30 June, 2015

*1138 - first camping trip in adulthood

Particularly as an adult, I have faced surprising success in convincing friends to don headgear while doing innocuous activities like rock climbing or hiking.  This camping trip, I had several species of bunny, my little pony, and my ever trusty unicorn, AND was joined by the most delightful green monster that waved lopsidedly when squeezed.

Ever thankful, always blessed.

23 June, 2015

*1337 - tie dye butterfly

Starting to embrace the hippie way of life, which includes spinning flags in the middle of the woods.  I have not been happier in quite a while.

05 June, 2015

*1336 - strength

Today was a turbaned-lady-warrior-in-the-office sort of day.

(Many thanks to childhood bestie K who introduced me to the gloriousness of turbans.)