27 November, 2008

*644 - modern art in nyc a month ago

Since Thanksgiving break has started and I'm leaving for Boston in 5 hours (at 6 am), I figured it was time to post some pictures of last break before they pass their expiry date: Fall break in NYC.

Museum of Modern Art pictures for now, courtesy of Earl's beautiful camera.

Artist outside MoMA.

John Cage's musical work.
(I'm particularly interested, solely because of his connections with Cunningham.)

I found the shadows more intriguing than the actual object.

One of my favourite exhibits: yarn and mirrors.
You can't really tell which is which.

I love "blank" canvasses.
(I'm actually not being sarcastic. I really do.)

My favourite exhibit.
She's so still but she's always dynamic, because of the reflections in her face.
(And spot me in the photo!)

My second favourite exhibit.
I choreographed a dance based on this.

Third favourite "exhibit", perhaps.

24 November, 2008

*643 - birthday at stella's

Inshi's birthday dinner from some time back. A quick meetup after our respective dance performances turned into a 5 hour dinner. There probably aren't many people I could talk to for 5 hours straight and not feel, at the least, mildly pained. Hehe.

These few days have been difficult. Today, I had Schwartz Concert tech rehearsals starting at 1 pm. Followed by Meredith's rehearsal till 6.45. Followed by Marketing group meeting. Followed by Pandora rehearsals from 9.45 - 11.30 pm.

I'm covered with bruises, but I've always liked dancer bruises. I'm also perpetually sore, but that feels good in a way. I'm also happy because I've never had the opportunity to direct a dance piece in such a professional way - working with real lighting designers and getting critiqued by real ex-company dancers. Everyone actually knows their stuff. It's great.

23 November, 2008

*642 - fabric studs!

Studs galore. Lovingly handmade. One of a kind.
Elisa and Evelyn

*641 - it's always about the weather

-10 degrees C??? NEGATIVE TEN?

That was the temperature of a regular wintry day last semester. It's not supposed to be so cold in November. It wasn't even properly snowing till after Thanksgiving last year!

Tonight, Inshi and I stood at the bus stop, freezing our asses off and doing pseudo tap dances to warm up, first missing then 9.45 bus because we thought it came at 9.48, and then waiting 20 minutes to catch the 10.45 bus instead of the 10.27 bus because the 10.27 bus didn't come at all. 20 minutes in -10 degrees is no joke. Brr.

20 November, 2008

*640 - would you change?

If you knew that you would die today,
If you saw the face of God and love,
Would you change?

Awesome photo taken by the awesome Tina ;)
"Change" - Pandora's guest performance at Fall Step! Much fun. And I think we looked great :)

19 November, 2008

*639 - at three in the morning

Confession: I would much sooner drool over pretty girls than hot guys.

Result: I now feel like a biological mistake. I wish I had better genes.

I'm so superficial nowadays. Shut up and go to sleep.

* 638 - online shopping

I've been pretty parsimonious (hee hee always wanted to use that word somewhere after memorizing it for SATS, even though it has a bit of a "stingy" connotation) in my spending this semester. I think. I could be kidding myself, though, by classifying everything I buy as "essential". Coat rack and pretty rug for my room? Well justified. Two new pairs of boots? Of course, it's winter. Cute dress? Definitely!

I'm particularly proud of the order I just submitted at Urban Outfitters. Saved >$100 thanks to the heavily discounted sales rack. Plus a panda combo (shower cap & toothbrush holder) for Val just because she's in love with pandas. Heehee.

Also discovered that they have fabric studs, much like those on Elisa & Evelyn, except that ours are prettier and don't cost US$12.

Sneak preview of new studs to be up on Elisa & Evelyn as soon as I get all the photos done:

17 November, 2008

*637 - winter

All it took was a couple of hours of snow showers today to cover the trees in a blanket of white.

I think the first snow accumulation means that you have to accept the fact that winter really is upon you.

I'm considerably less excited now. A year ago, I was dragging J outside to prance in the snow, inappropriately dressed in a miniskirt and my little red bubble jacket. Today, I took the bus instead of walking, refused to leave school till the snow stopped, bundled up, ducked my head, and charged home as quickly as I could.


Mummy's email about Christmas trees cheered me up considerably, though :)

"Finally I found the trees. I think they're lovely ... They look very real and nice. We will get one on Sunday.

One more month and you will be flying home."

One more month and I will be flying home.

16 November, 2008

*636 - clouds

Little cloud-like sheep I drew specially for Jenny during a particularly unexciting Managerial Accounting class. I'm going to be producing a new bunch of cutesy earring studs soon, hopefully in time for Christmas! Stay tuned :)

(If anyone has any requests for designs on plastic earrings of any shape, email us at elisa.and.evelyn@gmail.com, and I'll see what I can do!)

14 November, 2008

*635 - mirror mirror

I think it's funny how we occasionally leave post it's on the bathroom mirror that say things like "Is there finance class today?" or, like above, "Could you turn in my stats hw for me? (...) kinda want to sleep in."

11 November, 2008

*634 - eiko

Just the other day, I spent an entire dance class sulking in the corner, scrawling angrily in my journal about how I was uninspired and refused to show my piece (these mood swings are all deemed acceptable, or even normal, I feel, under the excuse of being an "artist").

But today! I am inspired again! By Eiko Otake, postmodern choreographer and performer. She danced in alternative environments, like in rivers or on sand. So, for my final project, I've decided to set my dance on the street along Collegetown, on the little island in the middle of the roundabout (next to the stop sign), with the audience watching from a window in one of the dance studios that overlooks Collegetown. It will be cold (just about 0 degrees at that time), it might be snowing, it will be dark, there will be cars going by and pedestrians in our way. Everyone and everything will be part of the dance, but they won't know it.

I'm excited.

Also, despite being reprimanded by Jim last week for showing him incomplete work (oops), it turns out that he chose my piece for the Fall Show after all, so I'll be showing my piece at Schwartz at the end of the semester. Cool beans. It's a study of chance and counterpoint. Chance: I choreographed my upper body separately from my lower body and put it together, resulting in a very lovely and bizarre kind of awkwardness. Counterpoint: between music and movement, and between movement and movement.

Also, I unearthed a new talent today: I can make modern art with my feet! I discovered this in the middle of composition class, when doodling in my journal with my right foot. Hahaha.

Also, I made mini-heart-shaped-lemon-oreo-cheesecakes the other day for a dinner party, which were gobbled up instantly and produced rave reviews. Very pleased. Also, I made raspberry creme brulee when Jasmin was over, which turned out surprisingly delish, and pretty cute-looking too.

Also, all my friends are crying over the amount of homework and projects and quizzes we have over the next few days, so I figure I should begin studying now instead of blogging. Hehe.

10 November, 2008

*623 - drained

I slept 9 hours last night, but I woke up more tired than ever. I don't know what's draining me, but it's doing a pretty good job.

Life has been funny lately. I'm messing up way more than usual. I think I'm burned out from life in general and I wish it could be easier to drop everything and go far, far away, just for a while. Away from expectations. Away from relations.

I'm tired of living up to expectations in every way. Expectations that come with being a Cornell student. Expectations that come with being a friend. Expectations of your friends. Expectations of what being a good girlfriend is. Expectations of your boyfriend. Being cool. Being attractive. Expectations dictate that you have to be happy, and if you're not, you have to do something about it. You have to be motivated. Have to have fun. Have direction.

And to make sense, your blog posts have to have some sort of conclusion or ending sentence.

02 November, 2008

*622 - halloween's over!

To prove that the last drunken entry was not all nonsense, here are two unspectacular photos out of the, um, 5 that I took that night.

1. Japanese outfit with disposable chopsticks in hair

2. Tired-looking smudgy panda

01 November, 2008

*620 - halloween

Halloween was/is mad fun. The weather decidedc to be nice for us, which is cool because it's been freezing for a week. i was a Japanese for half of the night, which was pretty lame because I probably looked like a Japanese dressing up as a Japanese? Not too cool. And then I was a PANDA;. but then my makeup sort of faded, and then I looked "tired with an awkward smudge on my nose". So i washed the panda gunk off my face and for the rest of the night I was just a very generic person dressed in black and white.

Now I'm crunching madly on frosties, but I am not even hungry because I've been pigging out all night. And we all know how many calories alcohol has, right. Um I dropped one frosty onto the ground, but just realised that I picked TWO up and ate them, and that's really really hilarious in my mind right now. Heehee!

I acftually have to wake up in about 4 hours for dance practice tomorrow morning. Come to think of it, that's not as bad as I thought. Right? We were going to have Pandora bonding time and watch a scary movie after practice too just to go along with the Halloween theme.

I actually have a lot on my mind. But I shall go to sleep now.