You can look at it from two angles.
One, intrigue. Poo versus pew and baNAHnas and toMAHtoes, tales of an exotic land and places never seen, confirmation and disconfirmation of stereotypes, discovery of the bizarre little things that seem shocking to one but are just another very ordinary fact of life to the other.
Two, contradiction. Different upbringing, different values, different interactions, different taste buds, different habits, different experiences, different outlooks. The question is, are those differences reconcilable or even worth reconciling?
Stereotypical as it is, that is perhaps why birds of a feather tend to flock together. Embrace what is comfortable and tried-and-tested, or venture out into what could be more exciting and eye-opening? I say a bit of both.
What I would give to re-live my college life with the knowledge that I have now.