30 May, 2006

*086 - buffet dinner

So, I'm full and fat and happy now, after the buffet dinner at the Grand Copthorne with my family + Justin + Liru (: Kind of like a postponed birthday dinner, invited Liru because it's her birthday soon AND she's Boyfriend #2 aka Best Buddy, and no need to explain why Justin was there! <3

Pretty view by the river ...

The food was yummy but there was just too much to sample. I think we all ate truckfuls of sashimi and seafood though haha! The desserts were great, there were more than 10 different cakes or puddings to sample, with a lovely chocolate fondue fountain (into which Liru dropped her strawberry).

It was nice, not just the food but being surrounded by the people I love most dearly (: I'm so thankful for Liru, she's been such a blessing, and I don't know how I would have otherwise survived the past 2 years without her. Somebody's a lucky boy eh? -winkwink- Hehe!

The three of us!

Family photo. Joel ruined the 1st attempt by blocking my face out with his hand - So mature for a 27 year old! Haha! And yes, Justin's just about part of the family too (: Yay!

Granny, Daddy, Me, Boyfriend, Mummy, Elisa, Joel.

(: Happy day!

*085 - what lah

You know something's wrong when:

1. you have to lapse into Singlish to be understood
2. foreigners wonder what language it is when we speak 'English'
3. TV shows resort to using English subtitles when Singaporeans speak English.

I can't say I don't speak Singlish lah but it's getting a little too extreme, don't you think?

28 May, 2006

*084 - 1st kiss

To sum up my day, shopping, lunch, church, shopping, coffee, shopping, home. Yup. (:

Didn't buy much, and didn't spend much either, but I'm quite happy because I got the prettiest stripiest bra ever! Ok nobody needed to know that.

OMG where did Justin's hair go?? Haha couldn't stop laughing at his near-shaven head for a while. Terribly STRANGE.

Ok his hair looks slightly better in this photo:

I realise when you're out with your boy, you don't have to worry about whether your mascara's clumpy or your lip gloss is sparkly enough, whether your hair is limp & greasy or flying out of control, whether your earrings match your belt or if your top isn't purdy enough, whether you smell tutti frutti or stinky sweaty, whether you're bursting out of your blouse or your thighs feels fat ... because no matter how disastrous you feel or look, he'll put his arm round you and look you in the eyes and tell you you're the most beautiful girl in the universe.


Ok end of mush! Now for the last photo: a re-enactment of the First Kiss. Rated M18. If you're underaged please refrain from scrolling down ...

(Don't say I didn't warn you!)

Haha just kidding (: It wasn't like that lah, really.

*083 - xmen3

X men 3 was quite thrilling. The effects were great and Jean Grey was hot. But the most thrilling part came after the movie when Liru practically screamed the entire Suntec mall down hahaha, ask her about it yourself. I nearly had a heart attack there and then, gosh!

After a lot of dilly dallying we decided to dabao Carl's Jr burgers (omg fatfatfat) and sat at the fountain. Super unglam sitting down with skirts, heh.

Meet my Boyfriend #2, aka Liru! Who was nearly an HOUR late, bish! Haha but it's okay, it gave me ample opportunity to comb the shops by myself (:

And since we were at the fountain, we made a dedication for Siyuan, who was such a sotonghead that he missed it! Thank goodness they played the message like, 4 more times after that.

It said something like, "to si yuan. from your frens. frens 4eva nubcak!" Blame Tubby for the ahbeng spelling and for missing out the last 'e'.

I can't believe he'll be gone in a few days ): Even though I was never very close to him, he certainly added life to our class. He's one special guy, I'm sure I've never met anyone quite like him, and that's why we all love him.

To Siyuan: I'll definitely miss you, the class wouldn't be the same without you. All the best, hope you survive well in America, where you wouldn't feel like a giant anymore! (I think their average height is about yours? Haha!) Do keep in touch with us all (: Oh and thanks for the pen, though it was absolutely unnecessary, it was a nice thought! Hehe.

^ Siyuan, Bodyguard, Lizhan.

So anyway, we trooped off to Starbucks after that, sat around without buying any drinks, and left soon after. Uncharacteristically quiet, especially considering Huiwen was there (ok just kidding hehe!), I'm not sure why. I know I was suffering from the previous night's 2.5 hours of sleep, but I don't know about the rest. Didn't help that my Bodyguard was being all glum and philosophical either!

Hopped onto my bus, fell asleep somewhere in the middle of the 45 minute long bus ride, overslept, woke up in the middle of some strange foresty area, called Justin in a panic as I crossed the road and sat in the darkness by myself, got onto a bus and took it back home.

And yup if anyone doesn't want their photo on my blog let me know and I'll take it down (:

27 May, 2006

*082 - topics

I used to think the world of him but nobody would understand now. Is it me, or is it them?

Ahh, cryptic musings.

A list of all the topics we have to study in 4 weeks. Spooky.

26 May, 2006

*081 - 5.30 am

Rather unexpected way to usher in the holidays - going online to play MSN minesweeper and solitaire with Justin, somewhat enlightening online chat with Joel (longer one than ever before! And it made me think, hmm.) and then talking to Kevin for > 4 hours. Which meant I actually went to sleep at about 5.30 am, yes 5.30 in the morning.

Strange thing is that I wasn't exactly sleepy then, and I woke up two & a half hours later thanks to my surefire body clock, and I'm not exactly sleepy now. Look at me I'm superwoman yo! (:

Anyway thank you for listening and for sharing and for making me realise that the entire situation is actually more hilarious than anything else, especially if you learn to look at it from that light-hearted bouncy Kevin point of view. And of course, thanks for all the other emo and rubbishy moments too (: It's been a while since I've stayed up so late to talk to a friend!


Elisa Joel and I (the siblings!) have decided to go the gym & the pool together in a while. So cute, I can't remember when was the last time we went anywhere together (not counting family dinners)! 18, 23, 27 years old. I'm not half as close as I am to my brother than my sister, but I really thank God for my siblings. The last time any of us quarrelled was probably more than 5 years ago. We might not be super close knit but I love them even though I can't tell them that. But I'm sure they know.


Free X men 3 movie later with the class, thanks to Jon's dad! (: After that, I better get down to planning out a timetable and dive right into mugging mode.

God, give me and all my friends the discipline and self-control to juggle work and play over the holidays and for the rest of the year. Give me the faith to lean on Your wisdom and strength.

Intoxicating You are to me
Illuminating You are to see
Truly breathtaking You are to breathe
Sending my head swimming You are, You see

And now I find a blurry line
Here between you and I
Raise the cup, drink 'til I'm full
Sing 'til I can't, 'til my voice is gone
And my head is spinning dizzy

If I'm out of my mind it's You, You
'Cause I'm crazy in love with You, You
Inebriated by You, You
'Cause I'm head over heels with You, You

(Realised I mentioned 2 Joels in this entry, haha!)

25 May, 2006

*080 - getting married!

Today I heard the strangest/most hilarious rumour about myself since, like, ever.

Imagine my shock when Jingwen came trotting up to ask if it was true that I am going to get married next year.

Blink blink. Nope, I should think not.

Hahaha. I wonder how that one started.

23 May, 2006

*079 - 18 years old!

I had a fitful sleep last night, but I'm not complaining. When I sleep, my phone's always next to me so I can hear the alarm when it goes off. And I tend to wake up when my phone so much as vibrates. Which is why I kept waking up throughout the night - birthday SMSes coming in at most ungodly hours, haha! Thank you dears for remembering (: I love you all!

Poor feverish and ill Justin dragged himself out to meet me for lunch! He brought me to Bugis, where I stood in front of the fountain and gawked like a tourist for about 5 minutes. One of my first few times being there lah!

Dancing water! Work of art, no? :D

Anyway. Settled down at a cool Italian cafe which let you 'custom design' your own pasta. But the dishes on the menu looked better so we didn't custom make in the end. It was yummy but the servings were overly generous and it was oh so filling, and Justin being sick ate even less than me ):

^ The mandatory smiley photo :D Followed by the almost-as-mandatory stoopid face photo! My left eye is more crossed than my right, wow I love this photo! <3

The fooood.

I should make a collage of my greedy-face-photos one day, I have millions, and I look the same in every one of them.

So, I'm now 18 years old, can you believe it? Ahaha.

22 May, 2006

*078 - nearly 18

So, I've done my Good Deed for today - Zhu and I found a poor stranded IJTP girl lost at the RJ bus stop at about 9.30 pm after we left from the gym, so I sent her home in a cab. Turns out she lives just a few streets away from me, so yup all's good. Her name's Michelle, she's in Sec 2, and I don't suppose I'll ever see her again!

It's officially over. The J2 rhythmic and artistic girls gymnasts have retired for good. A chapter of my life is, pretty much, closed. I don't think I'll be trying to do oversplits on chairs or cirque du soleil-ish contortions anytime soon. But I have to thank God for these years of training, for giving me lessons in strength and perseverance and pride and leadership, and for blessing me with all the friendships I've formed along the way. And I think I shall save the rest of the reflections for the "Peer and Self Evaluation" rubbish I'm supposed to fill up, haha.

And as much as I bitch about our teachers, I'm really thankful that they've stuck through thick and thin with us all. When Mr Tan looked so delighted and happily told us it was the 1st time in his 6 years of being a gym teacher that he received a card, something twanged in me and I wished I had been more appreciative of them when I had the opportunity. Yup. I know they'll never see this (does Mr Tan seem like the blog-hopping sort to you?) but Mr Tan and Miss Lim, we love you! (:

HAHA okay my sister's playing Guild Wars, and you can make your characters do funny things like play the drums and play air guitar and dance, and her character who's a funky kungfu babe just did a 360 butterfly leap followed by a cossack turn. Cool. Ok I suppose only the gymnasts will know what I'm talking about.


Today has been a pleasant day. Sorta. Except for that horrifying 60 seconds I was left alone with someone with no bodyguard (TUBBY WHERE WERE YOU). Fear, disgust, bewilderment, I don't know what I feel really. Was that entry meant to make me feel guilty? Angry? Regretful? I have no idea. I don't see why you had to react to such extremes and blame me for all your, uh, alcohol/caffeine addictions & depression & lies etc. What did I do? What did I not do?

But since you tell me to "fuck off" in bold and capital letters and centralised and font size = large, I think I shall do just that. And hey, no need to be so rude.

But okay back to what I was going to say. Today has been a pleasant day. Thanks to the usual people keeping me happy in school, thanks to Kevin for keeping me company for that otherwise-lonely half an hour, thanks to Justin for the yummy dinner and for sprinting back to school with me. Thank you for all the birthday well-wishes, knowing that I'm not forgotten makes me all happy and oozy inside (: And of course, thank you for the gifts, I love every single one of them!

I'm less than 2 hours away from being 18 years old, but it's really not that big a deal. 18 sounds old and wise and nearly-adult, but I'm still a kid, and I'm still learning, still making mistakes, still trying to get a hold of my life and find out what the heck I'm supposed to do with it.

I'm just going to pray real hard and see what happens. After all, nothing can go wrong when you have God on your side (:

21 May, 2006

*077 - no more chalet


Daddy doesn't want me to go for the chalet tomorrow.



And I was already SMSing people and getting all excited over it. Sigh.

*076 - piggy Sunday

Eating at Carl's Jr two days in a row is so Not Good. Oh my goodness.

Yesterday: Bacon cheeseburger & fries, shared with Justin.
Today: Portobello burger & chilli cheese fries, paid for by Justin's parents.


Shopped a little and hooray Justin found something nice that was on sale. Sales make me happy happy happy. I adore digging for good bargains. It's so much more satisfying than splurging on something expensive, somehow. Call me a cheapo if you wish! Hehe (: Eagerly awaiting the Great Singapore Sale! 1 more week (: Who wants to be my shopping buddy!

Went over to the boyfriend's place after that. Discussed pottery with his daddy for, like, half an hour, then went up to Justin's room only to find him fast asleep. The poor darling's falling ill ): And instead of doing my work like I decided to, I fell asleep as well, until it was time to go home. Oh dear. Tomorrow's Physics test remains unstudied for! Gulp!

After some disastrous piano-playing [me: left hand, him: right hand] his mummy drove me home. Nearly cramped from laughing at Justin "training" his abs, using the seatbelt like those ab machines. Hehe XD

Dance chalet tomorrow till Tuesday. Interesting how last year's Dance party was on my birthday as well - They bought a cake for Bernice & I [same birthday!] and actually invited the boyfriends to present it to us as a surprise, but the boyfriends couldn't make it in the end. Still, it was really sweet that they even thought of that! (:

Wonder who's going. Big group gatherings scare me sometimes, because I really don't enjoy the I'm-surrounded-by-many-many-people-but-I-feel-so-alone kind of feeling. I know that sounds terribly loserish but it's just one of my many insecurities.

Hmm my fingers smell ... mouldy. I think it's time for a bath, toodles (:

20 May, 2006

*075 - a wink and a smile

Now my heart is music
Such a simple song
Singing again, the notes never end
This is where I belong
Just the sound of your voice
The light in your eyes
You're so far away from yesterday
Together, with a wink and a smile
We go together, like a wink and a smile

Today was lovely. Not only because of the lunch with Justin, or the cosy sofas at Coffeebean, or the pseudo-shopping at Marina Square, or having a rubbishy fun time CS-ing and dota-ing with the ruggers & Sandhya at the LAN shop (my first time in one of those!), or the huge Carl's Jr burger for dinner (my first time as well!).

But mostly because at the end of the day it was so hard to say goodbye, to go up the bus and watch him disappear, to wonder how I can possibly wait for the next time we meet (tomorrow morning I suspect). Now who says you can't fall in love with the same person over and over and over again? (:

Reply to some tags (weird, I never do this but just this once la)
* Siyuan, I will gladly donate some of mine if I could. You skinny pok.
* Sandhya, what rubbish. You have slim swimmer arms & legs!
* Jon, my nosebleed was SO mild that day! You should have seen me last time when my nosebleeds were like volcanic eruptions and I had to stand over the toilet bowl and let the blood literally pour out haha!

Yup that shall be all.

Oh but first one more thing - which would you choose to purchase:
1. The cuter skirt, but it doesn't match easily and you won't wear it as much, OR
2. The more versatile/practical skirt that would match with just about anything, but you already have one slightly similar to it.

Advice, please!

19 May, 2006

*074 - homemade cheesecake

Dear Justin and sister Jessica made me a mini cheesecake today as an early birthday treat! (: [I'm talking about my class Justin not the boyfriend Justin (:]

Thumbs up! After GP (:

Little things like that are so much sweeter (pun unintended) than thrusting an expensive but insincere gifts under my nose, right? Materialistic as I may be sometimes, I'll choose love over money any day.

School was thrilling in a warped sort of way today. How often is it that you honestly fear for your own safety because of someone appears to be capable of causing physical harm in a fit of anger? Not that often, I'm guessing. Many thanks to Tubby, ["Tubby I wanna go toilet!" -Tubby stares at me bewildered-] and of course my darling Liru [Ms Lim says "Liru I think you better go check if Evelyn's okay"], and everyone else who stayed with me throughout the day.

The boys probably think we're insane and being melodramatic though. The boys and the girls seem pretty much split up over this, aside from the bunch who don't even know what's going on. Come to think about it, the guys don't really know everything that happened. Oh well, girls are girls - we read deeply into things, we bitch, we bear grudges.

On an unrelated note, Jaafer claims my calf muscles are bigger than his, and Wenloong deems them so large that they should be called COWS instead. While that is truly heart-breaking news, it's actually quite funny. Ahaha :D Who knows how to atrophy muscles away? I've got too much to spare.

18 May, 2006

*073 - please

Please, I don't want to answer your calls. To be honest I am scared out of my wits by you and I'll rather keep the distance. I can't even walk around school alone anymore. You've scared us all away I'm afraid.

But thank God for Justin. Thank you thank you thank you, you always make things 1986150976150961 times better by being there.

*072 - Detox, Destress, Delight

Trudged to school with half-open eyes and heavy feet, but was brightened up considerably by the Civics module in the morning! Liru and I are in Detox, Destress & Delight, and for the past 2 lessons we've been learning massage techniques, hehehe.

But today!

Each pair got a box, spongy stuff, a handful of gerberas, carnations, grassy bundles (they're actually little yellow flowers when they bloom) and we did flower arrangements for the next hour! (Free of charge leh!) Even the boys were having loads of fun, haha :D

A bunch of flowers and a, um, bush, and voila!

Flower arrangement #1! Done by Liru and I (:


Flower arrangement #2, given to us by the teacher because we were complaining about how ugly ours was!

Revived an extra gerbera during Bio prac in a test tube ... Yay!

And after school, got onto 410 with Liru and Justin and Justin and Ethel. So many classmates (: Here's Liru and Justin-turned-gay-with-a-flower-in-his-hair! Cute eh?

Right, that's quite enough photos of flowers. Today would have been so much duller without them though, to a strangely large extent. Got pretty miffed at anyone who went "Hurh they actually cried yesterday?" or "Why he talk until so emotional?", as if it wasn't a big deal at all. You had to be there to understand.

And like Mr Hodge said to the ruggers, yesterday's match brought the Rafflesians together like never before - We know how hard the team fought and how proud we are of our boys. It was one of those few times that Rafflesian spirit actually felt tangible. [And I'm not talking about the, uh, geisha, if you know what I mean :P] I think everybody who was there would agree.

Yup. Anyway, to any ruggers reading this, I'll get the photos to you guys as soon as I can, I promise (:

17 May, 2006

*071 - YOU'RE MY #1! :D

So it turns out that SA won 15-10.

I realised today just how much I love the ruggers. When the final whistle was blown, when I watched the team of strong men break down and cry, something in my heart just snapped along with theirs. Not only because Justin's part of the team but because of, well, everybody. The atmosphere was thick with disappointment and emotion and it was just ... heartbreaking.

But then you know something is absurdly, laughably wrong when a sobbing Evelyn runs into the arms of Justin and Justin goes "It's okay, don't cry", instead of the other way around. Haha!

Still, it was really uplifting at the same time despite the tears - encouragement & cheers from the supporters, getting caught up in a gigantic Rafflesian embrace around the school flag, unrestrained powerHUGs going all around, mutual words of comfort & strength "It's not the end, let's pick ourselves up" ... basically just feeling the love and the power of the team.

Anyway guys, scores aren't everything. You were fighters and you didn't let anybody down. To the ever-faithful RRGCS [Raffles Rugby Girlfriend Cheer Squad], you are the ultimate winners :D

You're our CHAMPIONS!! We love you guys <3

All of you on the team: Steven, Ilman, David, Jaaf, Don, Wenloong, Arjun, Glen, Ryan, Senthil, Wenjie, Tubby, Aaron, Just, Justin, Roland, Joel, Mark, Hanyi, John, Cheemeng, Stuart, Thaddeus, Jed, Kahwei, Zhehan, Nazi, Aaron - You've done Raffles proud. All of you are stars, in our eyes. Cheers to the bestest team around! :D :D :D

16 May, 2006

*070 - if your hand is bigger than your face

Physics prac in the com lab was productive today, because ...

I updated Tubby's blog and got him a tagboard! Everybody, go tag him :D

(And, you're welcome Tubzz! Haha!)

After a sleepy sluggish sucky day in school, went down to Popular to buy a wonderfully thick and cheem Physics textbook. How delightfully nerdy :D A recommended book by Mr Lim hehe! Nearly $70 though, ouch! But yup I decided it was about time I tried to understand Physics a bit more.

Oh but school wasn't entirely sucky today, because I hung out with the boys more than usual, and boy talk can be very different from girl talk. Regurgitated Ben & Jerry's, sparkly poo, and other grossly intriguing things like that. And of course, watching Tubby fall for his own "If your hand is bigger than your face ..." trick, whereupon he tackled poor Justin in the middle of the canteen and tried to pull off his shirt.


Rugby finals tomorrow, and I have my full faith in them (: Go go go! Kiss the cup tomorrow and find out for yourselves if what Steven said is true! :D :D :D

All for one
One for all

Raffles Rugby

14 May, 2006

*069 - please remove protective film

A completely empty gymnasium with treadmills and bicycles galore, and a huge adjoining weights room (: Nice to huff and puff and drip with sweat without anyone looking at me and wondering why I’m so unfit. Now that I’ve done some proper physical activity for the first time in ages I feel ... more human somehow.

Before that, choir performance on Thursday! Went with some dancers ...

Small Evie, Sarah, Big Evie, Joy, Sausage. The concert was lovely, many times they sounded like a choir of angels descending from heaven. Ahhh. (: And it was surprisingly creative and interesting too! Loved the sparrow and the hunter song. And eee Kevin was so cute hehehe.

Gave Jon and Justin (my class’ Justin) a lift back. Rediscovered how innocent and cute and friendly Justin is (I think Jon agrees with me on that :D), and also let slip a secret to Jon unintentionally (don’t ask how that happened). Haha!

And today, Justin (my Justin) came over. Decided to abandon my half-done essay and chose a completely new topic for my GP essay and finished it, while he finished his Math. Talk about productivity (:

We then channelled our productivity into other areas, more specifically, into completing the computer game we have been playing on and off since, I don’t know, last year?? Haha! Well, we finished it whoopee.

And irrelevantly, Mummy bought me new goggles! It’s not as though I can actually swim properly; I’ve never dared to swim anywhere but the lane next to the edge of the pool. But getting a good pair of goggles is taking one step towards being a swimming pro, yes? (: Haha. Ok I can hear the real pros (Sandhya, Jeslyn, ...) sniggering at me already.

Goldfishy Justin and goggled Evelyn. As you can see, I was too lazy to peel off the “please remove protective film” stickers.

And thanks for the nice comments about the new template! And thanks Bryan! And thank you banana *bounce bounce* for solving my problem!

Teehee NTUC income just sent me a birthday card with a couple of vouchers. I KNOW WHO NEEDS THE SPECTICLES VOUCHERS.

Oh gosh I’m so bubbly at the moment I could just slap myself. Shut up Evelyn.

13 May, 2006

*068 - archives

Alright, so I’m slowly building up my archives again - republishing most of the entries that I’ve salvaged from my diary-x account. You’ll be able to see them under the links on the right column, if you’re interested. Mostly, they’re for me because I like to look back into the past every once in a while.

And can someone, PLEASE, tell me if you see the funny symbols?

If you know how to get rid of them, do tell! And even if you don’t see them please let me know. YAURGH they’re driving me insane!!

*067 - Polina Semionova

Ok so here it is.

Polina Semionova [Last Day dancers should know her] on a terrifically pink background, blemished with absolutely random brush designs and clichéd poetry. But isn’t she pretty? (:

Still, I’m rather pleased about the fact that it’s a fresh new change from the purple butterflies, and it’s the first time I’ve actually managed to figure out how to do the column thing, so yay. This is what you call a collaboration of self-taught photoshop and html skills.

I think you can see for yourself how amateurish I am:

v1: Stripy and flowery nonsense.
Oh oops I realise I’ve lost my very first layout ever because of darned diary-x.

v2: Under the waves. (Fiona Apple)

v3: Come away with me. (Norah Jones)

v4: Purple butterflies.

v5. Polina Semionova!

Alright that was kind of embarrassing XD Next time I should just admit the inferiority of my skills and get one of those pretty custom made templates. But it’s fun to slave away at the computer editing pictures and struggling with millions of those < square brackets >, to finally get something out of nothing at all.

Please let me know if anything doesn’t work, or if it’s an eyesore and you hate it, etc.

-fingers crossed-

[edit] Bleugh why are all the apostrophes turning into funny symbols? Is it just my computer? Help. [/edit]

12 May, 2006

*066 - malicious falsehoods

Guess what I’ve been doing ever since I woke up?

Working on a new blog template from scratch :D [I despise html though.]

Gay purple template, be gone! And say hello (soon, I hope) to a spanking new gay pink template! Yay (:

Happy Vesak Day. And hoorah my birthday has been declared a school holiday! :D Too bad there’s GP common test after that. I’m not sure what to do on my birthday itself; I know how I’m celebrating with my family (& special friends!) a week later though.

Oh well, I never did care much about my birthday; Presents and well-wishes are nice no doubt, but ultimately it’s just a pretty ordinary day. I’m getting older everyday what, not just on my birthday! I suppose it could be the family tradition – it’s rare that anything more spectacular than going out for dinner happens on anyone’s birthday.

And by the way, I’m still pretty disgusted by yesterday’s events. And yesterday brought back all the horrible memories back again. I still keep some of your messages you know? Stuff like “I had an awesome good time playing you” and “I’m De Casanova..Gals are playthings to me.” (Highlight to read but please don’t if you have a weak stomach.)

How can you sue for “malicious falsehoods” when they weren’t lies to begin with?

11 May, 2006

*065 - tattletale

So this is what you get from having too much faith in the sunny Singapore weather and forgetting to bring an umbrella to school –

(What an awful attempt at a pout, -cringe-!)

At the bus stop, I asked a random Cat High boy I’ve never seen in my life if he could send me home with his umbrella, and so we went sprinting and squealing to my house in the crazy rain and wind under his teeny tiny umbrella and yup that’s what happened. Thank you random-Cat-High-boy-who-stays-in-the-tower (:

And today was the day I officially wrote my shortest and horriblest GP essay in JC. Thank goodness Ms Lim was very understanding and let some of us redo and hand in on Monday instead! Phew. I was too embarrassed to hand mine up.

What to do, so distracted during GP and all.

It kind of brought back memories of Rosyth and a certain Somone. “Teacher teacher!!” – whiny tantrums and tattletale-ing, acting like she was a super duper big shot as if the world revolved round her and kowtowed at her feet, and her famous line “I sue you then you know!!” At least she’s grown out of it now. (I think.)

Never thought I’ll see such a scene again, with such startlingly unmistakable parallels, and the worst thing is we’re no longer 10 years old.

Oh, please.

I would have thought you’ld have learnt by now. Did you, for one moment, consider why people would think such thoughts about you and contemplate the idea that perhaps there is some truth in what they say and that you should worry about changing their opinions of you, instead of getting all fired up with your threats of “legal action” and tattling to Ms Lim?

That didn’t do you a scrap of good, in case you didn’t notice; your only gain has been a class-ful of hostile girls shaking their heads in disgust at you.

Time for some maturity, yes no maybe?

Haha like Tubby and I were saying – our class is full of scandals and juicy stories. No, I’m not saying that’s a good thing.

10 May, 2006

*064 - 81-0

Roses so pretty they looked fake!

Wenloong’s a lucky boy isn’t he? :P

Today’s match against NYJC was kind of funny. John scoring, what, 6 tries ... Arjun scoring his first try in 6 years of rugby ... the game ending a few minutes after half-time ... the score of 81-0, especially considering these are the semis ... Wenjie’s hamstring leg hair and ‘waxing’ session ... Sheryl & Sandhya for company (: Finals next week against SAJC!

And, today marked the end of SPAs for the rest of my life whoohoo! The lab was filled with dancers taking Bio SPA together (: Which brings to mind - AHH I miss rolling on the gross dusty floors I miss abusing my toes in pointe shoes I miss suffering through gruelling practices I miss the thrill of performing for a cheering audience I miss dance.

Ok rant over.

Does anyone want to go cut hair with me! (:

09 May, 2006

*063 - holey skirt

Today, a miracle happened.

I feel my life changing.

It’s awesome.



:D :D :D

Anyway the weather has been really horrible lately, and it sucks to have a greenhouse for a classroom. Sometimes walking out of The Oven (ie. our classroom) into a gust of hot humid air is like walking into an air-conditioned room. I started sweating the moment I stepped out of my bedroom this morning. Singapore weather is so idiotic.

In other news, Gabrielle kindly informed me today that what I thought were stains on my uniform from some chemicals are not stains after all.

See the “stains”:

But if you hold it up to the light, you will discover that the “stains” are actually pieces of my skirt corroded away ):

Threadbare RJ uniform!!

But since I don’t usually shine a light up my skirt it should be fine. I hope.

08 May, 2006

*062 - twentyONE

Like I told Amy, today’s the 8th therefore it is a Special Day (: Xiao long baos and more good Chinese food. I know I talk to you everyday but I’ve missed spending ‘alone time’ with you. Thanks for everything! I love you <3

And only one thing made heading down to the gym worth my time today – talking to XY (: You take care girl, I’ll be here to listen even if I don’t have much to advise. You don’t have to be the most talented or most brilliant or most deserving of Miss Universe but you’re gorgeous in more ways than one and in my opinion, a gem truly worth keeping. Really hope things get loads better, and soon!

AND, yesterday was Milestone #1 for me – I sat down for the first time since March to do my homework. [Unfortunately I also discovered I lost my entire homework folder at Victoria Theatre, meaning I have to photocopy copious amounts of notes and tutorials, and also meaning that I have lost some very precious things ): ]

Today was Milestone #2 – I didn’t sleep at all during lessons or tutorials. Not a wink. WHOAH.

Dance and gym; I’ve almost officially retired from gym, I am getting too old and pretty soon I won’t be able to touch my toes, but there’s a huge hole in me aching for more. Don’t worry I’m sure I’ll keep dancing till I’m crippled but y’know. Talk about withdrawal symptoms. Ask any puffy eyed dancer and we’ll tell you what it feels like, heh.

Okay I just SMSed Ms Lim and I hope she doesn’t murder me ): Off to rush all the work I haven’t been doing since March, ugh.

I NEED HELP WITH PHYSICS, starting from last year’s work, gulp. I just ... don’t get it.

06 May, 2006

*061 - amarante

And just like that, it’s over. Really hope everybody, audience and dancers alike, enjoyed themselves (:

I couldn’t sleep last night because little snippets of memories from the crazy flurry of the past few days were floating around in my head.

1 & 2 & 3 & 4, 5, 6 & 7 & 8,
Zaki’s suitcase-ful of ferrero rocher – a box for every single dancer <3,
My crazy short skirt,
Grinning like I’ve never grinned before,
Bruises on my shoulders, spine, and knees,
Our dearest Sausage Ho Xin Qin (we christened her!),
The swing I couldn’t sit on,
Quick change in the STAR dressing room,
Ikan kekek mak ilui ilui,
The audience laughing and cheering for the clogs dance (to our surprise),
Losing my grey tights and finding them again,
Doing pointe for the last time in a long while,
JIGGLE (!!),
Camwhoring brought to new heights,
But my camera doesn’t work well in the cold hence few pics for me,
My lovely IC’s Sausage & Beatrice, small Evelyn, and Amy & Angie too,
Screaming our lungs out and jumping and hugging and laughing and crying after the finale,
Flowers and hugs and praises and love from friends and family,
Brave Tubzz,
NYDC supper,
2 mudpies shared with Sarah and Kevin,
SEVEN WEEKS to common tests (bleugh),
Getting locked out of Suntec at 1 am, walking through the bar to get out,
Squishing into Bryan’s car with Des and Evelyn (thanks!),
Promises to dance again, ballet, lyrical, maybe some partner stuff,
Anything, I’ll give anything, to keep on dancing.
Dance, dance, dance.
Amarante 2006,
A night of everlasting beauty.

OH MY GOSH there’s an RJ physics lecturer (Miss Woo?) sitting on my chair downstairs watching TV with my brother because they happen to be friends cos they both studied in Cornell and it’s just really weird and bizarre and I squawked and nearly tumbled down the stairs when I saw her sitting there smiling at me cheerfully.

But it’s quite funny really and I feel like asking her to help me with all my tutorials because God knows when the last time I actually attempted any physics tutorials was. (Last year perhaps.)

Coolios :D

04 May, 2006

*060 - the morning before

The past few days have been tiring.


Amarante later! While I can’t believe it’s here, I can’t wait for it to begin, but I can’t bear for it to end either. Talk about conflicting emotions!

:( :\ :) :D

Love all you guys for your encouragement so far <3

02 May, 2006

*059 - dancing from the heart

I used to think I could dance to forget. I guess today my mood cast a shadow on everything else. It’s such a chore to try and beam for a happy dance when you’re just sad inside. Dancing comes from the heart and not the face after all.

Sobbed on the handicapped toilet floor in the middle of prac. It’s just gobbling me up from inside. Guess it all meant more to me than you thought. Something’s missing but I don’t know what.

01 May, 2006

*058 - crab

Went back to school today to dance, yes, on a public holiday. Very tiring though I should be thankful that I only had to stay in school from 8 to 5, and I actually had lunch, unlike some poor souls who had to stay till night without food.

Coming down with some kind of cold. -sniff- But who cares, I just want Dance Night to be a success (:

The family decided to eat crabs today so we drove, um, it can’t be more than 400 meters, to the shop next to our house. (Next to the famous Casuarina prata place!)

Greedy Evelyn eating flower crab.

Chilli crab – Elisa marvels at the size of the pincer! (It was really really huge.)

We definitely ate too much, so Elisa and I decided to walk home. (Yes, the 400 meters from the shop to our house.)

We bade goodbye to the rest of the family who were sitting in the car, waiting for the traffic light to turn green.

And for the fun of it, we decided to trot along quickly to see if we could make it home before the rest of the family in the car. We broke into a sprint nearing the end, screaming the neighbourhood down in our excitement, and discovered we had indeed won! Hoorah!

So we stood by the carpark and waited about half a minute more before the car appeared, and pointed at them and laughed.

Ahahaha. So ridiculous XD