30 November, 2010

*936 - spinning

The past two weeks have been draining, to say the least. I've been troubled.

But very thankful--for friends, family, and boy--for two weeks worth of answering 2 am phone calls and going for 2 am walks, for chatting and texting me to sleep from all over the world, for nighttime cuddles and nuzzles to keep me safe, for all the much-needed company.

23 November, 2010

*935 - good morning

My lovely good morning scare a thoughtful friend left for me.

After getting over the shock of being confronted at work by a snarling rat in my mug, I developed a mild fondness towards it, and we eventually ended up naming it.

Behold. Lord Lionel Bruno Primrose; Rosy for short!

*934 - where is my zzz monster?

The luxuries of being a temporary insomniac include brisk midnight walks round the neighborhood, 5 am scrabble, catching up with West coast people (3 hours behind), catching up with people from Singapore (12 hours ahead), being able to blog before going to work ...

That said, sleeping a mere few hours each day for 5 days in a row is going to take its toll on my body eventually.

20 November, 2010

*933 - saturday brunch

And yet again, the weekend (well, just Saturday for now) was a beautiful and sunny day. (This continues to confirm my theory that all weekends are beautiful and sunshiney, despite gloomy weekdays.)

Perhaps the most delicious brunches I've had: lobster eggs benedicts at Cafe Luna up in Cambridge. Cute little cafe with sometimes more than an hour waits that are completely worthwhile, the most darling host you can imagine, crayons as entertainment as you hungrily await your food, and deliciousness that will make you explode with delight. Besides their fabulous eggs benedicts, their french toasts are too ridiculously good to describe--pumpkin pie stuffed? Oh yeah. Mm hmm.

17 November, 2010

*932 - on evelyn's to do list

* Bring the little bug to the car doctor: almost time for winter tires!
* Get new cushions and toss out the gunky ones
* Try harder to leave work early for dance classes
* Attempt capoeira with N
* Get a pair of goggles (for chlorine to stop hurting my eyes) and a better body (for me to stop hurting your eyes)
* Curb unhealthy addiction to wasabi peas and yogurt covered peanuts
* Stop cooking two portions and eating both instead of saving one
* Buy more shampoo and conditioner instead of rationing the remainder
* Remember not to be sucked into the routine of working life
* Remember that the last person I want to hurt is you
* Remember the beautiful, beautiful things that keep me happy
* Point out the beautiful, beautiful things that keep others happy

To do. ASAP.

15 November, 2010

*931 - grapes for the third time

I am only harping on it for the third time because I finally found a (blurry) photo of myself in grape-do!

This was when we decided to abandon our area and go in a squeaky group to check out what other colleagues were doing. And this is us being distracted by a baby in a fuzzy monkey outfit with a fuzzy banana, weeping over his inability to chew the grape we gave him (not enough teeth yet), except that you can't see him at all, because our balloons are in the way.

13 November, 2010

*930 - evelyn's mid-evening snack.

Don't you take my peas away from me.

*929 - liver

Ouchies, my liver hurts. (Ok, it's probably just my tummy.)

Yesterday saw me, the truest bluest Asian in the entire room, at my virgin karaoke experience. I think we mightn't have had to go so far with the pre-gaming to ease the assumed pain that karaoke would cause me—but it honestly wasn’t bad at all, especially if one isn’t forced against one’s will to sing songs one doesn’t know!

Adjourned to the bar down the street, where fire extinguishers were knocked clean off the walls, sticky shots were spilled into my coat sleeves, ridiculous (but not regrettable) texts were sent, etc. Living a mere ten minute trot away was most appreciated at the end of the night (only applicable to myself, hoho), and the fact that boys insist on walking me home puzzled me a great deal as always (why go through the trouble if there is no question in my mind that I would be able to walk down the road I walk down ever so often to make it to my apartment?).

[Edit: Mr. A told me not to reject those offers and scared me with tales of forcible touchings, so maybe I will reconsider.]

Lovely night, though the thought of partying with colleagues still fazes me a tad, but it seems to be very much a norm here—our work is far too intense and time-consuming to allow us to maintain any sort of normal friendships with people outside of work, so everyone at work is best friends with each other. Haha! And the fact that we are all creepily alike in so many ways (though that is to be expected).

Off to find something in my fridge that will be gentle on the tummy ...

[Edit: 7 pm the day after and texts back and forth have confirmed that Colleague #1 is still feeling ill and Colleague #2 is still suffering in headacheyness. Excellent; this means I'm not as weak as I had assumed.]

10 November, 2010

*928 - awkward shower moment

Me, in the shower. Him, somewhere in the bathroom, shaving/flossing/etc. Both, hurried, getting ready for a fab night out.

Me: (With great joy, and loudly so that he could hear me through the shower door, exclaimed something to the effect of) "MMM it feels so good, I can't stop (showering)!"

Him: (Awkward silence)

Reason: Unbeknown to me, a party of sorts had just arrived at the apartment and was milling around just outside the bathroom.

Conclusion: I managed to deftly slip out unnoticed, ninja-like.

The end!

*927 - another weekend in ithaca

This is what the inside of a car looks like during a car wash.
Also, observe my little gerbera that keeps me company.

'Twas lovely seeing the dance troupe again. Early morning arabesques and hugs all around!

Perhaps the Most Delicious Dinner I've had in ages/ever: Steak Diane

... Cooked by Mr. A himself! So very, very proud :)

Drunken photo: the fanciest (chopstick) rings!

One thing I refuse to eat: raw onion.
I forgot to request my bagel without, but they do make a pretty photo.

Very much a favorite: sweet potato fries. Drooool.

*926 - how we groove

In PJ's, fists in circular motion, very vigorously and very seriously, to blasting house music.

08 November, 2010

*925 - purple as a ... grape!

Answer to Halloween costume #1: purple grapes for the girls, green for the boys! Unwieldy, squeaky, and most hilarious. The kiddies loved us, and I'm now thoroughly upset that I missed out on Halloween as a child!