22 September, 2006

*188 - byebye prelims (:

So this is a little belated, but, prelims are over at last (:

Bio MCQ yesterday was simple enough, but I got quite a handful wrong from carelessness and lack of studying the details, so that was quite a pity. Placing the 2 core Bio papers more than 1 week apart was a bit heartless ):

Math S was hahaha funny, as I went through the paper I circled the questions I didn't know how to do, and in the end almost everything was circled and I didn't have time to go back to try them again anyway. Whoopsies. Looked to my left in the exam venue and saw rows upon rows of brilliant F Math students who probably found the paper easy-peasy.

But never mind about prelims for now, I shall only worry again when school begins next week.

Popped by Justin's house after Math S to watch Chocolat, a beautifully quaint and somehow poetic and fairy-tale-like film. The storyline was rather different from the book, but really nice nonetheless. I love French (: Anyway, I was mildly surprised to see Johnny Depp acting in the film (as the river gypsy who seduced the main character haha).

Went for a cycle after that, which has long-lasting consequences until today (my butt bone aches!). Rather thrilling because of all the cars and because it was night time, and I'm definitely not a confident cyclist! I used to cycle around all the time as a kid, but evidently lost the skill over time, and I haven't got very good control over the bike right now, hehe.

Cycled to a hawker center dinner (: Good local food - Hokkien mee, prawn dumplings, and frog porridge!! I was actually imagining a nasty green creature nestled in the middle of a bowl of porridge, but nah, it didn't look like a frog at all.

Quite yummy (:

On the way back: Ribbid ribbid croak croak.

I have to say, I make a better frog than Justin.

And because the round concrete thing was so fun to play with, I decided to try an arabesque. Wibble wobble lack of technique eek.

I miss dancing, yeah.

Anyway, went to JB and back for a short shopping trip with the girls of the family today (ie Mummy and sister). Particularly exhausting because I was obviously falling ill but trying to pretend not to. Right now I'm nursing a bad cold and I can scarcely keep my eyes open anymore. I don't want to fall ill now, not when it's time to relax and have fun! But really have to thank God for keeping me healthy over the exam period (: Definitely better now than a week ago! (: