27 January, 2013

*1233 - parsleyed fish gratin

Recipe from Nigella Lawson.  It makes a beautiful gratin with buried parcels of fish and shrimp and a delicate green parsley taste, even if you don't like parsley.  In fact, I first made this dish years ago when I wasn't quite a fan of parsley due to its extremely perfumeyness, and this was the dish that made me appreciate it more.

My problem is that whenever I try to follow a recipe, I make substitutions because I can't believe the amount of calories I'm intentionally adding to an otherwise innocuous or already calorie-laden dish.  And add to the fact that when I'm cooking (vs. baking), I never actually measure anything out precisely and adjust unhealthiness down almost subconsciously.  And given this is a Nigella Lawson recipe, you can only imagine how decadent it is.  I usually skimp on the finishing touch--the brushing of seemingly way too much garlic oil--but tried it out this once and what a delightful difference it made to the crispness of the top layer!