03 August, 2006

*145 - onetwothreefourfive

Firstly, it pays to be a teacher's pet. Hehehe.

Secondly, I wonder why some people lie compulsively, for no apparent reason, and somehow don't realise that everyone knows they are lying.

Thirdly, I am so thankful for a wonderful family like mine - I wonder what I would do if I had to find out all about universities and scholarships and everything on my own, like some of my poor friends. My parents are great, they've been searching for universities & courses every single day, and being in the education line themselves, they have wonderful advice and know a lot of useful stuff. My sister is brilliant, I wouldn't survive without her, she would do anything to help me, she would probably write all my university application essays for me if I let her, and I would have died & shrivelled up a long time ago if not for her. My brother is brilliant for having studied at Cornell, and I will find some way to mention his name in my application teeheehee coughstringpullingcough. Okay, I'm kidding.

Fourthly, I just realised the extent of the competition for those measly 200 places in Cornell for Hotel Management within RJC itself, not to mention all the other JCs, and not to mention the entire multitude (Ms Lim warned never to use this word unless you're referring to huuuuuge numbers) of students worldwide. When everybody boasts of handfuls of A's and Distinctions and have glowing recommendations, what do I possibly possess that would put me a level above the rest?

Fifthly, I am off to give my brother's friend a call - she was one of the few in Singapore who got a place in Cornell for Hotel Management. I shall find out once and for all if this is really the path I want to follow, and if I'm suitably cut out for it.

[edit]: Didn't get to talk to her much, but it pretty much sounds like what I thought it was. A typical business course except with more focus on the hospitality area, but apart from 1 semester of working with hotels, you can choose to never have anything to do with hotels again if you wish. Cooking classes, managing a real restaurant for two nights, wine courses and other cool hands on stuff included. Together with the usual business stuff like marketing, tourism, accounting, management, law, human resources, etc. And what I need is to show real interest ... guess I'll have to play up the whole earring business thing!

Hmm hmm so scary so scary ):