29 April, 2008

*557 - reverse bumblebee

Let's hope the "you" in the previous entry never comes across my blog. Heehee. Guess I should be more confident about myself.

Today, I:
Accidentally made a hole in a pillar
Talked to dearest Liru throughout class <3
Walked out of class because I hadn't prepared for it
Randomly did laundry for no reason
Completed my LAST EVER financial accounting homework hallelujah
Saw a reverse bumblebee
Went to the mall to get costumes
Overdosed on ice cream and chocolate
Sprinted for the bus twice, caught one and missed the other
Have the nicest mug I've ever owned
Need to complete two essays by tomorrow, and it is already 11 pm, oh no oh no I HAVE TO GET STARTED NOW panic twitch twitchtwitch.

(Happy bee!)

*556 - bang bang

The next few weeks are going to be rough. Had a panic attack in the middle of Financial Accounting this morning, with dear Raina beside me commanding me to "talk it out, Evelyn, talk it out!"

A crazy amount of work due, plus the fact that I have late-night rehearsals galore and 3 performances this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Today's tech rehearsal dragged on an hour later than expected. Tired.

But the real reason why I'm so glum right now isn't so much work, or physical tiredness. It's mostly because I'm insecure about my role in the performance. It used to be that I was confident, having fun. But today it turned into a struggle to be noticed. I think it was largely because of your offhand comment to that our trio section was mostly about you messing around with D. It's as though I might as well not be there. And I can see how excited you are with dancing with D, always discussing new ideas and trying out moves, because you have some raunchy thing going on there in the dance with the whip and sexiness and everything, which is infinitely more edgy than my stage relationship to you. The thing is, I want our duet to be amazing in its own way too, but it can't be if you don't value my role in the dance. And all that makes me feel as though I'm not good enough.

Sigh. Just being insecure here. Now back to work I go!

26 April, 2008

*555 - pandora released!

Pandora performance on Saturday (: I had so much fun! Really enjoyed the dances I was in this year. Maki's (emo), Adrienne's (pretty), Anchi's (spooky).

I'm really happy to be part of Pandora! The girls are all incredibly talented! I'm so proud of us (:

(This is me wobbling out of a quick penche)

During practice:

Went to Madeline's after the performance for yummy desserts and drinks. After which, we were both bitten by the dancing bug (either that, or we were slightly tipsy) and, on the spur of the moment, proceeded to record a series of interpretive dances in the middle of the carpark, in the dead of the night.

Here's our best attempt (and Kenneth's debut dance performance):

Grande jete across the carpark

Bar at Madeline's

25 April, 2008

*554 - ?

From Singapore-like temperature (think: blazing sun, almost 30 degrees) for the whole of this week and last to about 10 degrees max next week. Huh?

Hurrah for the constantly confused Ithacan weather.

*553 - ultimate flattery

"You look like yo ji."

"What is yo ji?"

"Pig's kidney."

18 April, 2008

*552 - luau! hawaii in ithaca.


If this is the kind of food you get in Hawaii, I need to visit one day :D YUM.

Doing the dance they taught us! :D

You know spring is here when:
The sun's blazing,
I have flowers around my neck,
and I'm looking most attractive.

And unrelated to the luau, here's another sure sign of spring: when we dance on the grass!!

16 April, 2008

*551 - ? % @ # ^ *

Things could be better, situations could be a lot less cloudy, everything right now is one giant question mark ?, with a bunch of little % and @ and # and ^ and *s thrown in just to make things even more convoluted. All the what if's, and the maybe's, and the maybe not's, and the if only's.

Every day my heart breaks just a little bit. But every day my heart sings too. And then it does weird things like spasm and spin in circles and dart from corner to corner and ooze from place to place because it's confused and doesn't know what to do.

But I think I'm pretty happy being "single", thank God. He puts a peace in my heart that tells me everything's going to fall neatly into place.

14 April, 2008

*550 - whine?

Even the most beautiful things become ugly when you bury them under shadows and lies.

It'll always be beautiful to me, though.

You know what I want.


I just discovered that I don't like pumpernickel. And I'm very disappointed that they swopped aluminum foil with wax paper for the rolls. The only reason why I started taking the rolls (free with every salad!) was that I got to scrunch them up in foil. I love how the foil came in little sheets just the right size, how I could grab a roll and haphazardly wrap it up with one hand in two seconds, and how the foil would stick nicely to the roll and turn out smooth and shiny each time. Where is the joy in wrapping rolls up in big sheets of wax paper which doesn't adhere to anything?

And can somebody tell me why it went from winter to spring (for a few happy days) and back to winter? It snowed again last night. And I was so cold I had to bring out the fluffies again, just when I was happily planning to store the winter jackets away for good. Shivered my way to and from class, but the strange thing was that there were kids stubbornly walking around in t-shirts or miniskirts. I would love to join them in their rebellion against winter but it's too damn chilly for that.

I'm upset today.

But I was a good student. I participated in class (whenever I do that, it's because I just want the lesson to end, and I figure if I provide all the answers really quickly, she'll run out of things to say, and we'll all end early, but I don't think it works very well), and I went for econ lecture for what I believe is the fifth time this semester (it was lecture #23 today) (although I'm still skipping section, which I've never gone for in my life, which is part of the reason why I'm scared to turn up now, because I imagine the conversation between the TA and I to go something like this: "Are you in my class? I've never seen you before-" "-me neither", so I probably never will).

Today in class I drew a smiling boyfriend flower and a smiling girlfriend flower holding leaves (hands) under a rainbow, with an ear of corn a few graphs away from them. They are going to have to uproot themselves and slide down treacherous unemployment curves to make their way down the page, if they want the corn. I should have drawn an easier path for them to follow, because they really want the corn. But I think they'll manage, because they're smiling and they're holding leaves (hands) under a rainbow.

I've changed my mind. I used to raise an eyebrow every time we analyzed text in nitty gritty detail because I always thought that writers probably didn't hide little nuggets of meaning in every other word for us to uncover and why can't we just read the text for what it says to us? But now I think they do bury meanings in their words, balancing on the points of the A's and resting on the curves of the B's and slyly lurking behind the C's. We can guess all we want, but we'll never know for sure what they're hiding.


Two hours later, and I find myself weak with what began as a splitting headache last night which never left but instead grew into a full body throbbing today. I give up.

13 April, 2008

*549 - laspbelly!

I sprinted out of my room that very instant and rushed down too quickly. Sat in the cold on my rock and beamed to myself.


Raspberry thumbprints. They're definitely one of my favourite cookies to make, though they require a LOT of time, effort, and patience. Absolutely delish, and too cute to be true.

"Make one-inch ball. Make well. Fill well."

Laspbelly thumbprints!

Heart-shaped laspbelly thumbprint!

12 April, 2008

*548 - no more pls

I thought that spring was finally here, it being nearly 20 degrees and all, but it's apparently going to be snowing over the next few days. Confused. But too bad the snowboarding season's over :(

Finished up my last prelim whoohoo, dressed up like slutty Hogwarts students with twigs for wands, baked my favourite raspberry thumbprints (pictures later), changed my sheets, cleaned up and vacuumed my room (it now looks about 3 times bigger than before), watched Chocolat, watched Pleasantville, 5 am nights and 12 nn days, lazy lazy Saturday, and everything is happi once more.


11 April, 2008

*547 - buds

The morning of my final prelim (which I am hopelessly unprepared for) and here I am, smiling at the pictures I took at the greenhouses some weeks ago, pretending that Econ 102 doesn't exist.

(I may regret this some time later today.)

08 April, 2008

*546 - pls pls pls

Stormed out of class today in a fit of emo-ness and sluggishly wandered amongst the trees in the arts quad for half an hour or so before returning back to my seat, hence missing everything that went on in class and totally unable to pick up from where I left off. Ironically, the emo-ness wore off soon enough, and I spent the next hour or so after class sitting under said trees in arts quad, relishing the fact that I didn't have a coat on and was only shivering mildly, with prelim notes I hadn't studied on my lap and sunshine beside me. That was, by far, the highlight of my dismal week. (It's only Tuesday, but it feels like it's been a week, or two, or many.)

The penultimate prelim is over (and it involved a funny story about 80 Hotelies marching across the campus in search of an exam venue because we were locked out). A nasty stack of homework awaits me, then one more prelim, then this week will be over. Thank God.

07 April, 2008

*545 - pls pls pls pls

What I really wanted to tell you was that it was so warm (10 degrees?) today that I nearly forgot to wear a coat to school, and the sky was pink and purple and perfect when the sun set, and I watched a movie in class instead of having discussions, and I danced my heart out and nekkid acrobatic boy danced with knives and landed on his nose and bled, and I finally ate dinner with the Singaporeans again after about a month of not seeing them, and, and, and, today was a beautiful day, and yesterday too, and I came home and cried, because it was a beautiful day, and you know why I'm crying. I wouldn't have mentioned the crying part (if I even got as far as that), but I guess you knew, the blubbering idiot that I am, that I had been and I was and I am crying, and I don't even know what to do what to think what to believe what to hold on to anymore, and I wish I could rewind and start over and pick up my phone to tell you how beautiful my day was and stop right there, so that you would think I'm a brave, strong girl, full of rainbows and smiles and more rainbows, but it's not that easy being brave and strong and full of rainbows and smiles and more rainbows.

*544 - pls pls pls pls pls

I NEED to talk to you. I can't come to grips with any of this either. I really, really cannot take it.


06 April, 2008

*543 - Slugs in Motion

2 slugs sliming across 2 beds

(In our hotel room at Whiteface, featuring Slug E and Slug K with Joshua on the commentary and Joel in the bathroom missing out.)

*542 - sunday blues

A day before my prelim, and I discover that my course pack (hand-me-down from Nat) is totally different from the ones that my classmates have and that for the past 6 lectures, I've been reading up on random articles that no one else has even heard of. Brilliant. I am such an idiot, I can hardly believe it.

It's been scarcely a day, and my heart's all the way down there in the tips of my toes. My eyes follow the words, but I'm not reading. I can't think of anything else, really, without all of this flooding my mind, surging through the cracks between accounting and restaurants and nutrition and invisible cities and bloody economics, soaking them through, washing them out.

Loneliness isn't about being alone anymore; it's now defined as the absence or presence of you in my life. This desperate dependence surprises me - I used to think I was strong, self-reliant. (Guess you were right when you told me I was a wannabe.)

And I'm scared. I know you're confident, but forgive me: I'm just a wuss. Who knows what this week may bring? Sometimes all it takes is a second. A realization. A change of heart.

Just so you know, I bought myself a big bottle of Arizona green tea (not the diet variety, though I was sorely tempted; I got the real stuff) and have been guzzling it like no other. For reasons only you know. It's great hot.

My phone rattles, and my heart melts and clenches, my heart lifts and drops, my heart sings and bleeds.

*541 - destined to marry!

According to campus lore, if a couple walks the entire mile-long footpath around Beebe Lake holding hands, they are destined for marriage.

Anyone up for marrying me? ;)

Beebe Lake in fall:

Today it looks much the same, except that the trees are all botak.

(I say "today" and not "now" because it's brilliantly sunny today! Yay!)

05 April, 2008

*540 - dessert buffet

This week is going to be nothing short of painful. Dealing with a break up is no mean feat; dealing with ____ is even worse.

But I will be strong, yes? Yes. God looks after me ... He fills my life with little joys.


I'm really out of it right now: I worked in the kitchen from 8 pm last night till 6 am this morning, snoozed from 7 to 10 am, and now it's midnight and I'm nearly weeping with tiredness. It was fun though :D More about HEC some other time.

I have a great backlog of photos, but I'm going to perk myself up with the dessert buffet photos first. If you haven't tried Banfi's lunch dessert buffet, you should. It's pretty good stuff. As was my $60 dinner at Banfi (that's, like, nearly $100 SGD; must be one of my most expensive dinners in my pathetic, giam siap life) (I'm proud to be giam siap, though!).

Through the water glass

Seafood salad: we had plates of this stuff!

Chocolate mousse in a chocolate shell

Apple almond tart

Bread pudding with dark cherries

Heavenly creme brulee

Blackberry cheesecake with white chocolate swirls

And to think we had this spread in the middle of classes, and I trotted across the hotel lobby to class to take a quiz immediately after. Needless to say, I did none too spectacularly. But my point is: Statler is awesome!