06 January, 2013

*1225 - singapore's gardens by the bay

Singapore's Gardens by the Bay.  A very strategic ecotourism move and one that I'm actually really proud of.  An architectural wonder, very thoughtfully sustainable which I appreciate a lot, horticultural feat that will amaze even those who aren't plantscaping nerds, a lovely and almost alien-like addition to the already beautiful Singapore skyline.  I'm a fan.  Definitely worth a visit, whether you're Singaporean or not.

Supertrees that mimic the life cycles of real trees.  I saw photos of these supertrees when the park opened half a year ago, really beautiful glowing photos, and was really puzzled at how Singapore had suddenly transformed into a magical piece of landscape from Avatar.  


It started storming, and I mean really, seriously, frighteningly, poundingly, thunderstorming.  So we ducked into the cooled conservatories to gawk at the enormous array of plants imported from literally all around the world.  I love these frosty wintry ferns; I see them around here a lot.  




Taking a picture of Daddy taking a picture.




Inside the "Flower Dome".




And this was the "Cloud Forest" with Singapore's tallest waterfall heh.


Supertrees by night.