05 December, 2007

*497 - mish mash of events

The past few days have been crazy hectic.

Weekend: rehearsals and Pandora Released!! :D

Much love to everyone who came to watch us! I had so much fun performing. And it's been really challenging, which was the exciting part: now I know how to do decent straddle leaps, reverse split leaps, switch leaps, triple turns, fouettes, etc. It's great. And I actually ventured out of my comfort zone (think: lyrical, graceful, slow) and totally rocked it out :D Fun fun fun.

Lovin' the storm

Pandora girls!

Pandora Hotelies! :D (That's, like, 1/3 of Pandora haha.)

Photos courtesy of Earl! :D More when I have the time. Don't worry Earl, you'll feature front-page soon ;)

Monday & Tuesday & Today: back to reality ):

Finished up an 18-page business computing report which stressed both me and my poor laptop out. Slept at 3 every night, and so imagine my horror when I woke up this morning at 11 when the paper was (physically) due at the Statler at noon. Bundled up, rushed down, printed my report once wrongly (forgot to make it double sided), printed my report again but with an error this time (my pictures all turned out black), printed my report again and zipped off to submit it with 10 minutes to spare. (:

Other eggciting events

Noteworthy moment #1: Skype-ing with my dearest Smaddyo, who couldn't figure out how to work her webcam ): For some strange reason, I ended up performing strange modern dance bird movements in the middle of my room under the (verbal-only) instruction of Maddy. "Raise your left arm ... 5, 6, 7, 8 ... now wiggle your fingers and lower yourself to the ground ..." Bizarre!!

I <3 Maddy

Noteworthy moment #2: Skype-ing with the family, who have moved into the NEW HOUSE! :D It's really beautiful and I can't wait to go back to a new home and have parties on the rooftop terrace thingy.

Sister says: "when you live in this house it's a very new and special feeling coz of all the glass, i love drawing back the curtains facing the atrium in the morning, and opening my eyes to soft daylight, and peering downstairs to see who's up. it's all very exhibitionist and open, you can even see the silhouettes of the parents when they bathe, but they don't know yet hahaha and i shant tell them sekali they shy."

Sister's hilarious. House's gorgeous (though in a mess at the moment).

Noteworthy moment #3: I was getting ready for bed at about 3 am, when Pebbly suddenly told me to look out my window because it was really pretty outside. So I did, and it was snowing really really hard, and we impulsively decided to go and play in the snow. At 3 am. So, I leapt out of my jammies, rushed outside to the courtyard to meet Pebbly, and we made snow angels and our virgin snowman! (As in, it was our first snowman ever.) Really cute. Froze our asses off and retired back to our dorms at 3.30 am. Fun times. Photos another time.

And now ...

... I have a Snow paper to write that's due tomorrow at 10 am, and an OB report due Monday, Business Computing final on Friday, Human Development final next Thursday, and Micro-Econ final on Friday. And that will be the end of the term.


Break over, back to work.