23 December, 2012

*1224 - rent

Whenever D's not around, I get severe separation anxiety because we spend every waking and sleeping moment together otherwise.  From sprinting for the bus every morning together, working from 8 to midnight together (yes, not the ideal lifestyle, new years' resolution to change that), all meals together, passing out from tiredness at the same time.  Anyway, he's away and whenever that happens, I turn into a sloppy gluttonous jittery trashy-American-TV-watching slob.

Which is what's happening now as I'm talking way too much to Poka, blazing through all the chocolates in the house, and getting really mad watching House Hunters.

These people furrowing their brows over having $600 rents per month should try living in San Francisco.  Our little house is so much littler, so much older, and I don't even dare to tell you how many times that amount we are paying than that.  Ahhhh!!!

Leaving for D's in a few days and hopefully my sanity will be restored soon.  It is almost Christmas!