16 November, 2007

*484 - gone

The past week or so has been almost too much for me to bear. I'm at breaking point now, and if just one more thing happens, I don't know what I would do.

I don't know whether I'll ever see you again. But most importantly, I hope you get better. It hurt me to see you sick. Maybe one day we'll meet again, maybe when you set up that hotel in Singapore, with that squashed up "S" for the logo ;)

It's hard to say goodbye, even when you know it's for the best.


Really thank God for the people who've been keeping me sane. I haven't really told anyone what exactly happened, but his dad and Josh knew everything, and they really, really helped.

Especially after crying my eyeballs out last night and not daring go back to my dorm and be alone. Slept on the couch with a headache and swollen eyes, woke up at 4 am to see biggie and his huge cigar staring down at me, completely lost my cool, and ran to shake poor Josh awake. I'm such a baby.

And then I totally teared up in front of Brownell today when we were discussing how to go about completing our group project minus one member, and that was horribly embarrassing.


In other news, it snowed.