11 August, 2008

*596 - family

Three of us, in Joel's lil red car, doing groceries, without the parents. It's weird how we were kiddos just a while back, and now we're all grown up, doing grown up things like buying cars, choosing prawns, selecting alcohol ... of course, I'm still the baby of the family - Joel gave me $2.40 to buy yam puffs, heh ;)

So that was National Day for us: a massive BBQ with what initially seemed like too much food, punctuated with extremely passionate sing along sessions with the NDP broadcast on TV (WE ARE SINGAPORE, SINGAPOREAAANS!!), followed by the customary wine and desserts on the roof once the rain stopped.

This was my atas contribution for the night ...

... Rose flavoured jelly!
Impulsive experiment gone right (:
Pretty and yummy!

Bernz frenziedly doing his thang

Daddy to the rescue with the electric fan.
(Just a few seconds, and the flames erupted!)

The jellies, when inverted, look like a host of obscene objects

After which, perhaps slightly tipsy, Elisa, Bern, Kenneth, and I decided to play Sardines, the funnier version of Hide & Seek:
- 1 hider
- Everyone else is a seeker
- If you find the hider, you have to hide with him (hence Sardines)
- Last one out loses!

If you haven't played Sardines before, you should, because it's most ridiculous squeezing with a bunch of people in the dark in tiny crevices, trying to suppress your giggles, waiting for more and more people to squeeze in (usually sweatily) with you. And also the sinking feeling you get when you're frantically bursting into rooms and looking behind curtains and THEN the scampering stops and there is suddenly absolute silence, and ... you know you're the loser.

Four fully grown & oversized kids, ages ranging from 20 to 27, sprinting and screaming up and down the 4 levels. Very hilarious, and also a very good aerobic workout.

Funniest incident:
We couldn't find Bernz for the longest time and were just about to conclude that he cheated and hid in Joel's locked room. Then I found him sitting uncomfortably in my little closet, feet upon my underwear and face in my dresses, sweating rivers into my clothes. Whereupon he embarrassedly struggled out because he realised that noone could squash inside the closet with him without extreme awkwardness and death from insufficient oxygen.


When you leave, you come back to realise that your family's always your family, and your family always loves you, and your family always has time for you. Friends can be transient, but not family (: There's never a lonely moment when I'm back home because home is full of love, and I've only just learnt to appreciate that over the past year.

Home is where the best food is, where mummy looks after you if you feel sick, where you don't have to do laundry or groceries or vacuuming, where you don't ever have to put up any pretences, where you can walk around the entire day dressed in rags, with unconcealed zits and knotty hair, sit most vulgarly with your leg up at the table, and noone really gives a damn.

Home is where you find troo bloo love!

And this is family:

It used to be just 3 kids, the parents, and the granny.
We've grown (: Big family now!

Loopy kids, adults unaware.

The Ancient Family Photo, part 2.

The Ancient Family Photo, part 1.
Taken last year, hilariously at the same restaurant before I left.


I miss you and I wish I could call to chat about anything and everything inconsequential, like how google's logo is currently a rhythmic gymnast pig and how I've run out of books to read and how I'm excited about going to NYC to dance and how Toby isn't helicopter-eared anymore, but it's past 2 am and you need to wake up early for work and besides, it's bad manners to wake people up at night.

So maybe I'll just go to sleep instead.

Can't wait for tomorrow, because every day is a happi day!