too much when you get recurrent nightmares about the concert.

In my dream, everybody forgot their steps to the opening item and just invented their own. Then our teacher suddenly announced that we got the date wrong and the concert was actually meant to be the next day. The audience got angry and started chanting ‘DISCOUNT! DISCOUNT!’ Then the next day only a handful of people turned up to watch. We forgot our steps for the opening item again and ended up standing there staring at the audience and waving our arms above our heads.


Maybe deciding to name one of our items ‘Nightmare’ was an omen! Hahaha.

Gym yesterday morning (muah!), dance in the afternoon. Dance in a few minutes, buying gym costumes, dance again in the afternoon, buying more gym costumes. See what my life revolves around nowadays? Heh.

23 March, 2006

*026 - hear my cry

Thank you to all friends who have been such a comfort to me. All of you, you, and you. [Better not mention any names in case I miss out people :P] But you know who you are! Love you guys, I really really appreciate it.

It’s time to put things in God’s hands and stop trying to rely on my own strength.

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to You,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For You have been my refuge,
a strong tower against the foe.
I long to dwell in Your tent forever
and take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.

- Psalm 61:1-4


*025 - kampong days

Ikan kekek mak ilui-ilui
Ikan gelama mak ilai-ilai
Nanti adik mak ilui-ilui
Pulang sama mak ilai-ilai

Tenang-tenang air di laut
Sampan golek mudik ke tanjung
Hati terkenang mulut tersebut
Budi yang baik rasa dijunjung

Trying desperately to remember the words while vigorously shuffling on the floor on our bums and clapping wooden clogs together is no joke, really. (Though I do admit it looks terribly amusing!) :D

22 March, 2006

*024 - ...

I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared.

(And I'm not talking about CTs.)

If everything flops, it'll be largely my fault. I don't know what to do.

What's your idea of a decent duration for a $10-per-ticket charity concert? Feedback please?

21 March, 2006

*023 - monstrous calves (and everything else)

Unlike Wenloong, I’m posting a picture to push down an entry. Whereas he wrote an entry to push down his Louie-lookalike photo!

My pointes have been sewn, both ribbons and crochet pads. -beams- Yup, even though Physics is tomorrow and I haven’t touched my TYS. (A tell-tale sign that I’m giving up oh Physics – oh no!)

I was trying to be creative:

Pardon the monstrous calves. I’ve been eating so much during the exam period. Let’s see, today I had bread at home, shared a BK breakfast, shared char siew rice, shared carrot cake, and then the usual rice + veggie + fish for dinner.

Think about the gallons of oil I’ve consumed. (BK mini hashbrowns! Fried oily carrot cake!) Ewh. I’m soon going to overtake Justin, in terms of weight. Uh oh.

*022 - transient

It’s sad to hear people talking about how upset they would be when their CCA season ends, or when they officially hand over, because they’ll miss it so much and they all love each other so much and everyone would sit there together for the last time and hold hands and bawl.

I say it’s sad, because I can already imagine some of us smiling and saying “no more training forever, no more smelly gymnasium, hoorah” and walking away from everything just like that.

I don’t know. It’s great to be part of a team, to know you belong, to know you can always depend on your “band of brothers” (to quote Tubzz), to know that everybody wants to achieve just as much as you do.

It sucks when everybody trails away unceremoniously one by one. No commitment, no camaraderie, no aspirations, no nothing.

Some happy times, no doubt ...

But they’re all transient.

Oh well, what can I do.

[Not directed at anyone in particular, mind you ... just some vague thoughts. Not managing to finish my math paper has put me down in the dumps. And I really must thank Amy Zhu Mel & Mel for keeping me sane during this time <3 You guys have been great!]

20 March, 2006

*021 - 1 down, 3 to go

Ho hum. Bio was not good, to say the least. Let’s hope I don’t fail spectacularly - perhaps I could scrape a fail-by-a-little-bit-only? :P I had no idea what was happening to the dissected frog (10 marks!) and for some reason I couldn’t get the amandin and junlin (or something like that) question at all (another 10 marks!). And I didn’t exactly study J1 topics, so the photosynthesis question was pretty much jibberish to me. Actually, the entire paper was jibberish lah.

Math tomorrow. I can’t afford to do badly for that paper. Anyone who knew how much I loathed Math in RGS would be shocked to see me now! Mrs Bala would be so proud of me, hahaha.

Having said that, I just went to watch the first episode of the new reality show, So You Think You Can Dance? It’s great :D but whoops, back to Math for now.

19 March, 2006

*020 - purple rose #2

Justin randomly bought me a purple rose today! :D Yay so pretty :D

Two down, 97 more to go, hehe!

It is not a good idea to pak tor on the day before your common tests start. Spent the morning to afternoon dozing in the library, chauffeured to his place by his mum, a nap (his parents must be wondering why I’m always sleeping in their house), dinner with the family, Nickelodeon, chauffeured back home by his dad.

I haven’t finished studying this year’s topics for bio, what more last year’s, and I am so, so doomed. And let’s not even get started on the 3 other subjects.

On a brighter note, I just met Ming Zheng downstairs (shaven head, plastic spectacles and all :D) who assured me CT1 aren’t important at all. I suppose it’s meant to act as a wakeup call for slackers like me.

All the best, everybody!

18 March, 2006

*019 - fooood

Consuming copious amounts of food in a single day is so not good for me.

Café Cartel in the morning:

Ribs and pasta! We sat there trying so hard to finish our food, while people sat down at the table in front of us, ate their meals, and left, about 3 or 4 times.

Justin so skinny must eat mooorrreeee.

Popped by Justin’s place after that, with the good intentions of studying, but ended up sleeping and eating Ben and Jerry’s instead!

And just as we were studying “bovine somatotrophin”, Justin pointed out the “we oppose recombinant bovine growth hormone” label on the ice cream tub. Ooh, application of knowledge! :D

Went home stuffed, only to find my brother had baked beef wellingtons. Which is beef and mushrooms covered with pastry, with red wine sauce. Yumm.

We ordered pizza too after that! And had cookies and cream ice cream with liquor dribbled on.

There was so much food for dinner because my brother’s cell group friends (only the boys) came over and turned my house into a LAN shop – they installed Warcraft on five of the computers/laptops in my house!! Goodness me.

(I tried to play for about 15 minutes and died probably about 25 times. My first time ever!! XD Hahaha. I don’t get how boys can get addicted to it – Very fun meh?)

Needless to say, not much studying was completed today. Haha :P

And to end off: we have some new stuff! Click! (:

17 March, 2006

*018 - new pointe shoes!

Spanking new pointes! Serenades, because they didn’t have my size in Suprima Strong. Thanks to my hideously monstrous bunions, I require pointe shoes in the largest width available, and pretty tapered shoes like Capezios are truly out of the question for me.

Yup, pre-ribboned and pre-crocheted (and pre-broken in and pre-dirtied), because I couldn’t resist. Shall break into them once I sew on the ribbons (:

Strangely, they seem to already have a pretty decent arch (for a new pair of pointe shoes) even though I’ve barely even touched them – I’ve only put them on for a minute in Sonata and another minute to take the photo, haha. Let’s just hope these stay nice and firm. My previous pairs are all break-ankle-soft already.

... Ok, back to capacitance or homeostasis or power series or halogen derivatives or one of the trillions of topics I have yet to touch.

15 March, 2006

*017 - old currency

So terribly upset. I’ve kept a set of Singapore currency most zealously in a little tin downstairs ever since I was a youngster in primary school. It contained samples of all the ‘special’ notes I’ve managed to find, like the 1976 $1 and $ 5 notes.

Mummy found them and used them because she thought they looked ‘old and dirty’. I don’t think I’ll ever get them back.

Whimsical, I know, but I’ve always been meaning to keep them and pass them on to my little grandchildren ... Relics from the ancient times, blah blah. At least, I think it’s cool to see the different currency a country has had through the decades.

Oh well. I might as well just spend the remaining few, since I’m never going to get my collection back again.


[Edit, the next day]:

Oh my goodness! Mummy's too nice ... I think she felt really bad about using my notes and so she's going back to the shop today to see if she can get them back. -beams-!

14 March, 2006

*016 - blackout

Wah, first time experiencing a blackout! I had to resort to showering by candlelight, which is not half as romantic as it sounds. More like spooky.

Focus, Evelyn, focus. I haven’t the time to study every single topic for the CTs, especially for Bio, someone please tell me what to do )': Thank God I'm not taking Bio S, though.

*015 - nightmare

My computer is counting down to its death. This is ominous – time to start backing up!

Late news, but, look what arrived by snail mail last week! A mate for my pencil case from my dearest Secret Admirer!

A mate for my pencilcase! You’re such a dear (: Yes, even though you leave ill-omened messages on my tagboard! Thanks so much ... and yes, double date one day! Must tell me more about your good idea alright? ;)

Something funny happened last night.

Brother walks into room, eyes glittering, and says, “Do you know what Maple Story is? I’m downloading it!!” Chuckles and walks out.

For your info, he’s twenty-seven this year. Ahaha!

Sudden rushed decision to revive “Nightmare”, the performance Melissa and I have performed once too many times already, due to yesterday’s calamity. No choice la, at least we don’t have to start from scratch – we promise to try to make it more exciting to watch this time! Better costumes, better choreography, better mood. I hope.

We even have our synopsis done! Thanks to my sister who whipped this up in a flurry while I set the music on repeat-mode to create the mood. I think it’s great. It pays to have an ex-humanities scholar in the house.

The nightmare sweeps over
and our souls are dragged
to far-

away, where tears hit the ground
before our hearts know
to break.

(But light drops -
we are for now caught in sweet morning,
like grass on the horizon surprised by dawn.)

The wolves leap
The sky slams shut like jaws on meat,
and the night thickens so we no longer breathe,
but feel the fangs of terror on our fragile bodies.
Future collapses
into now, and this short terror

is forever

until we die, or wake.

And I should be off to do a little more work before the holidays draw to an end.

13 March, 2006

*014 - pulling out

So terribly disappointed. I expected more from you guys. Where’s your sense of responsibility? Don’t pull out when you have already committed yourself. You might think it’s just one item but it means a lot when you only have a few to begin with.

Thanks to dear Zhu and Amy for the hugs and tissues and comfort (:

Prayed to God for strength and wisdom while sitting on the sandy tiles outside the hall. I really need Your help.

Sometimes, I really don’t know if I should be cold and unrelenting and authoritative and force people to listen to me. Or should I be smiley and accommodating (as I usually try to be), and then slip away to cry as everything I’m trying so hard to hold onto crumbles and slips through my fingers.

11 March, 2006

*013 - rugby tournament

Here’s me holding the finger of a giant rugby ball!

Justin asked it if it was feeling warm in there and it was quite funny to hear the rugby ball bellow “HOOOOTTTT” and walk away.

Just looks really flexible here. (After kicking the ball!)

And my favourite photo of today. They all look reaaally good! :D

Well done, guys! Tomorrow’s finals will go great (:

10 March, 2006

*012 - not colgate, but ...


I was happily brushing my teeth when I noticed a weird smell every time I bent nearer the mirror to inspect my teeth. A weird, nasty smell.

I left and went back into the toilet a few minutes later.





I screamed and my sister came running – and we both stared in horror at the cockroach happily traipsing through our toothbrushes. And we both realised that we had been brushing with Cockroach instead of Colgate (as Justin so aptly put it)!!

We sprayed it to death and changed all the toothbrushes and gargled with mouthwash together while making upset “mmpphhh!!” noises.

And that’s my gross story for today.


[edit, 2 minutes later:]

What’s up with insects today? My sister just shrieked that there was a weird green praying mantis or grasshopper sitting on her laptop swaying in the breeze.

It’s quite cute actually.

09 March, 2006

*011 - moral compass

It’s not a very good thing to have parents with so many acquaintances who recognise you, even if you don’t have an inkling of who they are. And generally people who know who my dad is would probably know who Justin’s parents are too. Sigh.

My tear ducts and nasal passages are clogged up but I haven’t run out of tears. The strangest thing is that I’m sitting here snivelling as I’m discussing the budget plans for the gym charity concert and meeting times for teaching the dance tomorrow.

Oh well. It’s been a long time since I’ve been lectured by my Daddy but I love him all the same (: Sometimes I wish he would just yell at me instead of sitting down and talking it out because that’s the kind of ‘scolding’ that never fails to break me down.

But thank God for such understanding and accepting parents who give me the freedom to do what I want but are always there to guide me back when I stray. They've always been perfectly all right with me being in a relationship, but it’s time for me to calibrate my “moral compass” again, as Daddy puts it.

And happy belated month-niversary to us! Thank you for all the wonderful times we’ve had <3 Let’s hope we can work things out together.

07 March, 2006

*010 - late designs

Really really sorry to all those who have been diligently checking out the Elisa and Evelyn website for the new designs, which we promised to put up in 'early March'! We have a handful of new earrings and bags but we haven't got down to putting them onto the site - it's quite a tedious process, really.

And with the imminent common tests [GP tomorrow, ahh] ... the business just has to proceed more slowly than usual. Many apologies! So if you need earrings/bags by a certain date, you better make your orders, like, now so we can get to work (: Visit our site, or just let me know!

A sneak peak of what's to come! Cuter, bolder, hipper. :D

06 March, 2006

*009 - lecture booboo

The funniest booboo made by a Chemistry lecturer ever:

While teaching Organic Nitrogen Compounds, meaning to say "You have to learn these 4 reactions",

The teacher instead said, "You have to learn these 4 erections".

The whole LT erupts into laugher and she covers her mouth and goes "Oops, what did I say?" Hahaha XD

05 March, 2006

*008 - parents in love

Oh dear. Unintentionally conflicting themes/ideas for gym and dance night. That is Not Good. Since the gym item was created first, and the theme for the dance item was just decided upon 9 hours ago, hopefully there’s still time for something to be done. -crosses fingers-

Anyway. Justin had told me briefly last night that he was scratched up from the tournament yesterday, but imagine my surprise when I saw him limping towards me from afar with what appeared to be thick stage makeup at the corner of his left eye.

See what I mean by stage makeup? The bruise/scratch follows the contours of his eye perfectly!

If you can’t tell, I’m pouting at his bruise.

Putting my arm around his waist elicited a yelp from him and this is why! Boohoo ): Better keep an arm’s length away from him until he’s scratch-free!

Thanks for today dear. It’s true that lots of couples around us are having problems; break-ups seem a lot more common than get-togethers, as compared to this time last year [when RJC seemed to be the breeding ground for new couples]. But I think we’re pretty much problem free at the moment ... even Sarah was commenting that we’re “weird” because we hardly ever quarrel [or something to that effect]!

And we haven’t even celebrated Valentine’s Day yet! Ooh, so antiestablishment haha. But bouquets and presents and balloons don’t matter if everyday feels like Valentine’s Day to you!

My secret to staying in love? Trusting God to bless our relationship. (:

When I’m married, I’m determined to go out on regular hot dates with my hubby even when we’re centuries old! :D My parents still go for movies together, and go out for meals by themselves, and I think that’s terribly cute.

It’s delightful to see your parents in love, even in the littlest of ways like when Daddy chooses the nicest chunk of meat for Mummy, or when Mummy clutches on to Daddy’s arm when they’re walking.

I know I’ve posted this before, but this is my all-time favourite picture of them – In Korea, holding hands, caught unawares on film. <3

04 March, 2006

*007 - revolving restaurant

Laoshi’s dance is getting interesting. Stamping about with imaginary clogs and shuffling to position while going “HAHAHAHA!” for 2 eights ... certainly is nothing like anything I’ve done before. Very fresh and creative, and that’s why I enjoy laoshi’s dances, most of the time.

Lunch with the dear boyfriend and (sort of with) Just and Sarah in the canteen ... Must remember to thank Justin for staying back, in Just’s words, “to eat bao” with me when all the other ruggers went out for lunch. (: Just and Justin were in their new TIGHT jerseys ... oo sexay!

The ruggers had a tournament after that but having dance, I couldn’t go watch. Boohoo. But congrats for winning every single game! :D

[The guy holding the ball in both photos is Justin! (: Pictures courtesy of Justin’s dad!]

Went out with the family for dinner in some revolving restaurant. A wedding dinner was happening concurrently, for some strange reason, so we caught sight of the bride and groom hurrying in and out and cutting the cake and stuff like that.

As usual, whenever I bring my camera out, I naturally have no choice but to take a million photos!

Here goes.

Interesting egg + scallops + fish + I’m-not-sure-what-else dish!

Peking duck! While Elisa was opening her mouth to take a bite, I yelled “Stop! Grin and look at me!” and this is what I captured.

Fish’s gaping mouth! Looks pretty gross, don’t you think so? :D

Meat that you stuff into a bun. One of the few ‘normal’ photos of Elisa and I, where we are actually smiling nicely and not doing anything spectacularly out of the ordinary.

Me and my health conscious family ... when eating some deep fried egg white with red bean paste thingies, we had to squish the excess oil out of the puff with tissue [just like the way I treat my fries sometimes]. Look at the amount of oil that came out from one puff [and this is not all the oil there is in one puff]!

Elisa tries to discreetly pat the oil away ... in case the chef sees us and has a fit. While Joel gleefully removes all traces of oil by pressing hard on (and flattening) his puff.

And lastly, while we were waiting for them to dabao our leftovers (haha), I snapped a lovely series of photos entitled the “Stoopid Face Series”. Everyone was strangely obliging.

Lovely (: I’m nice and full now, and probably about 3 kg heavier than what I was at the beginning of the day. Haha!

03 March, 2006

*006 - little bundles of joy

I’ve been so amazingly busy. I think one of the hardest parts of being a leader, to me, is to let go and trust your dear friends to complete whatever you assign to them for you, instead of trying to be the one who runs around doing everything. Just a little insecurity on my part, because I want everything to be perfect. Sometimes I don’t realise that distributing the workload is the only way to get everything perfect.

On that note, thanks to all my friends who have been keeping me sane (: In particular, Boyfriend Number Two, whom I’ve grown to depend on so much. I don’t know how I would survive in school otherwise! (Ooh how promiscuous!!) Much love to Liru <3 (And don’t listen to her if she insists she’s Girlfriend Number One. I refuse to be bi!)

And I must say this now, in case Boyfriend Number One gets jealous ... I love Justin too! Haha! <3 <3

Gym concert, dance night, common tests, daily work, business (haha) ... Life is just so hectic nowadays. Whenever I’m not doing work, I’m trying to think up steps in my head. (Yeah, that’s what I’m actually doing when I look like I’m zoning out!) ( ... Okay, maybe I am just zoning out.)

Thankfully, no matter how little rest I get or how much I grumble and cry, God continues to command His blessings upon me and never fails to help me handle each day’s problems ... so I’ll never have to worry about tomorrow. (: All the little bundles of joy He sends my way, like good morning SMSes and decorating ruggers’ arms with snapping killer fish and sneaking meaningful chats with friends during tutorials and dancing in classrooms with Indian music blaring over the speakers, really helps to get me through each day.
A rather old picture I never posted – Chinese New Year, in my room. We forced an amused Mummy to take this photo of us standing back to back. This is concrete proof that Justin is indeed taller than I am :D

I played taboo for the first time in my life today! The peculiar thing was that I played it with Wenloong, and 4 other random teachers that we didn’t even know. Hmm!

I’m really really lousy at taboo but I think I might be getting the hang of it. (:

Some memorable moments from taboo:

Wenloong: “When you can’t say what the f- ..., you say ..?”
Teachers: -look disconcerted-
(Ans: Freak)

Chem teacher: “Something rich in beta carotene.”
(Ans: Carrot)

A teacher: “An element ...”
Chem teacher: -blinks- “There are so many! Iron, argon, zinc, aluminium, calcium, argon, ...” (and rattles on and on)
(Ans: Copper)

Wenloong: “The thing in school that always spoil.”
A teacher answers straight away: “The lift.”
(Ans: Lift! :D)

A teacher: “The round thing that you put on the ... round thing ... that you put in the oven.”
(Ans: Pepperoni)

Me: “It floats ...”
Wenloong: “Shit?”
(Ans: Iceberg)

Haha, fun stuff. Prata-ed with Wenloong, Mark and Justin after that ... and was sent all the way home! Thanks dear (:

02 March, 2006

*005 - do re mi ...

Something funny that happened in the canteen today as Justin was sending me off to the bus stop ...

-Rae walks past and waves-
Me: -waves back- (turns to Justin and says) The next time you see her wave and say ‘Hi Rae’ cos she’s my friend!
Justin: Rae?
Me: Yeah say hi to her next time ok!
Justin: Mi? But she’s so far away!
Me: Okay la okay la.
Justin: Haha, I’m just ti-sing (teasing)! I will, al-do (although) I can’t even recognise her.

Haha, I must remember to tell Rae the next time I see her, that her name sparked off a whole musical conversation between Justin and I.

Yesterday was a crazy day as Wednesdays usually are – But I survived on God’s strength, whoopee! Amy who was fasting for ash Wednesday survived well too (yay)! PE in the morning consisted of running and frisbee. After lessons ended, I went to the dance studio at 1 ... had Dance Night preview ... followed by Zaki’s dance where I nearly collapsed from fatigue (but thankfully didn’t feel like sitting down and bawling like last week) ... trudged off to the canteen for a quick drink and then to the gym at 8 ... choreographed and practised for the gym concert until about 9.45 ... and reached home at about 10.15.

Phewhh. Long long day, but it kinda makes me happy to know my muscles aren’t stagnating (:

Have lots of stuff to do, on top of the mountains of homework that I should be catching up on. I’m up to my eyeballs in work, so tata for now!

*004 - talk to the hand

I’ve been having kiddy relapses these few days. My “talk to the hand” interpretation (which everybody is thoroughly sick of) proves it!

She can talk ...

And she can go “AHHH” too!

Yesterday’s version cracked me up in the midst of a physics lecture and I ended up drawing on Liru and Joel’s hands as well (beware of sitting next to me!):

Cute fish ...

Becomes KILLER fish!!

I think I amuse myself too easily XD

01 March, 2006


... for the rest of my life bwahahaha. Praise God (: