Huh?? How can skies be so beautiful?? Beautiful creator :)
Last picture = backside of my ugly little apartment, but I love it, and I love how the windows are reflecting a completely different (orange) sky than the one in the picture (blue).
I noticed the gorgeous sunset as I was walking home one day. Which made me break into an anxious trot down College Avenue, camera in hand, eyes to the sky, so that I could get to my backyard for an unobstructed foresty view before the sun finished setting.
Aww :)
Tried to capture the huge flocks of birds that were swooping from botak tree to botak tree, but I guess swarming black dots that are actually moving in real life are a lot more noticeable (and pretty to watch) than swarming black dots that blend right into the branches in a still shot, and taken with a dinky digicam. Haha.
But oh no. Botak trees are a premonition of colder days to come. Dum dum dum dummmm.