18 July, 2008

*586 - same difference

6 inches worth of dead trees and 1 week's worth of frantic work gone to waste. So much for my efforts. After all, it doesn't matter if you waste a week of a mere intern's life away and contribute to global warming at the same time, does it?

Work has been mildly more interesting as of late, ever since I stopped getting work from C and A started entrusting me with more important tasks. Now I actually liaise directly with the F1 stakeholders and government bodies instead of printing and stapling and scheduling for meetings.

(But I am now quite the expert with secretarial tasks! Watch me as I operate the hole-puncher, with such startling alacrity! Watch me as I coddle the jammed-up printer back to life! Watch me as I wield my stapler and fasten documents in the blink of an eye!)


It's as though life in Singapore was put on hold for the 9 months I was away. When I came back, I just hit 'play', and everything started rolling again.

It's surprisingly normal to be back. Settling down and turning everything into routine is oddly easy. Sitting down at a brand new dining table in a brand new house with a brand new Ipa and the same everyone else. Chilling on the rooftop last night with the Tutti Frutti's and feeling like it was just a week ago since we last met. Waking up early for work and wasting my time away like I've been doing that my whole life (please, God, no). Trooping down for Sam's classes and meeting Mel Yihui Aster and reuniting with Weicheng Aunties Flexigirl and realizing that even my jete's don't change. Meeting old friends, making new ones, doing my usual thang, trying out new stuff.

Life's strangely easy to adapt to when you're at home. Everything's changed, but everything feels the same.

And that's what I like - the comfort of being home. Everything else can change, but something intangible's always constant.

Even my most depressed days over here (trust me, I've had plenty) can't rival those over there that leave me feeling scarily hollowed out, like someone carefully scraped my insides dry with a teaspoon.

Of course, I was happi-like-never-before over there, but memories of how I used to be sad-like-never-before scare me. (I don't wanna leave again.)


2 hours to go. 2 hours to the weekend!! :D