14 June, 2010

*855 - dinner cruise with the parents

It was a rather lovely cruise around Cayuga Lake, right around the time when the sun was setting. Shutter-happy me took a gazillion pictures of the view from the cruise over three hours, which all turned out looking (not too surprisingly) kind of the same. Most of the cruise was filled with little old couples or little old groups of friends, which I thought was terribly endearing. The young, Asian family (the three of us) stuck out like a sore thumb, but oh well! It was nice anyway :) I can't believe I spent three years in Ithaca without sailing across the Cayuga waters!

(This photo is testament to how a good camera can make bad food look good. This molten chocolate cake tasted dismal, in fact.)

(But this photo is testament to how a good camera can't sufficiently capture the true beauty of the beautiful sunset over a lake!)