(1) Construction involving large cranes and noisy chipping away at old bricks outside the apartment directly opposite my window should not be allowed to begin at 7.30 am.
(2) Repairmen (though they provide a very lovely service that I truly appreciate) should not be allowed to have keys to your apartment and to turn up without any notice, especially not at 7.30 am when one is generally Not Awake. The only notice they have given me is either 30 panicked seconds (time it takes between them buzzing up to my apartment from downstairs and climbing up to the 3rd floor) or five intensely panicked seconds (time it takes between them banging on my door and them opening it) to realize what's going on, leap out of bed, get decent by pulling on pants and yanking on a sweater, and kick embarrassing items (undies, box of tampons, etc) out of sight. Not the pleasantest way to wake up. However, my cabinet door is now affixed after I clumsily tore it off by accident and the oven (hallelujah!) now works.
Speaking of which, I better pick my PJ's carefully over the next few days and be prepared for early rising, because I just put in a work order for my fridge. It would make these awful prolonged rumbly noises that ended with an enormous clanging that would make me jump, on and off throughout the day, but mostly on. Today, the same noises continued, only about five times louder. I'm pretty certain it's hovering on its deathbed and my frozen chicken, sour cream, eggs, etc are all in grave peril.