25 May, 2008

*564 - HK part 1

Day 1 in HK:

Long long bus ride and flight with Chae and Jingxiong
Getting lost without a functional cellphone, and borrowing one from a random kind Indian fellow to call the sis
Meeting the sis (and screaming the hotel down)
Going out for high-end mashed potatoes
Taking the ferry to HK island
Having dinner at a nice Chinese restaurant
Dying because of jetlag and returning to the hotel to concuss, while sis + friends went out

Day 2 in HK:

Waking up the next day to high-end dim sum
Bidding sis a fond farewell
Meeting Nick and Katie!
Going to Katie's place
Shopping at a huge mall in Shatin
Pottering around in Mongkok
Devouring delish Jap food
Devouring delish street food
Collapsing at Katie's place

Mango pomelo sago

Nick & black seseme

Mongkok street

By night

Conveyor belt Jap restaurant, yum

My fav: burnt salmon (half raw, half cooked)

Funny springroll-sushi thing

Street food

Gai dan zai (Little eggs! They're not eggs though.)

Looking back, I realise I packed an incredible amount of activities into my 4.5 day stay in HK. Wow. More pictures to come (:

Right now, I need to get well soon so that I can finally have a life and step out of my house instead of being glued to the tissue box at home.