22 May, 2008

*562 - home.

I. Am. Home. What an amazing birthday present (:

-dies of happiness and exhaustion and flu and Singaporean HEAT-

(Calling Maddy)
Me: HI guess who.
Maddy: Melissa?

(Calling Liru)
Me: HI guess who.
Liru: Dawn?


Today, I will move into my new temporary 'room', ie. the study, ie. the tiniest room in the house, because they're planning for at least one sibling to move out before I return for good to Singapore, which means I don't actually have a room in this house. Haha!

Tomorrow, I will wake up late, sing myself a birthday song, go out for an interview, and peek at the GSS along the way.

Hongkong was great fun, and it was so good seeing Katie and Nick again. Crazy fun times all the time. Love them both.

Now, I will slump in my chair and sleepily wait for the sister to return from work so we can eat together. Shall bug everyone to eat on the rooftop (!) but I think it's too warm. Especially since it's curry (!) tonight.

Hehe life is good.

(But could be much better, and you know why! Stob.)