28 February, 2006

*002 - FINALLY!

Finally! After hours of painstakingly tweaking html codes (I confess I am far from a html wiz) I finally got this blog to, well, look like an exact replicate of the previous layout at diary-x, hahaha :D

- happyhappy dance -

Now everybody, click on the "Elisa and Evelyn" icon on the right and start shopping! [/end shameless advertising]

Chinese results out tomorrow arrghghhghghhCHOKE. Please let me get at least a C6.

26 February, 2006

*001 - so, diary-x really died.

I don't believe diary-x died on me. [And its millions of other users, haha!]

Thank God I have backups of almost every entry written in under-the-waves, but all the entries in my very-first-blog-which-hardly-anyone-knows-about are gone ): That was the blog that contained everything related to N, and also the beginning few months of being with Justin. Oh well! I'll just have to rely on my brain to keep the memories safe and sound (:

So much has happened since I last blogged, um, 2 weeks ago? Oh but first to explain why latte love - It's the name of my favourite lip gloss!! Ahaha the bimbo in me is revealing herself, gasp.

Tiny blurry picture of me, homework and latte to match the new blog name. Hahaha. Since I had no time to do anything else apart from copying html codes from my previous blog, we'll just have to wait and see if I manage to think up a more coffee-ish template one day.

As some people know, I haven't exactly been at my jolliest over the past few weeks (last week in particular). But thank God for today's sermon: the more you identify with the old Adam ("I'm always so tired, always so stressed", blahblah) the more nasty stuff will manifest in your life! Identify with Jesus instead and His blessings will pour forth :D Our disappointments may be God's appointments!

Reminder to self: Keep trusting God to provide and quit trying to handle everything by myself!

And to end off, here's what I was halfway publishing on the 12th of this month, when diary-x died at that exact moment. Just to commemorate that fateful instant [and not to waste a perfectly good photo entry (which is the main point actually)]! Here:

[12 Feb]

Just some photos from today because I have no time to say anything substantial. Went to the boyfriend's church, squelched through a wet market for one of the first times in my life, had lunch with the family, bai nian-ed at his place (hey, it's the last day of CNY today ok), fell asleep on the boyfriend's bed twice while he fixed up the computer, got chauffeured home by his parents. Nice day (:

Spider on the ceiling, just to show that my camera's zoom works.

YELLOW UDDERS! Ooooh. Maybe someone can tell me what these strange fruit are.

Frogs! They all look like Kermit, don't they?

Bloody fish. [As in, the fish is bloody. Bloody fish sounds vaguely rude (think bloody hell), or maybe it's just me.]

Lastly, Justin's CUTE bunny, Chippy, lying on my lap!