02 June, 2008

*567 - happi!

Hello from work! ;) I just had the happiest weekend ever and I'm sad to be back in the office but I'm happi so I'm not really sad. Hehe. Just got back from a big soporific lunch with big bosses and other colleagues. (Not that they were boring; I'm just sleep deprived. Zones out.)

Waking up at 3 am and bouncing out of bed
Calming myself down and going back to sleep
Waking up at 6 am and bouncing out of bed
Calming myself down and not being able to go back to sleep
Making friends with Miaomiao and YY
Going on a treasure hunt in Spotlight
Eating too much gai dan zai (!) & ice cream
Heading to Timbre for EIC
Making friends with Kenneth's friends
Waving to Mr Siva :D he was good!
Meeting my Sec 3 Chem relief teacher, because she turned out to be the gf of a friend of Kenneth's
Walking along the river
Catching the last train home - but no bus!

Waking up sleep deprived
Heading off to continue making friends with Miaomiao and YY
Playing Settlers, which I did not win
Being inadequate (cannot do PSLE math anymore)
Eating Jap noodles from a bowl 3x the size of my head
Heading back to NCC :)
Having a steamboat dinner
Being inadequate a second time (still cannot do PSLE math)
Being swaku in the purple transformer car
Popping by Maddy's place
Watching Maddy leap (clamber) over in her PJs
Transforming back and forth, ready to fight crime!
Uncovering a funny confession purely by accident

Nothing very spectacular happened per se but one does not have to DO terribly spectacular things to FEEL like it was a spectacular weekend, right?