06 December, 2006

*248 - prom's over

Some of the class girls, looking pretty (:

There is much to say, but I don't feel like saying it.

I'm damn tired from sleeping at 6.30 am yesterday (interrupted sleep thanks to noisy boys haha - Justin's snorts & Mark's snores & Senthil's coughs - Tubby & the assorted people on the floor were nice and quiet thank God).

I'm also gloomy because the Boyfriend is leaving in a few hours (yes, just after reaching home from prom) for New York for ten days. Enjoy the snow and stay safe (:

I also have some thirty pairs of earrings to make but my hands are all sliced up from the latest earring making session.

Photos up another day. I don't even feel like looking at them at the moment, actually. Haven't quite sorted through them.