13 May, 2008

*561 - almost done

Finals this year were (are) insane. They came in 2 waves: 2 in a row last week, and then 3 in 2 days this week. I'm down to the last one tomorrow, and then it's END OF FRESHMAN YEAR and I'm zipping off to Woodbury, and then a few days of Ithacan fun, before I leave on Saturday for HK! Back in Singapore on the afternoon before my birthday - can't wait! Friends, let's go out :D

But first, one more paper to go. Which I haven't started studying for thanks to the ARCH final which I just presented wheee. The product of days of going crazy with Maya and Flash, frequent cockeyes, a tablespoon of tears (I'm being realistic with volumes here), an all-nighter in Rand, nightmares, diarrhea and other ailments, and a general sense that the ground is heaving and spinning beneath me. (I bet I could reproduce that in Maya in a jiffy.)

By God's favour the finals have been going undeservedly okay, looking at the amount of work I put into each paper. I was taking this morning's F&B final while half-asleep, with only 3 solid hours of proper studying in my woozy brain. I've already forgotten how that went already because everything feels kind of ethereal and dream-like right now. Heeheehee giggle. And then I think people liked my ARCH project cos it was cute and completely different from all the others. I think it's because I'm a Hotelie and didn't do anything related to architecture like the rest of them. I mean, singing mushroom organisms that dance to classical music? Naw.

Right now I am fighting the urge to concuss because I have to sit here (alive) for now, in order to get picked up and plopped down next to my nutrition books because they are not here in my room because I am an idiot like that.

But anyway, every day I thank God for putting fabulousness into my life to keep me going (:

Do. Not. Concuss. Maybe I shall do some online shopping for a bit to stay alive :D

Heeheehee giggle.