26 May, 2008

*566 - HK part deux

To continue, Day 3 in HK:

Travelling by myself on the MTRs
Meeting Nick in Times Square
Krispy Kremes
HK cafe for lunch
High end shopping malls with Katie
Street stalls on the steps - quaint!
Hunting down the best egg tarts
Taking the sky cable to the peak
Congee at Jordan

NY cheesecake krispy kreme

Random pretty melon

Stalls on the steps

On the peak

Day 4 in HK:

Dimsum breakfast with Nick
Going to Stanley - rather uninterested
Beautiful pier though
Heading off to Nick's place
Cute cat, cuter mum
Picking Katie up and going to a seafood restaurant
Millions of types of fresh seafood in tanks
Dinner: cheesy lobster, snail, clam, squid, veg, noodles
Drinks at LKF (clubbing area)
Everyone getting tipsy
Crawling home much too late

Dimsum served by ladies pushing carts

Beeg feesh - Nick's place

So many types!!

Please don't make me eat this

Geoduck spurting water
(Don't they look unnervingly like ...)

View from the restaurant



My first drink: "screaming orgasm". It was nice ;)

Checking if Katie was getting pink yet

That's LKF

Still tipsy in the bus?

Last day in HK:

Breakfast at the typicalest of typical HK cafes
Bidding a fond farewell to HK
And a WARM hello to home!

46 pictures; that's got to be a new record!

25 May, 2008

*565 - for you

So now there's a little more sense of closure to the chapter of my life that lasted a lovely >3 years. This is probably a bit belated because it's been some 2 or 3 months since that Sunday when I was pacing outside Quiznos right after church, clutching my phone to my ear.

Those >3 years. It was like driving down a dirt road while watching the sunset - we kept our eyes on the beauty in front of us amidst all the hard bumps, but in the end, it all slowly faded away.

I'm sorry that I did what I did. I'm sorry for hurting you all those times. I was a lousy girlfriend. I started off rather dim-witted about relationships and all things related. I'm better now, but I guess it's a little too late for you to find out for yourself. But thank you for changing me, and thank you for loving me despite everything. (I meant for that sentence to be in past tense, but I'm not sure how to phrase it.)

It kind of felt as though we faded away but never really put a fullstop to it. At least, for me. Just so you know, I haven't managed to take off my ring and keep it off. I've taken it off my finger, fiddled around with it, switched fingers, left it lying around - but I always put it back on.

We didn't talk much just an hour ago, but somehow there's a fullstop right at the end now. And looking at that fullstop makes me feel a strange sense of loss. 2 or 3 months ago, it was relief. 2 or 3 months later, I'm finally feeling the blow. Maybe I'll go have a good bawl and then turn the page.

I'm sorry. I really loved you. I really treasured you. You showed me what it was like to be loved. And I'm really thankful for what we had. I hope you don't ever forget that.

*564 - HK part 1

Day 1 in HK:

Long long bus ride and flight with Chae and Jingxiong
Getting lost without a functional cellphone, and borrowing one from a random kind Indian fellow to call the sis
Meeting the sis (and screaming the hotel down)
Going out for high-end mashed potatoes
Taking the ferry to HK island
Having dinner at a nice Chinese restaurant
Dying because of jetlag and returning to the hotel to concuss, while sis + friends went out

Day 2 in HK:

Waking up the next day to high-end dim sum
Bidding sis a fond farewell
Meeting Nick and Katie!
Going to Katie's place
Shopping at a huge mall in Shatin
Pottering around in Mongkok
Devouring delish Jap food
Devouring delish street food
Collapsing at Katie's place

Mango pomelo sago

Nick & black seseme

Mongkok street

By night

Conveyor belt Jap restaurant, yum

My fav: burnt salmon (half raw, half cooked)

Funny springroll-sushi thing

Street food

Gai dan zai (Little eggs! They're not eggs though.)

Looking back, I realise I packed an incredible amount of activities into my 4.5 day stay in HK. Wow. More pictures to come (:

Right now, I need to get well soon so that I can finally have a life and step out of my house instead of being glued to the tissue box at home.