21 July, 2009

*738 - onetwothreefourfivesix

Vanilla yanyan. Perhaps the next best thing after strawberry hello panda/yanyan/pocky.

("Snail. Snail mail?" my yanyan asks.)

One: Thank God for friends. I just need a few close ones, the ones I call up or cry to when I'm upset, the ones I let my hair down with. You know who you are. :)

("Fox. Beware of lies," Yanyan warns.)

Two: I'm jaded and spoiled. Things were pure when we were young. An "I love you" meant "I love you and I will do anything for you because all I need is to know you are happy". An "I love you" now might mean something like "I love you and I want you to be happy but there are some things I cannot sacrifice and there are some things that I am unwilling to give up and there are some things you will have to change before I can accept you fully". Maybe I'm a little more aloof now, a little more independent, a little more concerned about my life, a little more strong-willed, a little more stubborn, a little more practical, a little less open, a little less tolerant, a little less starry-eyed. But I still trust that God has the perfect person in mind for me, and when I meet him, it'll work.

("Owl. Active at night." ;) Mmm yeah.)

Three: Salsa. Yum.

Four: I don't want to go back to school. Summer break seems like life on hold. Going back means the inevitable - having to think seriously about the future instead of just living in the moment. Honestly, I'm terrified.

("Rhinoceros. Think big." ;) Mmm yeah.)

Five: If there's one thing I've learned from my internship, it is that there's a specific percentage of supposedly intelligent and high-flying people in the workplace who are idiots. It's statistically proven. Another learning point - what might be strengths in America may well be frowned upon in Asia.

Six: Too many late nights in a row. But I'm still young and I figure if there's a right time to be partying it up, it's about now ;)