31 May, 2007

*391 - sushi boy

Funny story behind this photo: I asked Sushi Boy if I could take a photo of him making sushi because he was right in front of me after all. Sushi Boy got so flustered and started giggling with his friend, and then dropped the very next sushi skin on the floor, much to his embarrassment. ;)


Sometimes not being wealthy can really get to you. It's not as trivial as having an infinite supply of pretty clothes or even having a luxurious house to stay in. Without a scholarship, I'm going to take about three decades to pay my parents back for the money that I will need for those 4 years of overseas studies. Plus the fact that I will be an absolute pauper in university, not being able to travel or dine out as much, having to work my socks off to get grants or awards if possible, studying as hard as I can so that I can finish studying in less than 4 years if possible to cut cost, looking for internships or other jobs during summer hols instead of travelling or returning home, possibly staying on overseas for a couple of years to work in order to pay off some of my debt because the starting pay in Singapore sucks.

I know it's going to be tough, but I really thank God that I even have the opportunity to study what I want and where I want. (:

Just gotta tighten the belt when I'm there. I need a lucrative business plan to earn some extra monies omg any ideas anyone?



Don't quite feel the need to justify myself on my blog but just so everyone can remain calm and stay happy and ditch the sarcasm:

Wealth is subjective, and as compared to some who have the financial means to study overseas without worrying about money matters, I am not as wealthy.

Like I said, I know I'm tremendously blessed with this opportunity. (: Sorry if my "not wealthy" comment hit a nerve, what I really mean is that I'm "not wealthy enough to sail through college without having to bother with money issues if I don't get a scholarship".

Thank you very much everybody.

(Steps off podium.)

29 May, 2007

*390 - seriously,

She's quite the bitch. For your sake, I hope that you don't fall under her spell, but I won't be surprised if you do.


I meant to spring a happy surprise on them, actually. Awfully disappointed when my chance to make someone's day was snatched away. And annoyed, because of what happened to that chance.


Ashamed of myself. Stupid Evelyn. After all the rubbish you've thrown at me, I'm kind of glad you're out of my life for now. You aren't good enough for me. Sorry.

Lord help me to forgive.


Double standards. Did you ever realise?


Evelyn, stop being a bitch. Okay? Okay. (:


I love public holidays more than ever. Because it means booking out day. (: VESAK DAY!!

And thank you. I knew you would be able to solve anything. After all, you've never been anything less than amazing.


Shopping with Mumsies soon! Can't remember when was the last time that happened, because Mumsies doesn't like shopping. Whee. (:


My aim: Make as many of the 15 pairs of earrings that I have left as I can today. 1 down, 14 to go.


I miss being at home, happily alone, fiddling with wires and beads, languidly window shopping on the net, with my pj's still on and my hair uncombed since last night, not having to be accountable, not having to behave, not having to entertain, not having to be decent, scratching at my bum when it itches and doing a silly dance to the music, letting my thoughts wander wherever they wish, doing whatever I want to do.

Nice. (:

*389 - it was fascination

*388 - last straw

I guess that was the last straw.

I'm sorry, I can't keep lying anymore. My heart still belongs to the darling who knows me inside and out, who's known me since the primary school days, who has the most amazing character I've ever known, who loves me even after all the hurt I put him through, who's willing to forgive me and take me back and love me as fiercely and wholeheartedly as before.

I'm sorry. I couldn't take it anymore. It really was the last straw.

Thank You God I think I know what all the ___ I went through was for.


27 May, 2007

*387 - oyster innards

I'm doomed. Someone from the ST called when I was still half asleep and started talking about Elisa & Evelyn. I was blabbering like a bimbotic fool who wouldn't estimate their monthly profits nor tell her what Elisa does as a profession (to which Elisa said "gd, thanks") and had to fish out their notebook to count the number of outstanding orders at the moment. (If she uses that figure to do the math to calculate our revenue I'm afraid it would be highly inaccurate.)

Kind of worried because unlike other reporters, this one doesn't even need to twist my words to make me sound like an idiot.

Sometimes I wonder why intelligence and wit evades me at crucial moments.

Hahaha. Oopsies.


Sights along North Bridge Road. Wonder if any of the dancers who made their way to Stage Image for measurements recognise the photos haha!

Cooling down with free samples of banana java chip fraps! (: It's actually pretty yummy.

Seafood platter for 2 (suitable for 3 I think, it was a bit too much even for sharing with Justin's endless pit of a stomach).

Check out my squid. Does it remind you of something? Hahaha.

(They also say oysters are aphrodisiac, and I think I found out why.

"Lookie, oyster innards!"
"Erm, doesn't that look like ..."
"Turn it the other way."
"OH. Cough. Yeah."

The resemblance was uncanny.)


Peekaboo! (:

25 May, 2007

*386 - birthday dinner #4

Joint "birthday bash" with Liru at Giraffe (: It was really nice to see everyone looking so beautiful and now I kind of know where everyone is headed! (Universities, courses, scholarships ... undeniably the hottest topic for now.) It's so easy to lose touch, really ): Everyone should get blogs so that I can update myself about your lives!!

Theme of this photo: acting seductive. I fail, as do many of the rest, we were just not born to be seductive SIGH.

I was just talking about these Shrek ears with Nat and then Charity produced them today oh happy day :D

I guzzle tea, while Charlotte is incongruously posh.

Act cute with the orange pillows haha :P

Scandalous acts!!

Thank you all for the lovely presents as well, but thank you more for the nice catching up session under our little orange canopy (:

24 May, 2007

*385 - birthday lunch #3

Lunch at EB! Decked out in our rubbish PE attire or relief-teacher-outfits, hehe. Maddy Amy Xinqin!

Presenting ... the Plateau Serenade! 20% off with an order of a main course. A delicious ice cream bombe with a hidden treasure (: Must try if you go to EB!

(Oh no I am being waitressy and promoting our wares even on my blog but really, this dessert is deeelicious.)


The menu said "a hidden surprise" but I was telling them "aiyah not that surprising lah". Turns out that we were pretty surprised in the end because even I didn't know that the surprise was so animated and came oozing out thickly like lava! I've eaten it before but it wasn't so, er, dynamic the last time. Hahaha.

Scraped clean! Amy was dreaming about the plateau even an hour after we left EB ... like chocolate so much, still so skinny ): Not fair! Haha! (:

Thanks for spending part of my birthday with me, I wasn't even expecting anyone to be free before dance! Lots of laughs and pretty nice food. (My striploin swizzle was nice, and Xinqin was in raptures over her carrots! Dedicated vegetarian, really admire her :D ) And thanks to staff discounts and dining vouchers, our 4 mains 1 dessert meal it worked out to $6 each teeheehee.

Back in school, realising that there was a dragon in the sky! Spot the dragon. Ok actually I can't really make it out, Maddy says I have no imagination.

How come school looks so pretty? It must be the sunset. Hahaha. Danced the night away on my birthday. I guess that's a good thing. (:


Thank you for all the birthday wishes, I was endlessly punching on my phone in reply, so forgive me if I missed anyone out! Thank you thank you thank you for remembering (: Not forgetting the taggies and emails too, much <3333 back to everyone (: AND the sweetest xY ahhhhh you are SUCH a dear (:

Yawn, back to work early this morning after a 12 hour shift yesterday. It wasn't bad though, was still feeling pretty lively trotting around with my water pitcher at the end of it. Plus, Joel happened to be across the road so he sent me home, yay (: Vacuuming and mopping, here I come!! (Cleaning Auntie PLEASE come back soon.)


A lot of earring orders, and I actually intended to make them limited editions because the latest funky designs are insanely difficult to make ... but when customers type things like "OMGZZ I love those earrings they are the ultimate I would love a pair please" my heart melts and I can't turn them down! Hahaha. Flattery works ;)

23 May, 2007

*384 - birthday dinner #3

The sweetest gift ever. More than what money can bring. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face and love in my heart.

(: (: (:


Had a rather punctuated sleep thanks to the buzzing of my phone from the birthday messages that started pouring in between 6 to 9 am (I can understand why some of these people were awake at that time, but some really puzzle me haha) so I woke up properly and got out of bed by 9. I'm not complaining of course (: Thank you to everyone who remembered! (:


Just got home from a visit to the doctor's, yes, on the morning of my birthday. I had never been so happy to wake up and discover that YESS I GOT MY PERIOD because a few days ago there was a little commotion after the doctor found blood in my urine and there was no sign of my period for the next few days. I was due to go back for a second test today and right on time, I got my period, so I passed with a clean bill of health, praise God (: This must be the first time that I'm happy to be bloody and crampy, on my birthday no less!

How am I spending the rest of my birthday today? Lunner (lunch/dinner) with some of the girls (in PE attire) and then we'll troop off to school to dance. Heh heh I am not complaining again okay dancing is good.


Jacob brought me out yesterday and I had a terrific time (: Watched Priceless simply because it's Audrey Tautou and it's in French, and on hindsight the storyline is terribly silly but Audrey Tautou (very very hot)!! French!! Expensive dresses and posh hotels!! Ahh. (:

Peach melba crepe with brownie ice cream! Pretty nice but I can make my own crepes HAH.

Took a drive into the little special place that I've always wanted to visit but have been unable to because without a car, it's pretty inaccessible. Got car so shiok ah.

Meet my twin brother!

German sausages for dinner. I love German sausages cos they're thick and juicy but he told me not to say that because it sounds funny. Anywayzz.

Shredded pancakes with rum and raisin (: Yum!

Definitely had a great day (: Thank you to the boy who would probably never see this!


I don't really care about growing one year older, but birthdays are a nice excuse to meet up with people and eat a lot. (:

21 May, 2007

*383 - birthday dinner #2

Chilli crab with the family on Sunday! (: It's funny how I announced to Shib that I just had chilli crab, and she announced "me too", and told me that it cost her about $100 for 1 crab, 2 mantous, a plate of something (veggies?) and tea, and then I told her that it cost us about $120 for 2 giant crabs, 12 mantous, a plate of veggies, a plate of tofu, 10 chicken wings, an enormous plate of hokkien noodles, and 4 cups of lime juice.

But not all's bad, because that lead us to deciding to go for crab at my place one day with Maddy, and when I told Maddy about it she immediately said "oh, at Wah Hoe?" because she goes there for crab too. It's great by the way, at Casuarina, the corner shop along the row containing the famous prata place - just try to get there early (like, 6 pm) or you'll have to wait forever for a table.

And look what Mummy/Daddy gave me! Yes, Mum painted that for me (: Sweet, isn't it?


I was just thinking about my teensy wardrobe and I realised that I don't own a single long sleeved top! Blame it on the Singapore weather, and my figure. Heh. I need to find a way to wear long sleeved tops without looking more like a wrapped dumpling than I already do! I just don't think long sleeved tops are meant for people with broad shoulders and flabby arms like me. What to do?

This GSS will be spent buying Ithaca-suitable clothes: more sweaters, hoodies, long pants, and (gasp) long sleeved tops.


Thanking God that I actually managed to find another Singaporean Hotelie who's going in as a freshie together with me! Really super duper exciting. (:

About 2 1/2 months before I leave. Wow. I think it's going to be great. (:

20 May, 2007

*382 - latest designs

(Click on images!)

*381 - birthday dinner #1

Guess who brought me out for lunch? (:

Spaghetti and (giant) meatballs. Could be better.

Bratwurst wrapped with cheese and bacon. Ultimate sinful!

And guess who brought me out for a birthday dinner? (:

Scouting around the place where I intend to ____ some time next week. Decent food, not fabulous though, but the ambience was great.

Going out for my birthday dinner with my family later (I think we're having crabs, whee), and a couple more meals planned for the week. Unfortunately I have to dance on the evening/night of my birthday, but that's alright I guess. Birthdays are just an excuse to meet up with people and get fat. (: