29 April, 2008

*557 - reverse bumblebee

Let's hope the "you" in the previous entry never comes across my blog. Heehee. Guess I should be more confident about myself.

Today, I:
Accidentally made a hole in a pillar
Talked to dearest Liru throughout class <3
Walked out of class because I hadn't prepared for it
Randomly did laundry for no reason
Completed my LAST EVER financial accounting homework hallelujah
Saw a reverse bumblebee
Went to the mall to get costumes
Overdosed on ice cream and chocolate
Sprinted for the bus twice, caught one and missed the other
Have the nicest mug I've ever owned
Need to complete two essays by tomorrow, and it is already 11 pm, oh no oh no I HAVE TO GET STARTED NOW panic twitch twitchtwitch.

(Happy bee!)