28 November, 2009

*795 - turkey day

I know each break I have, I say "best break ever"--same goes for this one: best Thanksgiving break ever. Being the first Asian girl to set foot in the house (filled with a gazillion Spanish-chattering Latinos on Thanksgiving) wasn't even awkward as one might have imagined.

In addition to good food, also overdosed on Miyazaki movies, cuddly pets, 4 am nights and 2 pm mornings, relatively gorgeous weather (besides the hail on Friday), classical opera (loud) in sports car, feeling right at home, feeling oddly happy.

Amongst other things, this is what I've learned: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. Up to thirty.

24 November, 2009

*794 - i know i am easier to like than to love

When will I ever stop being superficial?

The trail I've left behind me is not something I am proud of.

20 November, 2009

*793 - i think i know

what the best defense is

19 November, 2009

*792 - tippy toes

I love days where I spring out of bed early before my alarm goes off, with all manner of fabulousity in my eyes and God's love charging through in my veins, with time for a white-chocolate-chip-pancake-and-maple-syrup breakfast, with the strength to stand on my tippy toes and just be happy.

16 November, 2009

*791 - watercolor skies

Huh?? How can skies be so beautiful?? Beautiful creator :)

Last picture = backside of my ugly little apartment, but I love it, and I love how the windows are reflecting a completely different (orange) sky than the one in the picture (blue).

I noticed the gorgeous sunset as I was walking home one day. Which made me break into an anxious trot down College Avenue, camera in hand, eyes to the sky, so that I could get to my backyard for an unobstructed foresty view before the sun finished setting.

Aww :)

Tried to capture the huge flocks of birds that were swooping from botak tree to botak tree, but I guess swarming black dots that are actually moving in real life are a lot more noticeable (and pretty to watch) than swarming black dots that blend right into the branches in a still shot, and taken with a dinky digicam. Haha.

But oh no. Botak trees are a premonition of colder days to come. Dum dum dum dummmm.

*789 - i can feel your halo halo halo

My first (tipsy) Halo 3 experience was harrowing. Anyone who has seen me attempt to play any computer/video game can attest to the fact that I more often than not end up screaming on the floor in fear (when trying to play guitar hero, for instance). It was so bad that the boys started shouting at me to just stay quietly in the corner because I was doing more harm than good by spinning happy circles in the midst of the enemy and taking wild shots at my own team.

12 November, 2009

*788 - halloween party

The Roomie Photoshoot, which seems to be a prerequisite to creating facebook events for our parties, because we're cool like that.

The fruit of our labor: toilet papered living room and Christmas lights.

Castarina (knew my dance costume would someday come in handy) and Baby (in foetal position on the couch)


Chugging alcohol out of baby bottles. Hmhmhm sacrilegious, really.

Daddy rocks and Mummy rocks. As do baby bottles, pacifiers, and real diapers (which bulged in such a way that made us look like, um, men).

A night to remember. The hilarity of dressing up, living room and kitchen and corridors filled to the brim of insanely costumed people, running dry on alcohol eventually (when we thought we had bought way too much), dancing up College Avenue in diapers, winding down to a four-hour conversation on the sofa (of which nothing much was remembered because Mr Sombrero was in the midst of a blackout), only about five stains on the carpet to clean up the next day and a severe hangover during dance practice. Perfect.

03 November, 2009

*787 - pre halloween

Sneak preview of my Halloween costume:

The roomies could not resist trying them on with me. Obviously, this got me rolling on the floor, screeching with laughter, almost peeing my pants (diapers).

Best Halloween ever, for sure.

02 November, 2009

*786 - I'm okay

Evelyn? Crying?? Over non-boy-related issues??? Wow. It's been a while.

Thank God for lovely friends like J and J (haha) who convince me that I'm okay, that I'm not all that bad, that I'm possibly pretty awesome, sometimes, and that it's enough to be awesome to the people who matter and not to everybody.

01 November, 2009

*785 - ghostly cookies

Pumpkin spice sugar cookies with spooky frosting. All gobbled up during the party, even the one that I iced my own name onto haha, so I'm happy :) The best part about baking is knowing that you put a little bit of happy into someone's tummy.

That said, I know it's all rather amateurish-looking (smudgy, blobby, untidy, etc) and unprofessionally done with handmade piping bags and chopsticks (no toothpicks to be found in my house). Maybe I should search for instructional videos on how to frost cookies or enroll myself in baking classes instead of making it up haphazardly. Anyone care to be my frosting tutor? :)