24 September, 2009

*759 - the butterfly effect

If you think about it, everything is so serendipitous. Life events are like little particles in random Brownian motion; one insignificant event randomly leads to another, which leads to another, and another, and anothernothernother, and finally to an event that is so gloriously significant that all those insignificant events that lead up to it can't be called insignificant anymore. And you look back and think to yourself, what if I hadn't been there at that precise moment in time, in that exact spot, looking in that direction, doing this or not doing that, wanting this or needing that? And what about that other event that led up to this one and set it up just the way it was? Just one little kink in that chain of events and things would have careened off into a totally different universe of possibilities. It has to be God who has been guiding that crazy complex impossibly thick network of possibilities into the one beautiful string of events that is my life as it is.