24 May, 2008

*563 - mini birthday celebrations (:

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes! I'm really touched (: Had a great birthday, despite being severely ill. In fact, I just came back from a hearty chilli crab meal which was wholly wasted on me because I couldn't taste anything, but don't tell the family that. It was so nice having dinner with the entire family + new maid!! Although that meant that 7 of us couldn't fit into the car and mum + maid had to take the bus home hahaha. At least it was only 3 stops away. We need a truck.

Tipsy girls on the rooftop

Raisins for you?

Love the family! Hehe. Fell ill that night though.

Next day: Maddy came over (I LOVE MADDYO) and exclaimed over the pile of dead skin on the floor from my flakey legs, I went for an interview (and got the internship!), and then I met Liru who gave me such a lovely surprise <3

Cake for you?

And then, I had the most violent nosebleed I've had in years (so violent that the people next to me felt compelled to give me tissue and water), and then, I was supposed to go to the salsa club, but sis forced me to go home, so I did, and conked out at 11 pm, woke up this morning (afternoon) with a hacking cough and gooey running nose and croaky voice. And a smile on my face! Because I'm home! Still can't believe it hehe.

So I spread my germs to the rest of the family (they don't realise it though hoho) in the form of pseudo (non-yeast non-fried muffin-shaped) cinnamon sugar donuts, which didn't turn out like donuts in any aspect whatsoever! Taste-wise, texture-wise, appearance-wise. Heehee. But they make good cakey-bready-muffiny things, if you don't know that they were supposed to be donuts.

It was funny baking cos we have a maid now (granny's getting old!) and she was hovering around me repeating ingredient names after me because she's learning English. She now has added to her vocabulary teaspoon, nutmeg, cinnamon, vinegar, and grease! It was really weird, though, not having to clean up after myself like the way I've been doing it for my whole life. And to have an extra pair of arms to whip the mixture and an extra pair of eyes to watch over the oven. Haha! Yesterday when she first took away my dirty dishes from under my nose, I was absolutely appalled. I can't really wrap my head around the idea of having a maid just yet. But she's cute and I like her a lot, even though she's shy and can't speak English hehe.


Nifty new oven

Cinnamon sugar non-donuts

Mum was saying now that I'm back, she has to go stock up on mountains of baking stuff for me. Hehe. My presence at home is felt.


Nuf I want pictures of our Pangea birthday dinner! (: If we actually had any (did we?) Amazing meal with amazing service. And amazing person. Heehee (: COME HOME PLS.


And friends, I have a new handphone number, ask me for it! (: