31 December, 2011

*1135 - down south

Yet another hallmark Christmas has passed, and retailers are trying to stretch their holiday earnings with massive post-christmas sales. (Which have resulted in two pretty pairs of boots for me ho ho ho.) It is fascinating to watch how retailers have shaped every major holiday into what they have become today. But still. Christmas is always a lovely time to me--remembering amidst the jolly Santas and red-nosed reindeer that it still is to me a reminder that Christ was born to us and albeit the commercialization of the holiday, the impetus we get from it to put such careful thought and warm fuzzies into giving meaningful gifts for people who matter really is quite touching!

The new year will be here in less than a day and the new year ahead looks so incredibly wonderful that I am all a jitter and can barely wait. No one specific reason, just many reasons, big and small, to thank God for. Always!

Merry Christmas and a blessed 2012!

23 December, 2011

*1134 - airport again

And this time, headed to VA!

I would be wildly excited except that I did get up, after an unsatisfactory nap, at 3 am, to make it to the airport by 4.30 am. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

The past week has been a whirlwind of activity, sans D no less, but with a visiting Maddy. Who is one of those fuss-free guests, which I very much appreciate. We took a yoga class together which continues our pact (made very seriously years ago) to be dancing grannies together. No, really, it's going to happen!

So nice to share a decade-long friendship. No matter how many wonderful friends I have made in the past four years in the US, there is still nothing like having friends who grew up and got through those awkward years with you and understand you in a much deeper way just because of shared roots and a similar set of childhood experiences that is a function of growing up in the same place. This is not something I truly appreciated or maybe really understood four years ago, because it is such an intrinsic thing that you dont even realise. If you grow up with PSLE and Junction 8 before it became all fancy and Casuarina prata and Green Meadows and rhythmic gymnastics under a coach from China and Mrs Bala and Hokkien mee, you don't realise that there is any other way to grow up.

20 December, 2011

*1133 - by the way ...


I beat you to blogging.


- Evelyn

17 December, 2011

*1132 - sprinkles cupcakes

These are the most renown cupcakes in all of LA. Sprinkles cupcakes. We tried the peanut butter chocolate cupcake and the red velvet.

My verdict? Great presentation, gorgeous cupcakes (although the sprinkle itself is not something you really want to eat). However, the cake was too dense and heavy for my liking, we had to scrape off a bunch of the overly-sweet frosting, and sharing those two cupcakes among four of us still made us feel really jelat at the end.

Hm! Maybe my expectations were too high because of the hype and celebrity endorsement. I mean, it was still a good cupcake that I would eat again if it wasn't so expensive or if someone bought it for me ;) but it was nothing very extraordinary to me.

(I'm sorry, is this blasphemous?)

15 December, 2011

*1131 - busy

I have not had enough time these days to do what is necessary--clean the apartment, keep in touch with people who matter, prepare for the holidays, get my teeth cleaned, all the nitty gritties of life that beg to be done but unfortunately tend to get pushed to the side.

But! I am alive and well and happy! And that is something to be thankful for first and foremost.

11 December, 2011

*1130 - airports

I must be so spoilt by being Singaporean because we have the prettiest airport and the best airline (bias? Nah) that every other airport and plane pales in comparison. "Pales" is not the right word for describing Logan airport, which I am at right now, it is about thirty times more severe than merely "paling". I feel disgusting. Ugh.

Not a fan of flying but it is worth it when your company ships you out from one coast to another for in-person team meetings and more importantly the annual holiday party. Working amidst friendly faces is such a thing I have missed the past three months that I've been in SF ... Things are so different there office-wise, but who besides myself is to blame? It is so hard to be friends with a floorful of people from companies that are not your own, but we have to try.

Being back in Boston for the past four, five days has been so lovely! I never regarded it much more than a great place where I lived and worked for a year, but leaving it for a new city really makes me realise the value of familiarity and a base of awesome friends--both of which are missing from my new life in San Francisco. But don't get me wrong, I love being in SF! It is just different and an adjustment, the way every move is. It's great, really.

Finally boarding, and very much not looking forward to having to eat my dunkin donuts chicken salad sandwich but there really wasn't anything much more worth eating at the airport for purchase. Here goes!

03 December, 2011

*1129 - the family

I've not had so many family pictures in such a long time--it is heartwarming, really, and I want to print them all out and stick them everywhere. It was just a short 1.5 weeks with them ... which involved a lot of childhood nostalgia, a ton of really excellent food (sis and I being such foodies and successful Yelpers), wedding dress excitements (not for me, silly), shoppingoppingopping, but mostly just simple hanging out and spending quality Chan time together (and answering funny questions like "how come D can eat rice with a fork ah??").

A few people pictures today!

Us at Disneyland (yes, Disneyland)!

This was the ride that apparently traumatized me at the age of 1+ so bad that we had to go take the "It's a Small Word" ride about three times in quick succession to calm me down.

Followed by Universal Studios. The Simpsons ride was maybe my favourite because it was just so CLEVER. Unfortunately, I am prone to motion sickness and while old-school roller coasters are perfectly fine, the 4D motion rides make me feel like hurling right away. So unfortunate :(

Donkey (in this photo) really sounded like Eddie Murphy. Haha!

We hung out in Hollywood ...

... with the stars (I was so excited because Bugs Bunny is my absolute favourite cartoon! Well, before I discovered Spongebob) ... and that was when I decided that I was about done with LA. Meh.

And then more nostalgia as we returned to the place that we used to live in CA when I was too young to remember. Nostalgia for them, and intrigue for me, I guess, to see the very playground that I used to scrabble in as a child.

A peek at the Stanford campus. We also went to the elementary school that my siblings went to and took a family photo at where my sister took her class photos back in the day.

Some farmers marketing and pumpkin picking--right up my alley.

Bought both of the below, and have eaten one since :)

April next year is going to be exciting. The Chans reunited again, and with the brother this time!

*1128 - keyboard

I have replaced my keyboard all by myself and I can type once again! Hurrah!!