04 August, 2008

*593 - naked beast, fantastic hair, snow

Aww, surprise McGriddle turning up at my doorstep!! Yay, I'm so touched :) Thank you!!


Dreamt of Meredith & co last night. Hehe. Which reminded me very much of our awesome Explorations class and the improvised performance we came up with. Nothing choreographed, just following the storyline and letting the music take us where it wanted to that night. 3 nights of performances, 3 different dances.

Ben, the naked wild acrobatic beast;
Meredith, the little imp who first owns the beast but loses control of it;
Debbie, the sexy seductress who yields the (real) whip and (really) whips the beast;
Yu Tao, the Asian kungfu master who fights with and ties up the beast;
Evelyn, the healer who ends up stripping the beast butt-naked and taking control of it with the girls at the end.

It all snowballed one day during class, when we were improvising to live music one by one, and Ben suddenly leaped out from behind the curtains stark naked during his turn and started doing naked acrobatics. Jim brought in props and skanky costumes and that's how our performance took shape.

(By the way, Ben enjoys getting whipped. In case you were worrying. He was full of red welts and some blood by the end of the 3 performances.)

Debbie wields her whip

Ben the Beast tied up and decked out in leather, pre-nakedness

Bloody Ben

Meredith & Evelyn freak show

YK: Oh! You're performing tonight?
Me: Um, I think you better not go.

Not for the conservative or weak-hearted.


To end things off on a refreshingly childish note, here are more pictures from the fabulous Spring Break. 4 kids who lovingly styled each other's hair with mountains of PRODUCT (inside joke), squashed in the bathtub together to take photos, and went out to a nice restaurant for dinner looking like that.

Joel, the severely windswept;
Kenneth, the feeler-ed robot;
Joshua, the octopus;
Evelyn, the braided and pinned and puffed.

This trip brought out everyone's gay tendencies to the max. And everyday, we would find something to sculpt obscene figurines with. The wonders of orange peel, bananas, unfinished steak, whipped cream, snow ...

(Hahaha how terribly childish. Remember how we had to hastily throw away all the something-shaped orange peel when the cleaning lady appeared at the door?)

Emo-ing on the window
(What was all that blue stuff outside??)


Oh my darlin' Clementine

Owl, Beaver, Devil


Lil snowman

Last run, last photo on the slopes