30 October, 2007

*475 - missing home

I suddenly remembered the day Smaddyo and I danced beside the swimming pool in our swim suits in the rain, just so that we could legitimately say that we have "danced in the rain".

Randomly missing all my friends now. I know I haven't been here for even 3 months and I need to give it time, but it's still kind of depressing sometimes when I need to talk or need to do something bizarre or need a shoulder to cry on and don't quite know who to turn to. I love my friends who keep me sane (or otherwise :D ) here - the Hotelies, the Singaporeans, the randoms - but it's friendship on a different level.

I shouldn't think so much.

Anyway, yesterday's "yawn, maybe after dinner" statement proved true. I flipped through my notes for an hour or so at night. Went for classes this morning, crawled back to my dorm to sleep, went back to the Statler at about 4, studied intermittently between then and 7 while being distracted by (mostly) Earl and my turkey panini. Panicked in the midst of the prelim at the one question that I just could NOT solve for the longest time ever, only to have Dr. C march in to tell us that the values were wrong, panicked even more when I still couldn't solve anything, only to have Dr. C march in again to tell us to just cross out the entire question.

I'm happy, and sad, and this is unrelated to the above paragraph.