Once upon a time, the surface answer would have been "to keep friends updated with my life" and the veiled answer would have been "to prove to myself that I am cool."
Now, the first answer still holds slightly true because I do know that some friends read this, but now there are many more people who visit this and I don't think I have that many friends in real life who are that interested in what I have to say haha!
The second answer also still holds slightly true because it's nice to know that some people out there are intrigued by my musings. But now that I've grown up a little and found myself somewhat, I don't have to prove to myself, to a large extent, that I am cool because I know I'm not very cool at all (but happy with it--mostly!).
So my answer now is a little silly and whimsical. I write because I know there are people out there who, like me, have a thirst for words, silly ramblings, taking a peek into someone else's life--so, in a way, I'm contributing a few crumbs back to the cupcakes that I am helping myself to every once in a while (okay, that's kind of a yucky analogy). And there are people out there who might, maybe, sometimes, be touched by something that I say. And then I write for myself, because stringing together letters and words and sentences feels like art, and while I'm certainly no great artist in this realm, it still brings me a great deal of joy because I feel like a creator of something very organic and very much an extension of myself.
There you go. My wacky answer to the question, "Why do you blog?" Not that anyone actually asked me that (hahaha), I just felt like answering my question to myself ...