04 August, 2008

*592 - starbucks

Sitting here with a half cup of melted mocha frap and my dear lappie. Breathing in the freedom of my First Monday With No Work. Feeling awfully smug.

Shall head off soon to my first ballet lesson in, what, twenty thousand years?! I even bought new cheapo ballet shoes for the occasion (well, mostly because my shoes are sitting in a box in Ithaca). They're embarassingly squeaky-clean; maybe I'll secretly rub them on the floor before I use them later so that they'll look a little used.

I'm mildly embarrassed because I stole the precious power point to charge my lappie from the boy next to me who stole it from the boy next to him who was charging his lappie so that he could charge his handphone. Just mildly.

(45% charged.)

I'm also feeling accomplished because I made apple tarts yesterday which tasted awesome - the best part is that we didn't follow a recipe, but just made them randomly! Pastry, stobeli jam, apple slices, cinnamon and brown sugar, walnuts, stobeli glaze, popped into the oven at random temperature for random amount of time. And the pastry puffed prettily :)

Yum. All 8 tarts, gone in a jiffy!

(52% charged.)