22 August, 2008

*599 - love story

With mummy's help, I dug out a couple of old photo albums and found the cutest pictures of the parents ever! They were sweet.

They started dating in school when they were 19 ...

Gotta love their matchy matchy spectacles!
They're even younger than I am now :D

Then daddy went to the UK for 4 years to study
No money to fly back, no telephone, certainly no skype
So he mailed mummy photographs like these
With little love notes written in cursive on the backs
Which began with "Dear, ..." and ended with "Love, Mun"

When daddy finally came back after 4 years of being apart,
They got married at long last :)

And it's been a happy story ever since!

If they could do it, why not us? :)
2 years till I'm back for good.
We'll be okay :)